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Run Away! - Halo Reach Screenshot

 When danger reared it's ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. 
 When danger reared it's ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. 

Killtrocity with Sword (bonus Slice 'n Dice)
Killtrocity with Sword (bonus Slice 'n Dice)
I thought this was a neat screen, given that I'd just taken out 5 other players with the sword before this guy got wise and tried to vamoose.  Unfortunately for him, I was using Sprint as my AA.  I lunged for the kill just after the screen cap for the Killtrocity.  Slice 'N Dice on that kill as well, which was neat.  (Screen to the left.)
This same match I managed to notch a Cutting Crew.  I wasn't even camping with the sword, just ended up being paired with some players who didn't care about avoiding the guy on a tear with the sword and not too smart about following me around corners.  Two instances where I got lucky and an opponent opted to shot at a guy near me instead of me.  This allowed me to kill the shootee, followed by the shooter.