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Endurance Run

Endurance Run: Chrono Trigger - Part 26

Round two. FIGHT!

Vinny and Jeff sit down and take a crack at the latest game in the Shin Megami Tensei series. Will they make it through the entire game?

Jan. 2 2012

Cast: Ryan, Patrick

Posted by: Thomas

In This Episode:

Chrono Trigger


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Edited By Feldheim_C

5 minutes after signing up for the site and already interesting stuff to watch.

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Edited By YoThatLimp

@Feldheim_C said:

5 minutes after signing up for the site and already interesting stuff to watch.

Welcome to the mad house.

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Edited By NathHaw

I don't care what anybody says: Patrick, keep humming.

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Edited By Elazul

@nrh79: @K9:

Awesome, thanks guys! Those are both so great that I just spent two hours listening to a bunch of different versions of that track. Here are a few of my favorites:

And last but not least:

Man, Chrono Trigger music is friggin' great. I need to download some of these.

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Edited By Max_Hydrogen

@thebigJ_A said:

@Max_Hydrogen said:

"I'd say that's accomplishments."

This episode reminds me of the work I'm doing. Science is not what the masses think it is and it is also not superior to other methods of investigation. The way they start off by theorizing a process to defeat Giga Gaia and then apply their theory and having it falsified is science; their being scientific. Science isn't Bunsen burners and omega-3 etc. The faith in science is not what science really is and science has nothing to do with technological development.

Anyway... Batrick! For FUCK'S sake, stop imitating the music with your voice! It's incredibly ANNOYING! Why do you do that?! The last thing this ER needs is you ruining some of the best VG music ever! Seriously..

Bunsen burners are tools used in science, technology is the net product of scientific discovery, so of course it has to do with science.

Science is a methodology for uncovering reality in the natural world, far and away the best, most successful method of investigation humans have ever come up with. I defy you to name something better. Blind faith? Guesswork? Don't be silly.

And settle down on the music thing. People have always hummed along with tunes. It's not annoying in the slightest to most. If you love the music so much you want to hear it in its purest form, download it and listen to your heart's content.

Ha ha! You talk of science yet you claim a priori that Batrick's mouth-organ is not annoying to "most". And just how do you know that Mr. Science? Did you ask everyone then count? Then HOW DO YOU KNOW? Is that how science is carried out, by invoking an unseen majority because the majority is always right? Ha ha! Way to contradict yourself mon Empereur.

You talk of "blind faith" and yet that is EXACTLY what you have! You have faith in science ha ha! "Technology is the net product of scientific discovery". Bullshit, did our paleolithic ancestors apply a scientific method in their tool construction? Or how about animals? Animals learn to use tools by themselves, is that scientific? Natural investigation doesn't need to be scientific and in fact can really hinder learning and discovery. How can plants maneuver their way around the environment and change accordingly including extending their roots in the direction where they can find more nutrients in the soil? Do plants formulate falsifiable theories and them test them under laboratory conditions yielding the same same results anywhere, anytime? It seems to me that the interplay of force and matter is merely reacting to the interplay of other force and matter which is also what human beings are. Science, like religion is an idea formulated by the human cognitive ability and they are both used in the same way for the same reason.

Hey, Napoleon Dynamite, the Bunsen burner is not a tool used in science, it is a tool used in chemistry. One can practice chemistry according to one scientific method or another but chemistry is not science: science is a method.

"Science is a methodology for uncovering reality in the natural world". Now who's being "silly"? Reality (whatever that is) is the purview of philosophy, not science. Again, scientific faith violates demarcation. "Reality"? Like Einstein's theory of a Static Universe... which was wrong. Einstein... was... wrong...? Shhh! Don't tell the believers because when you take away the colorful image of the godhead, the worshipful get violent.

Why do you declare a priori that I haven't downloaded the Chrono Trigger OST? HOW DO YOU KNOW? Of course I have and of course I listen to it to my heart's content. What kind of a scientist are you? How does listening to that music on my own time make Batrick any less annoying? Well...? How does one statement correlate with the other Beakman? Don't tell me to settle down; you're the one upset because I spoke irreverently about your deeply held beliefs that you use to vainly promote yourself and aggressively denounce others but don't worry; your Freedom to Worship is protected.

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Edited By k9

@Elazul said:

@nrh79: @K9:

Awesome, thanks guys! Those are both so great that I just spent two hours listening to a bunch of different versions of that track. Here are a few of my favorites:

And last but not least:

Man, Chrono Trigger music is friggin' great. I need to download some of these.

Hey, if you are a fan of catchy minimalist tunes and instrumental music I can recommend two excellent albums that came out recently.

Salon Des Amateurs, by Hauschka

Dive, by Tycho:

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Edited By rethla

@Tsuchikage said:

I think Bobo should have been equipped with an accessory that would boost his speed since he's the healer. You always need to have the healer ready to heal as quickly as possible just in case something goes wrong.

Theres an endless stream of bad ideas from patrick

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Edited By Tactless

did blue dragon recapture some of the fun of this game?

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Edited By Elazul

@K9: Thanks for the recommendations man, those are both great. That second track in particular is really fantastic.

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Edited By bkbroiler

@nrh79 said:

I don't care what anybody says: Patrick, keep humming.

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Edited By BisonHero

It's amazing how much harder you can make that fight if your JRPG hoarder reflexes don't kick in, and make you hold on to those Ruby Vests you got in 65,000,000 BC that significantly reduce fire damage. The sheer number of times Ryan goes to the armour screen and briefly checks Red Vest, only looks at the defense number, then immediately moves on.

Also, I love the complete lack of acknowledgement that Melchior is the one they're rescuing, but he doesn't recognize them because they don't meet him until 1000 AD.

I still love how Melchior is pretty much the character design of Master Roshi, except wearing a hat or something.

And it sounds like they don't realize the 2poch can't fly at the moment, and is completely stationary. Calling it the "Wings of Time" is misleading, since it doesn't fly until a later upgrade. I can't recall, but I bet the DS retranslates that as something that is less misleading.

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I spent about 5 or 10 minutes trying to figure out how to make the ship fly around, before turning to the internet and finding out exactly that.

And my strategy of killing the one hand that revives the head so it couldn't and also the double attacks stopped, and then just triple raiding the head until the hand came back worked great, no need for ruby vests.

I'm glad to see them finally get worked by a boss. And one that gave me no trouble, even! Their relative luck has been bothering me more than it probably should... And in the end it was Ryan's hubris and impatience which really defeated them.

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@pyromagnestir: Yeah, you can fight the boss without getting fire resist gear, but it helps if you're pretty quick on the draw. Ryan on these menus is like a deer in the headlights, though.

There's some setting in the options where the "enemy select" cursor always stays on the same enemy from the previous turn, which he should've enabled. In some fights, the cursor would always reset to whatever the game considers the first enemy, so every single time Ryan would have to pick out a skill, then move the cursor a couple times.

I'm also pretty sure there's an option that slows down the pacing of Active battle so that everyone's bar fills up slightly slower, though the effect is kind of minor.

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Oh shit! Didn't know about that menu option for the cursor! Gotta remember that.

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Edited By Black_Turtle

The biggest problem with this episode, and run, is that they didn't at all experiment with Techs, or other characters. Ayla makes the beast nest and Giga Gaia one of the easiest sections in the game, because Falcon Hit is just so goddamn OP here.