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Dear reader

  So. You are the internet. We've seen each other from afar, I believe, you not terribly interested and me not terribly caring. Our non-existent relationship may be the result of alienation or fear. Then there is the tiny fact that you may store anything I might say and bring it up against me years later. It happens. And that irks me.
Now, if we are going to pursue some sort of understanding, I want you to know this; I've watched for a long time, and still don't quite see the charm of interacting with you. Quite frankly, it would be better for the both of us if I remain the silently watching shadow in the corner of your eye. Sometimes I may speak, and it won't be terribly clever or interesting. But that remark indicates that at least I try.
So do me this favour. If something I do or say provokes you, shut the f*ck up.