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Walk the Path of the Jedi Consular in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Crazy headgear not included.

Nov. 28 2011

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In This Episode:

Star Wars: The Old Republic


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Edited By MeatSim

How many Womp rats do I have to kill in the starting area?

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Edited By Einherjar

Why does this look like Team Fortress 2?

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

@GozerTC said:

@AwesomeAquaman said:

Star Trek is awesome!


After the Beta weekend I have to say I'm glad I DID NOT preorder the game. It is almost as disappointing as the half a game that Star Trek Online is. (I.e. space combat only in STO for me. At least it has the common courtesy of going F2P)

I'm not going to go as far as some and call it Star WoW's but damn, you get past those first 15-20 levels and the game takes a nose dive. As mentioned before space combat is a total joke and for me that's 50% at least of why I play Sci-Fi games! Plus I hate force users so yeah not the game for me.

Can I see why some folks would like it? Of course. But I wish folks would stop thinking it's the second coming or does so much for the genre when it doesn't.

I played the beta and think it's probably a competent WOW-style MMO, but apart from the voice work it doesn't break any new ground whatsoever, Star Trek Online on the other hand did try some kind of interesting ideas, but wasn't great at implementing them nor improving them after release. All in all it just comes down to your preference of setting I think, I'm not all that fond of the WarCraft universe, so I stay away from WOW, my interest in Star Wars isn't big enough to warrant a 60 dollar game with an additional subscription fee, I am a fan of Star Trek though, and randomly finding a lot of good deals on it (along with the great feature to be able to stack the free months) made that seem affordable enough to stay with.

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Edited By jproar

Go get six cat teeth.

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Edited By ItBeStefYo

Man that CG trailer looked alot different to this

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Edited By Diomed

14.99 will be withdrawn from my account for a good long while. :(

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Edited By spekingur

@Jayzilla said:

Loved the beta but I am surprised this game isn't instanced like Guild Wars. Most of the areas have a 4 person party cap. The sub fee for what amounts to a KOTOR multiplayer is odd. I don't see this game keeping its sub fee very long. Besides Flashpoints, there isn't a whole lot to do that requires a party. Also, you get a companion and once you beat Nar Shaddaa as a Consular you get a healer companion making the combat all to easy. Beautifully designed game though and a ton of fun. I just don't see myself paying a sub for a game that should be F2P like Guild Wars. Heck, most if not all of the personal storyline quests are instanced anyways lol and the kill stealing wouldn't happen if the game was instanced.

It is instanced. Every zone holds about 200 people, if I remember correctly. It's not something you notice however (you could see the amount of instances in the map screen) and to change instances is a bit of a pain.

I played over the beta weekend and was pleasantly surprised, I expected the game to be not very good. I was wrong. I mostly played as a Sith Inquisitor (light-saber "staff") and boy oh boy, the companion you get there is pretty awesome. Khem Val is his name and he wants everything dead - including you.

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Edited By Funkydupe

Had fun during the beta weekend.

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Edited By xjay

I just tried the beta weekend, the combat as stated above is a bit unsatisfying, and can feel very similar to WoW. In it's defence however, I do like the sword/saber animations- whether these get boring only time will tell.

My major plus point, is that I do like the story and quest mechanics. When I played WoW a while back I never read quest text as most people just blasted their way to max level ASAP. It's similar to Mass Effect, with dark side and light side points.

Might make for a few interesting bits in the game if they are implemented correctly of course :)

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Edited By slyspider

Combat acually good dispite how the trailers look, and my Shadow was BADASS so im gonna pick this up after xmas or on launch

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Edited By Jayzilla

Loved the beta but I am surprised this game isn't instanced like Guild Wars. Most of the areas have a 4 person party cap. The sub fee for what amounts to a KOTOR multiplayer is odd. I don't see this game keeping its sub fee very long. Besides Flashpoints, there isn't a whole lot to do that requires a party. Also, you get a companion and once you beat Nar Shaddaa as a Consular you get a healer companion making the combat all to easy. Beautifully designed game though and a ton of fun. I just don't see myself paying a sub for a game that should be F2P like Guild Wars. Heck, most if not all of the personal storyline quests are instanced anyways lol and the kill stealing wouldn't happen if the game was instanced.

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Edited By citizenjp

Love Star Wars and enjoyed the beta several times over. This game has great content, is well crafted, developed by an excellent team, and has lots of potential. I <3 Bioware and hope the best for them and this game.

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Edited By sins_of_mosin

Played it this past weekend and loved it.

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Edited By Saltank

@satanod said:

Yeah the story elements and voice acting are great, but you're wrong on the environments. They look great, however, I think they're way oversized and proportions are totally off. Sure, it's in line with the SW world design but I think they just went slightly overboard. Coruscant is a gigantic platform and it takes ages to get from A to B and there's nothing interesting to look at while you're going.

Space Battles are awful in deed, as is the design of the interiors in your spaceship. I remember when I looked at the ship from the outside, it was on size, then when we went inside, it was like a mansion that expanded three times larger than what it physically looked like it could hold. Reminds me of Star Trek Online level design with the whacky oversized worlds and poor attention by the level designers.

Flashpoints are great but there have to be a lot more.

Oh and I already mentioned environmental audio + positioning would be great.

Played the beta weekend and i am really happy i preordered it. Its an avarge mmo but its worth 60$ just for the story. Each class has like 100+ hours of Mass Effect style main story + a ton of shared side missions.

Some points from the beta weekend:

Story is awsome.

Combat is OK (depends on what class you play)

PVP is meh (BF3 style conquest / rush and capture the flag). PvP give a lot of xp tho

Space battles are a joke, but gives a lot of xp...

Loved the enviroments. World is beautiful

Loved the flashpoints aswell

Grouping and chat could use some work

The only problem i see with this game is that bioware has to put new content frequently to justify that 14$ monthly price.

I see myself busy with this game til Mass Effect 3 comes out

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Edited By GozerTC

@AwesomeAquaman said:

Star Trek is awesome!


After the Beta weekend I have to say I'm glad I DID NOT preorder the game. It is almost as disappointing as the half a game that Star Trek Online is. (I.e. space combat only in STO for me. At least it has the common courtesy of going F2P)

I'm not going to go as far as some and call it Star WoW's but damn, you get past those first 15-20 levels and the game takes a nose dive. As mentioned before space combat is a total joke and for me that's 50% at least of why I play Sci-Fi games! Plus I hate force users so yeah not the game for me.

Can I see why some folks would like it? Of course. But I wish folks would stop thinking it's the second coming or does so much for the genre when it doesn't.

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Edited By mattieice

Hooray for stilted, wooden animations!

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Edited By PositivelyGreg

These class videos, as some have pointed out, completely miss the point of what makes the game fun and interesting, which is the rich storytelling, the great writing and voice-acting of even minor characters.

But this stopped being a surprise once I remembered how EA marketing has fared with BioWare games in the past. They have a talent for deciding to throw money at campaigns centering on whatever's both weakest AND least desired about the games.

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Edited By satanod

Played the beta weekend and i am really happy i preordered it. Its an avarge mmo but its worth 60$ just for the story. Each class has like 100+ hours of Mass Effect style main story + a ton of shared side missions.

Some points from the beta weekend:

Story is awsome.

Combat is OK (depends on what class you play)

PVP is meh (BF3 style conquest / rush and capture the flag). PvP give a lot of xp tho

Space battles are a joke, but gives a lot of xp...

Loved the enviroments. World is beautiful

Loved the flashpoints aswell

Grouping and chat could use some work

The only problem i see with this game is that bioware has to put new content frequently to justify that 14$ monthly price.

I see myself busy with this game til Mass Effect 3 comes out

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Edited By Saltank

Imperial Agent has, probably, the best storyline to offer.

I enjoyed smuggler too. The Jedi Knight is the typical ordeal, but fun nonetheless.

The thing that ticks me off about this, is that there's no environmental or positional audio. I've got an ASUS Xonar Essence STX with Audio Technica ATH900 headphones and games like BF3 sound epic, this sounds barely better than KOTOR. I need more immersion. Come on BW!

The dialogue sounds like it's beamed straight in to my brain, environment sounds are always constant and if NPCs do a little chat, they sound exactly the same even if I run away from them a long, long distance!

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Edited By welshguy

The armour alone is enough to make me dislike the class. And the summoning of big pieces of machinery from the ground and pebble storm of course. Played the beta as a sith inquisitor and... I have really mixed feelings. The story line was great and interesting, and getting my first companion an awesome experience, then you encounter another player whose name is Darthmawl and he has the same companion as you and the whole thing is ruined. I tried a bounty hunter and found it incredibly dull; use rocket, shoot blaster, shoot blaster, shoot blaster, use rocket... over and over.

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Edited By evilrazer

Didn't want to say anything, but trailer looks cheap.

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Edited By Simes

The thing that weirds me out about this stuff is how so little in the Star Wars universe changes over the course of 10,000 years. Talk about stagnation.

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Edited By morden2261

My experience in the beta also sold me on this game BIG TIME. The storytelling and voice acting are fantastic.

Also, the first time I stepped onto Coruscant and looked up at the Senate building towering in front of me... damn, that was awesome.

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Edited By Zalera

Cancelled my pre-order after playing the beta. Once the initial excitement wore off, the game revealed itself to be bland and boring as fuck. I haven't seen such an uninspired game world in ages.

Fucking disappointed.

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Edited By AwesomeAquaman

Star Trek is awesome!

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Edited By ptys

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@HotSando said:

I wont even play this when it goes free to play 8 months after release. History will remember this game alongside DA:O2 and Mass Effect 3 as the first long expensive nails in the BioWare coffin. Just burn up all the remaning letterhead and rename it EA. Sigh. A once great canadian developer killed off by a once great canadian publisher. Its poetic in its sithlordlyness.

Think you're giving up prematurely, Mass Effect 3 looks awesome! Perhaps you never played ME2?

hmmm no it doesn't I mean yeah, he is thinking prematurely. Maybe Mass Effect 3 is going to be awesome and SWTOR is the best mmo ever... But I bet that's not going to happen. Everything they've said about ME3 has made me shed a tear. It sounds like it's going to be a dissapointment. At least for me.

I loved Mass Effect, but ME2 is a much better game, having played through it multiple times. ME3 looks like the action RPG myself and alot of people want it to be. Perhaps you just like traditional RPG's more? Doesn't mean something is bad just cause it does't suit your personal tastes.

I never said it was going to be bad, I said I think I'm going to be dissapointed. Bioware has a tendency to dumb down their mechanics sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. I strongly disagree with ME2 being a better game. I mean, from a design point it definitely is but from a storywise point of view it isn't. The story in ME2 was way unpredictable and simple. No thought provoking ideas, just Bioware trying to get to a much bigger audience. Not complaining though, I think the game is awesome. I just don't like how Bioware tend to make things too casual for my tastes. I like a bit more roleplaying in my roleplaying games. ME is starting to feel more and more like a 3rd person shooter.

Yeah you're right about ME1 being a better story, I think I was a bit over shooting with "much better". The combat in 2 though is one of my favourite things... of any game! Had they not focused on polishing that, the game wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable.

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Edited By freakin9

I've been playing the beta and that video made the combat seem more exciting than it really is. And no I'm not saying that looked incredible.

Though if you are a Star Wars story nut, the game has that in spades. The conversations are generally pretty interesting, assuming you've chosen a path that interests you.

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Edited By geirr

Walk the path of the :-| as she fights hordes of :-| in a universe filled with the only emotion this game can emote :-|

Excitement is abound when :-| goes invisible as :-| warriors start shooting at :-|

Now :-| can have the best looking hat ever and everyone around her is filled with :-| as :-| throws fucking jedi bubbles.

The fulfillment you feel when rescuing the :-| from the :-| can not be measured.

.. seriously Bioware. One expression? One? And it's not really expressing anything beyond my opinion on these trailers.


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Edited By Forum_User

@Dark_Lord_Spam said:

I had already decided I wasn't getting into this game because of BioWare's open admission that they weren't going to move the MMO gameplay front forward in the slightest, but after watching some LP's of the beta on YouTube... I have to say that I also have no idea why people are praising the storytelling. It seems to exacerbate the Mass Effect problem of weirdly stilted, often non-engaging dialogue, but also without any of the visual flair or dramatic punch that alleviates those issues in Mass Effect. This whole product just seems terribly bland, which to me is worse than them having tried to innovate and failing.

@Forum_User said:

@Henrikhoe said:

is giantbomb going to cover this, like they did with star trek? i sure hope so

It would be nice if they would give Guild Wars 2 like any attention at all at some point. Forget all of this Star Wars stuff. For long term impact on how people look at the genre, that's the game to look out for.

Actually, the guys have mentioned several times on the podcast that they're really interested in seeing more of GW2. Jeff made it pretty clear in Tested's "Building a Gaming PC" video that he was upgrading almost exclusively for BF3 and GW2. And all of them have essentially dismissed any notion that they want to play SWtOR.

Oh, if that was the last podcast, I didn't listen to the whole thing yet. I've listened to all of the rest of them, so maybe I'm just forgetful. Anyway, I looked it up on this site before I submitted that comment, just be sure, and I didn't see much. I don't really read Tested, not that I have anything against it. (I'm not familiar enough with it to have much of an opinion on it.)

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Edited By chilipeppersman

@Stefan: I had a hard time getting into the second one, and im having a hard time understanding why people are excited about this. Anyone else having a hard time taking in the visuals in this game? Its just seems bland....and too much yellow

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Edited By Xeirus

@MildMolasses said:

@GalacticPunt said:

The weekend beta test made me into a believer. It's the storytelling and voice acting that make this great. These trailers showing the cartoony, stilted combat still don't impress though.

I was wondering about that. This is the first game footage I've seen, and it is not impressive. It's good to know that the other areas are well done

It's pretty good, keep in mind though, it's still an MMO and the quests are god awful generic MMO quests. I would so so so like for this game to be the next big MMO. I have a bad feeling though. I'm still on the fence about whether to drop the money, I want to, but I just see an MMO launch and have horrible nightmares :/

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Edited By Jazz_Lafayette
I had already decided I wasn't getting into this game because of BioWare's open admission that they weren't going to move the MMO gameplay front forward in the slightest, but after watching some LP's of the beta on YouTube... I have to say that I also have no idea why people are praising the storytelling. It seems to exacerbate the Mass Effect problem of weirdly stilted, often non-engaging dialogue, but also without any of the visual flair or dramatic punch that alleviates those issues in Mass Effect. This whole product just seems terribly bland, which to me is worse than them having tried to innovate and failing.
@Forum_User said:

@Henrikhoe said:

is giantbomb going to cover this, like they did with star trek? i sure hope so

It would be nice if they would give Guild Wars 2 like any attention at all at some point. Forget all of this Star Wars stuff. For long term impact on how people look at the genre, that's the game to look out for.

Actually, the guys have mentioned several times on the podcast that they're really interested in seeing more of GW2. Jeff made it pretty clear in Tested's "Building a Gaming PC" video that he was upgrading almost exclusively for BF3 and GW2. And all of them have essentially dismissed any notion that they want to play SWtOR.
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Edited By deanoxd

I played a sith marauder to level 21 this weekend and played a bounty hunter to level 6-7 and i really liked what they have put together. Yes is has some trappings of a MMO but their approach to the game with the storyline and the use voice acting for it all, really drew me into the game and my character. And that's where WoW lost me, sure i came late to the WoW party and even playing with friends i was never fully invested in my character i was just a DSP Death Knight so i stop playing after 3 months because i could not be bother reading a months worth of back story and lore. I really think that if people give this game a honest chance they with enjoy it. I unfortunately suspect that any coverage here on GiantBomb will not be all that favourable or or flattering.

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Edited By gamefreak9

@Cirdain said:

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@HotSando said:

I wont even play this when it goes free to play 8 months after release. History will remember this game alongside DA:O2 and Mass Effect 3 as the first long expensive nails in the BioWare coffin. Just burn up all the remaning letterhead and rename it EA. Sigh. A once great canadian developer killed off by a once great canadian publisher. Its poetic in its sithlordlyness.

Think you're giving up prematurely, Mass Effect 3 looks awesome! Perhaps you never played ME2?

hmmm no it doesn't I mean yeah, he is thinking prematurely. Maybe Mass Effect 3 is going to be awesome and SWTOR is the best mmo ever... But I bet that's not going to happen. Everything they've said about ME3 has made me shed a tear. It sounds like it's going to be a dissapointment. At least for me.

I loved Mass Effect, but ME2 is a much better game, having played through it multiple times. ME3 looks like the action RPG myself and alot of people want it to be. Perhaps you just like traditional RPG's more? Doesn't mean something is bad just cause it does't suit your personal tastes.

I never said it was going to be bad, I said I think I'm going to be dissapointed. Bioware has a tendency to dumb down their mechanics sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. I strongly disagree with ME2 being a better game. I mean, from a design point it definitely is but from a storywise point of view it isn't. The story in ME2 was way unpredictable and simple. No thought provoking ideas, just Bioware trying to get to a much bigger audience. Not complaining though, I think the game is awesome. I just don't like how Bioware tend to make things too casual for my tastes. I like a bit more roleplaying in my roleplaying games. ME is starting to feel more and more like a 3rd person shooter.

I think you lot should have a more mindless.

(slight trolling)

that's weird... i thought both stories sucked... at least ME2 had good char development :P. ME3 will be awsome! This game though... is going to suck... Bioware is just trying to make easy bucks like wow did... but lets face it their team has never made a balanced game... which isn't good for mmos. This game will be free to play in about 2 years i think.

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Edited By Cirdain

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@HotSando said:

I wont even play this when it goes free to play 8 months after release. History will remember this game alongside DA:O2 and Mass Effect 3 as the first long expensive nails in the BioWare coffin. Just burn up all the remaning letterhead and rename it EA. Sigh. A once great canadian developer killed off by a once great canadian publisher. Its poetic in its sithlordlyness.

Think you're giving up prematurely, Mass Effect 3 looks awesome! Perhaps you never played ME2?

hmmm no it doesn't I mean yeah, he is thinking prematurely. Maybe Mass Effect 3 is going to be awesome and SWTOR is the best mmo ever... But I bet that's not going to happen. Everything they've said about ME3 has made me shed a tear. It sounds like it's going to be a dissapointment. At least for me.

I loved Mass Effect, but ME2 is a much better game, having played through it multiple times. ME3 looks like the action RPG myself and alot of people want it to be. Perhaps you just like traditional RPG's more? Doesn't mean something is bad just cause it does't suit your personal tastes.

I never said it was going to be bad, I said I think I'm going to be dissapointed. Bioware has a tendency to dumb down their mechanics sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. I strongly disagree with ME2 being a better game. I mean, from a design point it definitely is but from a storywise point of view it isn't. The story in ME2 was way unpredictable and simple. No thought provoking ideas, just Bioware trying to get to a much bigger audience. Not complaining though, I think the game is awesome. I just don't like how Bioware tend to make things too casual for my tastes. I like a bit more roleplaying in my roleplaying games. ME is starting to feel more and more like a 3rd person shooter.

I think you lot should have a more mindless.

(slight trolling)

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Edited By tobygw

That's some pretty sweet font.

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Edited By Forum_User

@Addfwyn said:

Despite all the hype for this, I've been pretty underwhelmed from the beta thus far. I'm willing to attribute that to having NOTHING invested in the star wars fiction, having not played a star wars game or seen one of the movies before. Still, I was hoping it could capture the non fans as well, sorta like how non-warcraft fans still like WoW.

Was kinda hoping this could be that sci-fi MMO, which is sorta lacking at the moment (Not counting Space Spreadsheets, and Fallen Earth isn't quite scifi as much as post-apocalyptic)

That Venn diagram of people who have a Kinect and are also way into the musical Grease (for those who watched the Grease Dance QL) is probably similar to that of people who are interested in trying western developed MMORPGs (let alone a Star Wars MMORPG) and have not seen a single Star Wars movie.

I'm sure you've heard this before, but if you ever watch them, watch the originals first. Don't start with Episode I or you'll probably just say, "Fuck it," and hardly anyone could blame you.

Anyway, Star Wars is, flavor-wise, more fantasy in flavor than science fiction, despite the high tech setting. I don't want to say "futuristic setting" since they are actually supposed to be set in the distant past, and unless Lucas pulls the retcon of the century, they have nothing to do with Earth or humanity as we know it. Don't think about it too hard. Yeah, it's kind of dumb.

Just to be clear, though, I'm not terribly interested in this game either. I've also never been as impressed with Bioware as other people seem to be. They do have good writers. I'll give them that. If only everything else in their games was half as good as the writing, they'd be phenomenal.

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Edited By Addfwyn

Despite all the hype for this, I've been pretty underwhelmed from the beta thus far. I'm willing to attribute that to having NOTHING invested in the star wars fiction, having not played a star wars game or seen one of the movies before. Still, I was hoping it could capture the non fans as well, sorta like how non-warcraft fans still like WoW.

Was kinda hoping this could be that sci-fi MMO, which is sorta lacking at the moment (Not counting Space Spreadsheets, and Fallen Earth isn't quite scifi as much as post-apocalyptic)

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Edited By Deusx

@ptys said:

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@HotSando said:

I wont even play this when it goes free to play 8 months after release. History will remember this game alongside DA:O2 and Mass Effect 3 as the first long expensive nails in the BioWare coffin. Just burn up all the remaning letterhead and rename it EA. Sigh. A once great canadian developer killed off by a once great canadian publisher. Its poetic in its sithlordlyness.

Think you're giving up prematurely, Mass Effect 3 looks awesome! Perhaps you never played ME2?

hmmm no it doesn't I mean yeah, he is thinking prematurely. Maybe Mass Effect 3 is going to be awesome and SWTOR is the best mmo ever... But I bet that's not going to happen. Everything they've said about ME3 has made me shed a tear. It sounds like it's going to be a dissapointment. At least for me.

I loved Mass Effect, but ME2 is a much better game, having played through it multiple times. ME3 looks like the action RPG myself and alot of people want it to be. Perhaps you just like traditional RPG's more? Doesn't mean something is bad just cause it does't suit your personal tastes.

I never said it was going to be bad, I said I think I'm going to be dissapointed. Bioware has a tendency to dumb down their mechanics sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. I strongly disagree with ME2 being a better game. I mean, from a design point it definitely is but from a storywise point of view it isn't. The story in ME2 was way unpredictable and simple. No thought provoking ideas, just Bioware trying to get to a much bigger audience. Not complaining though, I think the game is awesome. I just don't like how Bioware tend to make things too casual for my tastes. I like a bit more roleplaying in my roleplaying games. ME is starting to feel more and more like a 3rd person shooter.

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@beeftothetaco said:

A generic MMORPG. EXACTLY what is needed to boost the videogame market.

No way, man. It's got Jedis and Siths and lots of dialog. What more could you possibly want from the next generation of MMORPGs? All MMORPGs needed all along was to be more like single player games. The best thing would be if they could just remove the MM part of MMORPG entirely and still charge $15 a month for it. Those servers sure do cost a lot of money to run per player, you know!

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Edited By bybeach

Heall ya Lady, kick the shit out of their Golden Triangle.

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Edited By ptys

@Deusx said:

@ptys said:

@HotSando said:

I wont even play this when it goes free to play 8 months after release. History will remember this game alongside DA:O2 and Mass Effect 3 as the first long expensive nails in the BioWare coffin. Just burn up all the remaning letterhead and rename it EA. Sigh. A once great canadian developer killed off by a once great canadian publisher. Its poetic in its sithlordlyness.

Think you're giving up prematurely, Mass Effect 3 looks awesome! Perhaps you never played ME2?

hmmm no it doesn't I mean yeah, he is thinking prematurely. Maybe Mass Effect 3 is going to be awesome and SWTOR is the best mmo ever... But I bet that's not going to happen. Everything they've said about ME3 has made me shed a tear. It sounds like it's going to be a dissapointment. At least for me.

I loved Mass Effect, but ME2 is a much better game, having played through it multiple times. ME3 looks like the action RPG myself and alot of people want it to be. Perhaps you just like traditional RPG's more? Doesn't mean something is bad just cause it does't suit your personal tastes.

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Edited By beeftothetaco

A generic MMORPG. EXACTLY what is needed to boost the videogame market.

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Edited By veektarius

Is the in-game video sped up or something? It seems like all of this would look better if it were at like... .75 speed

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Edited By Etaber

I don't know what they do to make these trailers but I swear the game does not look this bad. It's like they capture footage off of a 10 year old computer.

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Edited By Deusx

@ptys said:

@HotSando said:

I wont even play this when it goes free to play 8 months after release. History will remember this game alongside DA:O2 and Mass Effect 3 as the first long expensive nails in the BioWare coffin. Just burn up all the remaning letterhead and rename it EA. Sigh. A once great canadian developer killed off by a once great canadian publisher. Its poetic in its sithlordlyness.

Think you're giving up prematurely, Mass Effect 3 looks awesome! Perhaps you never played ME2?

hmmm no it doesn't I mean yeah, he is thinking prematurely. Maybe Mass Effect 3 is going to be awesome and SWTOR is the best mmo ever... But I bet that's not going to happen. Everything they've said about ME3 has made me shed a tear. It sounds like it's going to be a dissapointment. At least for me.

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Edited By Stefan

loved kotor 1+2 but mmos just suck, seriously!

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Edited By vinsanityv22

I hope The Force Unleashed 3 will have branching character paths, and better story elements period. I look at this stuff and I do not like the action going on - once upon a time I could blame it on genre, but with games like Dragon Nest and DCU Online out there, I don't think I could do it anymore. I want a Star Wars game with great action AND great story. So this just makes me think of TFU3.

Which I hope is an improvement over TFU2; I hope they find a way to include other characters on that ensemble in the stages - like Uncharted, or Prince of Persia. It would be better for storytelling and gameplay - Starkiller is Superman, but bring Juno or Proxy along for the ride and bad things can happen to them, and the whole dynamic changes. I bet TOR will bring up a bunch of great game dynamics, thanks to its focus on storytelling. It's going to do a bunch of things awesome. But combat does not look like it'll be one of them.

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Edited By ptys

@HotSando said:

I wont even play this when it goes free to play 8 months after release. History will remember this game alongside DA:O2 and Mass Effect 3 as the first long expensive nails in the BioWare coffin. Just burn up all the remaning letterhead and rename it EA. Sigh. A once great canadian developer killed off by a once great canadian publisher. Its poetic in its sithlordlyness.

Think you're giving up prematurely, Mass Effect 3 looks awesome! Perhaps you never played ME2?

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Edited By frytup

I put around 20 hours into the beta this weekend. The early levels are great, with a really stunning amount of voiced content. However, staying power will depend on end-game content and PvP. Neither of which I had time to really get into.

Based on what I saw, I put in a preorder. If it turns out there isn't much left to see after level cap, I just won't continue paying for it. I'm pretty confident It'll be worth the initial $60 investment.