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iHack ‘n iSlash

Hack and Slash Role Playing Games. Diablo, Dungeon Siege, Titan Quest. Clickety-clickety-click.

Why are these carpal tunnel syndrome inducing clickfests so much fun you ask? Because of the treasure of course! The lingering hope for that slightly sharper longsword. The unending dream of bulkier and spikier armor. The hypnotizing knowledge that the next kill could reward you with even more dragonslaying magic jewels.

Chasing that carrot on a stick is mad fun!

Phat lewt!

All that deliciousness can now be enjoyed on your iPhone. Just go and download Underworlds from the App store! It’s simple, it’s fun, it looks great, and after the latest content patch it even controls decently.

I’m currently at level 7 and am having a great time. I put most of my Stat points in Strength and Constitution, because the game started out just a little bit difficult.
Be prepared to blow most of your first pennies on health potions, because they hardly drop (for me anyway). You can always use a teleport rune to go to the shop and buy/sell stuff.
It pays off to upgrade the Berserk Feat (attack multiple targets) as soon as possible, because fighting multiple enemies at once is the thing that will get you killed in the beginning. The problem is that you will register a lot of misses until, say, level 5. And with multiple reanimated pixel corpses punching you in the medievil face, that’s not very helpful. After the last content patch it also pays off to put extra points in Dexterity to increase your hit rating.

I’ll keep you updated on the higher levels, meanwhile, check out these screens!

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