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    Sam & Max Episode 202: Moai Better Blues

    Game » consists of 2 releases. Released Jan 10, 2008

    Fresh from defeating Santa Claus, Sam & Max return to deal with some strange, volcanic goings-on in the mysterious Easter Island.

    adrenaline's Sam & Max Episode 202: Moai Better Blues (PC) review

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    Sam & Max Episode 202: Moai Better Blues

    The second episode of the season continues to tweak the formula slightly, and you really start seeing the seeds of Telltale building a story that connects it all together. Season one was built around a mind control plot, but the episodes generally stood on their own without much reference to the others. Season two shows more continuity and teases what's coming next after the credits. The second episodes features some Bermuda Triangle teleporters, an island to explore, and baby versions of various missing famous people.  The humor wasn't as spot on as it's been, but it was still mostly enjoyable.  The puzzles still don't always click right away, and it's frustrating when a solution is difficult due to just missing a small item somewhere, but I appreciate them even when I need help to figure it out.  More soon!

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