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Fable 3: My first impressions... Poor little chicken.

This kingdom needs a revolution... This kingdom needs a hero.
The land of Albion, 50 years after your previous adventures as a Hero, seems to have changed drastically. There seems to have been some kind of Industrial Revolution across the entire of Albion, and poverty seems to be more of a major concept in this game than it was in Fable 2. The opening sequence to the game was an awesome way to give you a taste of what your Kingdom is now like, and how much it has changed under the reign of your over-protective and manipulative brother, Logan.
When you finally get to start playing, after watching a rather amusing chicken on his adventures around Albion, you get to grips with the feel of the game, which is still very similar to that of Fable 2. Although, There is no health bar, you do not enter any type battle in the first 10-20 minutes, but surely this would be some comfort to see how close to death you are when you do eventually enter combat?
Another change is the interaction with characters in and around Albion, instead of having to target a citizen the RT/LT, it's a simple click of A and simply choosing which action you would prefer to take using the controllers' buttons. Which seems to me, a lot easier than messing around choosing them in a circle with multiple menus to go through. One thing I have picked up on, which infuriated me to the point where I turned off my Xbox, is the fact the Start Button seems to function as two different things... One being that you can return to your Fathers Sanctuary, the other to get the games main menu. I wanted save the game, but spent 10-15 minutes pissing around, flitting back and forth between a snowy mountain and the Sanctuary. Annoying.
I still love that all the textures and the look of the world you are exploring, has been carried on from Fable 2, and the people you encounter on your journey seem to resemble and have similar qualities to those from 50 years ago. I also like that your one 'friend' is still a faithful dog, It seems to be some kind of comfort to have a constant companion during your trials and tribulations as you strive to start a Revolution, over throw your brother and take his place as The King/Queen of Albion.
For now this shall be my Review of my first gameplay of Fable 3, mainly because I'm shattered and want to watch the rest of Heroes. 

Bidding you goodnight.

Working my way up from the bottom? Is it really necessary?

My second blog in one day? Sweet. I've been thinking about the games that I want to play to be able to get back into gaming, and have come up with a list consisting of games which are new and ones I just haven't played: Assassins Creed- Brotherhood, Bioshock 2, Dead Rising 2, Fallout- New Vegas (when not so buggy), Red Dead Redemption (I'll never understand why I never played this!?) and Borderlands (which I played then lost motivation). So that concludes my list if games, any other ones you can suggest would be much appreciated. 
Update on the 'Love life' situation, for anyone who read my last blog, I'm getting the sinking feeling that the Ex, just isn't that interested in being with me or being friends. Which kinda sucks to be honest, but I guess it can't be helped if he just doesn't give a damn :/ ...
I work at a 'Vue' cinema, and today was utter shite. I got called in early for no reason what so over, shouted at by customers because their film wasn't in 3D and just missed some angry drunkards as I went out for a fag at the end of my shift. Not to mention it was busy as he'll because if Paranormal Activity 2... Which I'm to scared to go and see :( and have another 35-36 hours if this over the next 5-6 days. Joyous. 
I've recently dyed my hair 4 different colours (light brown to red, red to blonde, blonde to Ginger, Ginger to black/dark brown) and am now thinking of a new colour, if any one reading this has seen the picture of me on my profile, I'm thinking of going just a bit darker than that again, but not sure :/ 

Anyway, till next time.
Zoe out.

Here we go again...

So i'm back after a 3-4 month break of gaming after a break up with an Ex, I've missed gaming a lot, I used to be able to game for hours on end... now, not so much. Really need to find some good games to start myself off again on Xbox. So tha'ts probably one aim of this blog to be honest.   

For the months i've been away from Giant Bomb, i've worked my ass off to forget about my Ex (who ironically uses GB as well...), and get some money behind me so I can buy a Laptop and new camera for my graphic design course i'm hoping to take in 2011. I love my art, it's the one thing that can help me through anything... but it sucks when you get a creative block, which seems to be happening a lot lately because of all the shit that's been happening at work. I can't even be arsed to explain the situation, only because i'm not even sure how i'm involved. APPARENTLY  it's because they're trying to look out for me... for some reason i dont think that's true. 
Since breaking up with 'The Ex', i've had another boyfriend and that just wasn't right to me. I rushed into it because I still had feelings for my Ex, but couldn't tell him that because he kept telling me he loved me, so I just said I needed my space. This doesn't make me a bad person does it? 
It would have been wrong to carry on the relationship whilst thinking of the Ex, and I wasn't in the same place he was anyway. And what makes it worse, is that when we went out together, i'd always think of when me and my Ex used to go there together, and those memories were better than the new ones... Now i'm back in contact with my Ex which is great, not because we're getting back together just because he is still the only person I can talk to.

So this is my first blog, the next ones will be more interesting, I just dont really have much to discuss right now except for my 'love-life' and getting back into games. 