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Quick Look: Dead Island: Ryder White & Arena DLC

Brad and Patrick skip their flight to Moribund Peninsula in order to see what the denizens of Dead Island are up to nowadays.

Sit back and enjoy as the Giant Bomb team takes an unedited look at the latest video games.

Feb. 1 2012

Cast: Brad, Patrick

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In This Episode:

Dead Island


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Edited By leebmx

@Ventilaator said:

@leebmx: You go ahead and use the "But it came out 6 months ago" excuse as you go and spoil games in the forums. I want to see how far you get before you're banned for life for being a dick.

Sure and I would deserve to be banned if I went about spamming forums with spoilers. But I think if you are watching a quick look for DLC for a 6 month old game or for a sequel to a 2 year old game its a bit foolish not to expect them to talk about the previous games.

I am sure if it was a fantastic twist ending like Bioshock they would be a bit more careful but knowing that the island gets nuked at the end of Dead Island really isn't going to ruin your enjoyment of the game one bit.

I think you have to understand that the users who are mostly being catered for in a quick look for DLC or a sequel are people who have played the previous content - you can''t even buy the DLC unless you have the original game, and they need to be able to explain how the new content follows on or fits in. It seems the people crying spoilers are being a little over sensitive - what's been ruined really?

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Edited By ventilaator

@leebmx said:

@Ventilaator said:

@leebmx: You go ahead and use the "But it came out 6 months ago" excuse as you go and spoil games in the forums. I want to see how far you get before you're banned for life for being a dick.

I think you have to understand that the users who are mostly being catered for in a quick look for DLC or a sequel are people who have played the previous content - you can''t even buy the DLC unless you have the original game, and they need to be able to explain how the new content follows on or fits in. It seems the people crying spoilers are being a little over sensitive - what's been ruined really?

First of all, "They need to explain how the new content follows on or fits in"

That was exactly my original problem. Every spoiler in this video is rather irrelevant and easily avoidable. They could just show the new character and everyone who played the original game goes "Oh, that's the bad guy" while everyone who didn't goes "Oh, that's a dude"

Spoilers avoided.

And what exactly did the "Island gets nuked" comment explain about this DLC? Brad was speculating out loud what the "button" line in the video meant and spoiled the original game while he was at it. That's kind of dumb. I don't even care about Dead Island so I'm not arguing here because he ruined my potential experience, I just find it ridiculous how Brad is first in line to run out of the room if someone looks like he is going to spoil something that's several years old, while he himself throws spoilers out all willy-nilly.

I'll also call bullshit on you saying that the QL is for people interested in the DLC. I'm sure a great majority of people are watching Quick Looks because of the funny commentary. Jeff even said that the Quick Looks are kind of like the Bombcast but they are also playing a game. And this video featured Brad getting killed over and over again while getting increasingly pissed off - the entertainment value applies even if you are not necessarily actively interested in the DLC.

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Edited By Christoffer

@jred250 said:

I love Patrick, but it really does raise the question of where the fuck are Ryan, Jeff and Vinny?

I know Vinny has a lot of video production work, but I would really like to see them hire someone to take over a portion of the behind the scenes work so we get to see him more often.

But then, what are Ryan and Jeff doing?

Ryan: Still working on editing the Bombcast!

Jeff: I've got some serious senior editorial work going on!

(In reality, both are secretly working on acquiring Saint's Row IP from THQ)

The answer to all your questions:

Patrick knows (mostly) what he talks about and doesn't derail as much as the rest of the crew. And that's why he's trusted with this kind of content.

And as much as I love the GB staff, I love Patricks perspective on games. I just wished he had a tad more confidence. Don't let anyone talk over you, Patrick!

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Edited By leebmx

@Ventilaator said:

@leebmx said:

@Ventilaator said:

@leebmx: You go ahead and use the "But it came out 6 months ago" excuse as you go and spoil games in the forums. I want to see how far you get before you're banned for life for being a dick.

I think you have to understand that the users who are mostly being catered for in a quick look for DLC or a sequel are people who have played the previous content - you can''t even buy the DLC unless you have the original game, and they need to be able to explain how the new content follows on or fits in. It seems the people crying spoilers are being a little over sensitive - what's been ruined really?

First of all, "They need to explain how the new content follows on or fits in"

That was exactly my original problem. Every spoiler in this video is rather irrelevant and easily avoidable. They could just show the new character and everyone who played the original game goes "Oh, that's the bad guy" while everyone who didn't goes "Oh, that's a dude"

Spoilers avoided.

And what exactly did the "Island gets nuked" comment explain about this DLC? Brad was speculating out loud what the "button" line in the video meant and spoiled the original game while he was at it. That's kind of dumb. I don't even care about Dead Island so I'm not arguing here because he ruined my potential experience, I just find it ridiculous how Brad is first in line to run out of the room if someone looks like he is going to spoil something that's several years old, while he himself throws spoilers out all willy-nilly.

I'll also call bullshit on you saying that the QL is for people interested in the DLC. I'm sure a great majority of people are watching Quick Looks because of the funny commentary. Jeff even said that the Quick Looks are kind of like the Bombcast but they are also playing a game. And this video featured Brad getting killed over and over again while getting increasingly pissed off - the entertainment value applies even if you are not necessarily actively interested in the DLC.

I see what you mean and you make some good points.

I guess it just comes down to expectations really, as far as I am concerned if I go to a quick look or whatever about a old game I expect there to be spoilers about and I don't really mind. If I had really wanted to play Dead Island and hadn't got round to it I would have probably avoided watching this Quick Look (for example I didn't watch any Skyrim stuff till i'd played the game and it will be the same for Mass Effect 3).

I think if you are worried about spoiling a game you are looking forward to playing you probably shouldn't watch content about it which is produced a good time after release date and I think people are far too precious about this. However that's just my expectation. Otherwise where does it end - are they allowed to talk about endings to 3 year old games - games on previous consoles - or do you think all spoilers are wrong under all circumstances - i'd be interested to know? There has to be somewhere we can discuss games in full.

Also i'll say again what did Brad actually spoil here - nothing really. It's a super dumb ending to a game whose plot may as well be - "Zombies!!!!" I think he would have more respect for a game which took its narrative more seriously. Play the game and then tell me whether what you know damaged your experience - I really don't think it would make any difference.

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Edited By BitterAlmond

Remind me again how this game isn't Left 4 Dead with xp points.

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Edited By MadMagyar92

This is one of the few times where I don't blame Brad for dying a ton. Seriously, who the hell thought it was a good idea to have constantly spawning runners coming from BEHIND you on a linear path?!

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Edited By devitiffany

I'm one of the few who actually played the entire game solo and really enjoyed it that way. I had the same problem Brad is having in the main game that the Ryder White DLC seems to have. Every time I was focusing on a horde of enemies an Infected would just randomly spawn behind me and take off half my health. Sad to see they amped that aspect up in the DLC. It's nice that they're adding more story stuff in the game though.

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette
@cyraxible said:

@Dark_Lord_Spam: Why respond to me? My comment was in regards to Patrick and Brad's comments on how the game is dramatically worse after the first area because they don't have wide open spaces to route infected, which is not needed because you get better weapons/mods and learn how to manage large crowds of zombies while staying alive. Clearly something Brad failed to pick up on and holds it against the game.

Unless I'm completely tone-deaf, the reason they thought the game became dramatically worse is because after the resort locale they lost the openness/freedom of gameplay that they had found to be the most engaging thing about the package, not the increase in difficulty.
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Edited By BisonHero

@BitterAlmond said:

Remind me again how this game isn't Left 4 Dead with xp points.

It very loosely is, with the 4 pre-defined co-op characters, and the fact that the kick move is just like the shove move in L4D. But Dead Island is much more focused on melee weapons, and has weapon durability, and lets you carry multiple medkits, and is at least somewhat more open-ended, and has vehicles.

It still boggles my mind that Brad legitimately gets excited if a game has coloured-coded loot and "Legendary Sharp" awkward names "of the Bear" and damage numbers flying off of enemies. I remember going back and playing Diablo II in the mid-2000s, and thinking the colour-coded loot seemed arcadey and already quite dated, but now it's apparently more popular than ever.

Borderlands did it well, I guess, but lots of lesser games have used that system as well (All Zombies Must Die, Dead Island), and the mere act of including those sorts of arcade-RPG systems seems to make Brad auto-like those games. I just don't get the appeal.

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Edited By Bwgmon

I'm so angry that they spoiled the ending to a 6-month old game I had no interest in playing immediately after they said they were going to talk about spoilers. Don't you know that, 4 years from now, I might find this for like $6 at Gamestop and happen to have a renewed interest in zombies at roughly the same time?

The nerve of some people!

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Edited By MisterMouse

I actually really hate infinite spawns...

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Edited By Tan

"I'm going to spoil it"



This DLC looks pretty bad. Infinitely spawning enemies all around is the dumbest thing.

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Edited By MisterMouse

@Flappy said:

Uh...Wow. I already knew GB had its fair share of whiny folk, but these comments are pretty bad. Try to tone it down, 'kay?

Getting back to the point of this QL, I think it did its job well. It was informative, featured people that enjoyed the base game, and had lots of Brad deaths. Keep it up, GB.

Yeah the whining seems to be at an all time high recently, and in the comments for this video.

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Edited By MisterMouse

I would have never played Dead Island so thank you Brad for letting me know what happens in the end... I am completely serious guys. Thought I would balance out all of the hate for him spoiling the ending.

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Edited By NegativeCero

I had no interest in this game, so the spoiler isn't a big deal, but I really hope Brad doesn't make it a habit. This makes Final Fantasy XIII and Dead Island that I know of now. If it isn't necessary for the quick look, then spoilers shouldn't be mentioned.

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As hard as I usually am on anything Brad does, those Infected type zombies are one of the most irritating enemy types in any video game ever made. Dealing with them in the main game was one thing, but seeing infinite spawns of entire groups of them is fucking crazy, so Brad dying a lot was really understandable.
I will say, though, that I played through the entire game with the stamina change, and it never presented a problem. You really shouldn't be able to just infinitely kick. But everything else Brad said and did he was understandable and fair.

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Edited By WinterSnowblind

I don't care enough about the game to be bothered by the spoilers, but yeah, seems like they could have simply not been mentioned here and we still could have followed what was happening fine.

As for this DLC, it seems pretty disappointing. Like they were saying, Dead Island was most appealing with its wide open areas and co-op features. Why would they make more content focusing on the aspects people didn't like?

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Edited By Hoecake

As much as Brads whining can be annoying at times I felt his complaints were justified in this QL. I enjoyed Dead island alot, mostly because I was playing it coop through the entire game, but here they strip out both that and leveling then place you in the worst parts of the game. The arena DLC looks interesting though. Might pick it up if it comes on sale.

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Edited By fentonalpha

Correct me if I'm wrong..actually don't.... but I'm almost certain he explained that he was going to spoil the ending. I've had a lot of ending spoiled over the years, the end of Dead Island is no masterpiece. Besides... there's a number of facts and details he left out that have to do with what actually happened on the island. Things you may not even notice in one sitting of the game.

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Edited By kmg90

@beard_of_zeus said:

@Asger said:

I bought the game new, so how do I get the Arena for free? Can't see a code anywhere.

They were mistaken, it only comes with the "Special Edition" of the game, not all new copies.

@gbrading said:

So they took all the worst aspects of Dead Island and distilled them into one piece of DLC? Are they insane?

Yup, seems like it. It's almost incomprehensible. Patrick might be right that maybe Techland has no idea what makes their games good. Dead Island proper and the second Call of Juarez were both quite enjoyable, but then they put out some garbage DLC and make Call of Juarez: The Cartel (blech). Baffling.

Couldn't of said it better, Techland is one of the most inconsistent developers in the industry

The first CoZ was meh, the sequel was surprisingly improved and actually pretty good (until Red Dead came out) then they threw it all out for a shallow Western-themed Call of Duty with unlikeable characters

Then Dead Island comes around, it has a pretty rocky release with dev builds, unjoinable co-op and a bunch of glitches that actually made the game fun and some what tolerable. Then they patch the glitches and add some questionable mechanics (kicking without stamina cost made the combat somewhat manageable)

Then the DLC that should have added more meat to the story but instead puts all the issues the main campaign had and make it the 95% of the game-play without co-op or leveling. Way to burn the fan-base.

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Edited By napalm

How dumb are those character archetypes? 
@jred250 said:

I know Vinny has a lot of video production work, but I would really like to see them hire someone to take over a portion of the behind the scenes work so we get to see him more often.

I am quoting this so you can read it yourself and realize how creepy you sound.
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Edited By dragonstillborn

Ugh, did you really have to spoil the ending?  Couldn't you have just said something like "he's a very prominent character in the campaign?"

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Edited By ItsAJackal

@Napalm said:

How dumb are those character archetypes?

@jred250 said:

I know Vinny has a lot of video production work, but I would really like to see them hire someone to take over a portion of the behind the scenes work so we get to see him more often.

I am quoting this so you can read it yourself and realize how creepy you sound.

How is this creepy? Vinny is by far the fan favorite on this site.

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Edited By CaptainInvictus

@Napalm said:

How dumb are those character archetypes?

@jred250 said:

I know Vinny has a lot of video production work, but I would really like to see them hire someone to take over a portion of the behind the scenes work so we get to see him more often.

I am quoting this so you can read it yourself and realize how creepy you sound.

It's not creepy to want to see one of the best people on the site do more videos. You're kinda dumb!

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Edited By PhilipDuck

@CaptainInvictus: @CaptainInvictus said:

@Napalm said:

How dumb are those character archetypes?

@jred250 said:

I know Vinny has a lot of video production work, but I would really like to see them hire someone to take over a portion of the behind the scenes work so we get to see him more often.

I am quoting this so you can read it yourself and realize how creepy you sound.

Yeah I wouldn't say you were being creepy dude, Vinny is the best in videos, you can tell he enjoys playing through games allot and doesn't like to stop playing, and he's a good laugh. Don't get me wrong I still love everyone else's QL's etc. i just think Vinny does a great job every time.

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Edited By Majkiboy

Geez guys, use the fucking guns, you are a soldier! You are meant to shoot the hordes of zombies!

To be fair though, the game might not be spelling that out for you well enough. Also the insane spawning of zombies seems dumb. But otherwise, I like what I see, a survival horror game

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Edited By caseyg

And people complain about Dark Souls being hard...

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Edited By Tuznecote

Lol! I love how they gave up halfway through the dlc. Yeah sadly I gave up on this game during the city. I liked the city but grew tired.

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Hah, they can't spell Afghanistan. 

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Edited By landhawk

Has there ever been a game where the sewers weren't the absolute worst part of it?

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Edited By mrcraggle

I'd say Patrick is right on about Techland. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood was actually a pretty good game that had a great sense of its environment and it only made sense for them to capitalise on the popularity of Red Dead Redemption and True Grit yet they went ahead and took all that stuff out and just made a crappy shooter in a modern setting. I'll be surprised if the next Dead Island contains any zombies the way they approach sequels.

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Edited By Hellstrom

@caseyg said:

And people complain about Dark Souls being hard...

Dead Island isn't hard. He's just horrible at playing lol. He doesn't even jump and kick. Everyone knows jump + kick instantly knocks down zombies and works well for crowd control.

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Edited By Ghostiet
@mrcraggle said:

I'd say Patrick is right on about Techland. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood was actually a pretty good game that had a great sense of its environment and it only made sense for them to capitalise on the popularity of Red Dead Redemption and True Grit yet they went ahead and took all that stuff out and just made a crappy shooter in a modern setting. I'll be surprised if the next Dead Island contains any zombies the way they approach sequels.

Bound in Blood actually came out a year before Red Dead Redemption and True Grit. Still, it was a very good game IMO. The Cartel, alongside Red Faction Armageddon is probably one of the most baffling sequel decisions ever.
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Edited By Supercancer

@LandHawk said:

Has there ever been a game where the sewers weren't the absolute worst part of it?

Hmm... maybe Freedom Fighters? At least for a while...

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Edited By mewarmo990

@Majkiboy said:

Geez guys, use the fucking guns, you are a soldier! You are meant to shoot the hordes of zombies!

To be fair though, the game might not be spelling that out for you well enough. Also the insane spawning of zombies seems dumb. But otherwise, I like what I see, a survival horror game

I thought guns were pretty scarce in this game?

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This doesn't look good at all. It's as if corporate sent a letter to Techland saying "People LOVED the story and hated the co-op and leveling in the main game. Nerf all that shit and make more story!".

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Edited By Slayer78

My favorite weapon clipping into the environment, thus making itself impossible to pick up again, and respawing Infected killed this game for me. Had a blast until ze shit hit the fan.

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Edited By mrcalifonte

after the crap he put me through, i dont care about his wife

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Edited By Slayer78

I refute my last comment, not entirely, but I managed to find joy in the game again. Thanks to visiting the resort and looting some fine weapons, plus a wad of money, I came back stronger than ever before; this time cutting down zombies and shooting up heads with ease. Even hordes. My will to explore evaporated when reaching the jungle, wish I did, but I nonetheless finished the game. Riptide!

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skip every patrick video like it's a religion

unfunny pubehead