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Best of 2009

zkillz: Best of 2009

List items

  • not technically released this year, but i pre-ordered it and spent more time with this than any other game

  • what can you say about this game. non-stop action

  • if you take a gander at the wiki to figure out this games systems, its shroud of mystery is lifted and it becomes a fun and rewarding expirience

  • got it on steam and proceeded to play it for 52 hours over 3 days. one of my favorite RPG expiriences ever

  • datending.jpg

  • previously a NFS kind of racing game player, forza 3 eases you into learning how a racing game should be, and looks amazing while doing it

  • the best super hero game i've played (i haven't played batman yet)

  • an amazing, beautiful interactive expirience

  • an expertly crafted diablo 1 clone, that improves where it can, and is only missing features that you would expect a 20 dollar game would be missing.

  • any year that an arcade fighter plane game comes out is a good year. maybe we'll get Ace combat 7 soon.