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    Video Surveillance

    Concept »

    The ability to watch/use video surveillance devices in a game.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    Video Surveillance last edited by bobafettjm on 03/24/22 09:14AM View full history


    Some games allow the use of various types of video surveillance devices such as security camera consoles, snake cameras, ect.

    Uses in Games

    Among Us

    In Among Us one of the tools available to crew members is to use a computer with access to the maps security cameras. This is to allow various parts of the map to be viewed at once.

    Duke Nukem 3D

    In Duke Nukem 3D players can find various security consoles that are linked to multiple security cameras. Players can cycle between the various cameras in a stage which allows players to get a sneak peak into certain rooms before entering.

    Splinter Cell Series

    The Optic Cable
    The Optic Cable

    In the Splinter Cell series there is a form of video surveillance equipment known as the optic cable or snake camera. This can be used to look under doors to see what is in the next room before entering and possibly alerting enemies on the other side.

    The optic cable has evolved over the course of the series with features being added over time such as being able to switch between different view modes.

    Perfect Dark

    In Perfect Dark players get a gadget called the Cam Spy. The Cam Spy is a remote controlled camera drone that allows players to spy on upcoming rooms. The Cam Spy can also take pictures remotely, which is a mission objective in one of the game's stages.


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