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    Remember Me

    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Jun 04, 2013

    Remember Me is a futuristic game set in Neo-Paris. The protagonist, Nilin, is up against a tyrant company, Memorize, with the technology to manipulate people's memory to their will. It is up to Nilin and her friends to fight against Memorize to break the bind it has on society.

    niko_legara's Remember Me (PlayStation 3) review

    Avatar image for niko_legara

    Remember Me has promise, but it fell short to it being a truly amazing game.

    Right of the bat I love the atmosphere in this game, the neo-Paris setting is gorgeous. The concept art, graphics and visual setting is all beautiful. The story is where it fell short, or at least how they presented it, more questions little answers type deal. Combat comes with a unique set up where you customize your own combos to acquire different feats (more power, health regen, etc.) which was interesting. It’s a brawler none the least with a counter system, it works but it didn’t feel quite polished as it could be. The memory hacking was a really cool system that I wished I saw more off and that it would play an more important role instead of feeling as some type of linear mini-game. Play it purely to get immerse in the art and world of the game, but don’t expect much in anything else.

    Remember me is a game that had so much potential but not enough oomph to make it truly, well remembering.


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