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  • Zuffering posted a message on the post S02E24: Glad we stuffed this podcast with magazines.

    I adore this fight in due to all the silliness of it. The knife throwing and road roller are so iconic.This show doesn't even have rails to go off of anymoreIn terms of DIO's death, I'm fairly certain...

  • Zuffering posted a message on the post S02E06: Does This Look Infected?.

    I think the weird pose J Geil lands on the gate in after being turned into a pin cushion by Polnareff is in reference to the actual tarot card for The Hanged Man.In the card it shows the man hanging u...

  • Zuffering posted a message on the post S02E05: Big Boys With Big Feelings.

    Ah yes. Jeff and his stand Pinball Wizard