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    Velvet Assassin

    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Apr 30, 2009

    Sabotage the brutal Nazi regime in this World War II stealth action game inspired by the adventures of a real-life British secret agent.

    mikeinsc's Velvet Assassin (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for mikeinsc

    Truly Terrible Game

    Even the early stealth games weren't as tedious as this affair is. While the main character looks nice and I do like the environments, the AI of the enemies is baffling and the game is just another in a long line of the usual "trial and error" gameplay, which is a sign of very broken design. No game should be IMPOSSIBLE to beat on your first playthrough. It should be difficult to do so, but not impossible and this game is impossible.

    Taking the role of a British spy who, legitimately, did nothing in real life in the war (she was, sadly, captured and tortured and eventually killed by the Nazis). The game being a somewhat delusional flashback from a woman who is basically in a coma is a clever idea...but an idea doesn't overcome bad gameplay.

    I saw lots of well-deserved criticisms of Vampire Rain and I feel the same complaints of Rain fit Assassin as well. If you're caught, you're effectively dead as your knife is near useless and ammo is just a little less common than platinum.

    The game is borderline unplayable. I have seldom been this frustrated at a game. I can't recommend the game less than I am. The only game as bad as this is the before mentioned Vampire Rain. Last gen stealth games, even the best one, aren't this bad.


    Other reviews for Velvet Assassin (Xbox 360)

      Sent out to die. 0

      The former head of the UN, Kofi Annan, once said that war is always a catastrophe, and even though that was the general view of World War 2 stealth title Velvet Assassin, the game itself has much more in common with this view of conflict than nearly all other games set between 1939 and 1945.Developed by German outfit Replay Studios, Velvet Assassin is the rarest of things; an anti-war game. Much has been made of the graphic violence seen in many of today’s games, not to mention violence ag...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Killing Me Stealthily With Her Knife 0

      Violette Summer is one Bad-Ass (Yet, Respectable) Lead Character.+Nice Story,Music and Atmosphere+Ability to improve character over time+Respectable Female protagonist-Basic Stealth game with Heavy Trial and error situation -No ability to save;Saves are few and far between-Low Re-PlayabilityVelvet Assassin is a third person stealth action game set in the world war II era which means more killing of Germans, except you do most of quietly in this game. Morphine Mode allows Violette to Stealthily k...

      5 out of 8 found this review helpful.

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