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The games I loved in 2018

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Hildegard Krieger von Bingen is a game developer, musician, and archivist based in New Jersey. When she's not being your problematic fave @bingengames on Twitter, she can be heard impersonating the ghost of George H.W. Bush on Strawbiery, dropping certified neo-folk bangers in space, and teasing games at bingengames.

9. WarioWare Gold

I never had WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! I never had WarioWare: Twisted! I never had Smooth Moves or Snapped or D.I.Y. or Game & Wario. WarioWare: Touched! was the game that hooked me on this series. I unlocked every single toy and unlockable in Touched! and since then I've wanted to play the previous games. To do so would require me

8. Yoku's Island Express

7. Tetris Effect

I was gifted this game on Christmas day (Thank you, Grammy). I've played less than an hour of Tetris Effect but it's had a huge effect on me.

6. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

I bought this game because I was jealous of some online friends who already had it and I am terrible at managing money. Playing 2 player vs. 2 CPU with my sister I could tell I appreciated the refinements Ultimate added. But it wasn't until I started World of Light that I realized I had made a great decision buying this and stopped begrudging my impulsive nature.

5. Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall.

This is a cop-out as well as a reluctant pick. As a teenager, I did my best with Civ IV. I should put this game at number 10, because the UI is utterly broken. I'm sure there's a lot going on in there, but this is a game that demands you spend many many hours (at my current measure ~150 minus idling time/leaving it on overnight).

4. Hitman 2

cw for talk about mental illness in the next two entries

3. Celeste

2. Astro Bot Rescue Mission

When I bought a PlayStation VR on Black Friday, I didn't really know what to expect. I bought it because I had some cash to spare and I had heard really good things about Astro Bot, Moss, Thumper (which I had already played in 2D), and SUPERHOT VR The day my headset came my girlfriend, my sister, and I spent a few hours playing with VR demos, not feeling especially impressed. But the very first moment I saw my little robot friend in Astro Bot, I made an audible, "Awwww."

Since being diagnosed with an acute panic disorder and PTSD, I have become acutely aware of the ways

1. Corvo Attano Krieger

That's it for 2018. At some point I'd like to play Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War,

Professionally I'm hoping to enter a Post-Baccalaureate program to prepare myself for a career in veterinarian care . Here's to another year of surviving adversity, making the best of tough situations, and making the best art we can. Stop reading, go sweebo.

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