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    Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Sep 17, 2003

    A first-person shooter set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Follow a Tau Fire Warrior named Kais during a 24 hour period as he battles Imperial and Chaos forces to rescue the kidnapped Ethereal.

    vstag's Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior (PlayStation 2) review

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    • This review received 1 comments

    Not too bad in its day, but has not aged well at all.

    Warhammer 40,000 Fire Warrior is as it sounds set in the Warhammer 40,000 miniatures game.  In that setting  war is never ending and being fought every day and by every race.  There are many so called bad guys,but no really clear cut good guys.  Every race including humans are looking out for there own and would extermenate eveyrbody else if given the chance.  You play as a member of the  Tau race.  The Tau are not very strong or large, but have very addvanced weapons that they are more then willing to use on all enemys of the Tau empire.  You play as a Fire Warrior which as a Tau is really just a cooler way of saying grunt. It just a basic solider with nothing standing out or speacial about you. 

    Warhammer 40,000 Fire Warrior is not too bad of a game, but with so many better options back then and now there really is no reason to play this game.  The game is a very by the books FPS in the wake of HALO and by that I mean it has done much to copy its basic game play.  The two most people things to be copyed are carrying only two weapons and regenerating shields, but it fails to do ether very well.  You can carry two weapons just like in HALO and now many other games, but in Fire Warrior you can have one weapon of your race and then one of whatever you would like to have.  That may not sound too bad, but when you factor in how very little ammo you find on most levels for you races weapons you really only have one weapon slot that can be used without fear of running out of ammo and never finding any more or another weapon to replace it.  Fire Warrior also has regenerating shields before you start loseing heath and need to find medkits, but unlike HALO your sheilds are almost useless.  They go down with only one or two shots from even the weakest of weapons and takes far too long to regenerate. 

    Depending on who you ask the greatest and worst thing about the game is the fact its in the Warhammer 40,000 setting.  Its a very intresting place, very grity and much darker then most setting for video games.  The overall story in the game is not that deep, but there is a huge amount of depth in the setting for anyone who whant to check it out, but this is also where some might say is the worst part of the game.  Not only does that huge depth go to waste in the story of the main game, but for anyone into the setting it almost a slap in the face to think you being one Fire Warrior could do the things that you do in the game.  A Fire Warrior is the Warhammer 40,000 setting is a very basic unit and can not take very much damage before they all die or flee..  To have you play as one and easly kill waves of Space Marines and other things is something that can not be done in the minetures game and has earned alot of hate from many Warhammer fans.

    When all is said and done there is some fun to be had in the game, but there were  many better options for FPS games back when the game was realeased and there really is no reason for it to be played now.


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    Edited By ShadowKiller

    I played this today on a PS2 and it seemed like it may have been fun back in the day but it aged terribly. Excellent review.

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