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    Wasteland 3

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Aug 28, 2020

    The third entry in the iconic post-apocalyptic RPG franchise, backed again by crowdfunding like its predecessor.

    What are your experiences with this so far?

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    We are probably going to do a QL of this on Thursday (recording, anyway), and I'm curious to get more impressions. I know people have had a lot of bugs (been pretty lucky in that regard so far), but I've also seen a bunch of complaints about load times, which are indeed brutal even on an SSD for some reason.

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    #2  Edited By Junkerman

    I've only encountered two bugs so far after 5 or so hours of play. The grenade icon in the inventory interface got stuck and I could no longer drag and drop it, this was fixed with a simple close then re-open of the menu.

    Second was when I decided I would save time by having two character split up to loot two different item caches... this resulted in soft locking the caches and I was unable to loot either of them!

    Other then that Ive been enjoying it - the setting is nice and I enjoy the zoom in for some character dialogs, gives it some more panache then the second one. Story seems to clip along nicely and the gameplay has been fun.

    Only complaint is that it just doesn't feel very polished.

    The game's humor is a little on the nose but its had me chuckle a few times or at some of the tooltips.

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    On the PS4 and playing on default difficulty and only a few hours in, but have found it to be pretty easy.

    I find the fact that you have 6 characters to be not my favorite thing. I put a lot of time into Mutant Year Zero last year, so that may be affecting my opinion, but i've found battles so far tedious to try to set everyone up into cover. So far I've just sort of attacked an enemy which allows me to take a turn then figure out positioning.

    Another thing, on PS4 at least, I find the perspective to odd. It's like I want to zoom out more but can't? Idk it's hard to explain but feels like it's one of those porting to console things.

    RPG stuff seems to be so far so good. Again, having that many party members can be a good thing to have people focus on certain skills, but also can be a lot to keep track of.

    So far no huge bugs, my biggest one has been characters not "sticking" to cover and just sort of banging into the wall.

    Couple of minor nagging things: on PS4 the quick save is pause + down, down, down, then X. So not really the quickest. Also there is no confirm changes when you put points in characters. Also the inventory is a mess.

    Having said that I'll almost certainly finish it or start Cyberpunk whichever comes first.

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    #4  Edited By BoccKob

    I wasn't a fan of that thing where a combat encounter launches out of forced dialogue, so your team is stuck out of cover while the enemies get a full turn each to blast you. One time I saw a group of bad dudes ahead, so I set up my sniper on one of their flanks and clicked to shoot him, then it started up this dialogue where he was like, "oi wot?!" and they all ran at us with knives. This seemed to be half the fights in as far as I played in that starting town and was really annoying.

    I suppose you could manually set up each of your squad out of detection range beforehand, but that's really tedious and dumb. None of the fights up to where I played were insurmountable on the normal difficulty even with that happening, but it still feels like the game is cheating you or at least an oversight that wasn't accounted for.

    I also felt like stealth was really confusing and offered no explanation on how to use it, so my melee "rogue" was usually just caught getting shot in the face a bunch while she tried to run up on people. What's the point of being "sneaky" if you only seem to get one sneak attack before combat opens? I'd rather be far away and behind cover.

    On the whole I thought it was interesting, but I stopped playing after the first couple hours or so because the game as a whole felt too janky or not quite finished. It could use a better UI and more quality of life improvements so I know what things do or can at least figure it out from looking.

    The game didn't seem unplayable or outright bad, but I was just getting the feeling the little things would end up annoying me over the next 50 hours or whatever and decided I would rather play something else.

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    I’m really loving it on PC. I haven’t had any major bugs aside from some specific UI oddities, but that’s been rare. The writing and character progression are both really excellent! I never played the first two so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t know how badly I needed Fallout XCOM in my life.

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    I'm really bummed that the extremely powerful pregenerated character pairs are not something they actually go in depth on.

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    I started this up on Gamepass last night. Played it co op with my brother for about two hours.

    First off, I enjoyed it well enough to consider going to GOG and shelling out the $60 for it after that two hours of gameplay. It was pretty good, and the good stuff far outweighed the bad stuff for me. I did not actually purchase it because I just bought the full-fat version of Pathfinder: Kingmaker and I have a group of friends who want to try The Forest, so there goes my gaming budget for a little while. I'm definitely looking forward to playing a lot more of this, though.

    Still, it feels like it needed another two or three months in the oven. I didn't get a bunch of bugs or anything, but load times are crazy even on an NVMe M.2 SSD for whatever reason. And the game's controls feel laggy, for whatever reason. It might be because I was playing co-op, but I felt like there was a significant delay between asking the game to do something and it actually doing it. It wasn't so significant as to ruin the experience, but it was there.

    I tried it with both a controller and keyboard and mouse. The input lag was there either way, but it's worth noting that this game feels designed to work well with both. I guess those console versions of Wasteland 2 were a success because this control scheme doesn't feel bolted on with a controller. It works well with a KB/M as well so if you're worried about that, don't be, although weirdly enough I can't find out where I need to go to remap the mouse buttons. That's gotta be an oversight on my part, right? Anyway, you can go into the menu and switch to controller or back to KB/M in the middle of the game, so it's not like Divinity where you're stuck with whatever you picked until you restart the game.

    Co op in general sounds like it's buggy, from poking around on the internet, though I didn't experience any problems and this could be a case of a tiny minority raising hell while the rest of the players are off having a good time.

    Oh, and the combat. I had fun with it, but there's a big robot in the beginning you're supposed to stealth past. My brother and I found some rockets and grenades and tried to take it on, but every time the damn thing shot me through solid concrete and my brother through a barrel. The barrel makes sense, but several feet of concrete should not be penetrable by a minigun. That was kinda weird.

    Definitely worth giving it a shot if you've got gamepass and wanted some RPG with your X-Com, but I wouldn't blame you if you gave this thing a month or two to get patched-up. It's perfectly playable now, just kinda janky.

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    @justin258: The weird thing is that this was already delayed at the beginning of quarantine for a few months! I'm curious what it would've looked like if it had come out in March or whenever it was supposed to.

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    #9  Edited By Justin258

    @rorie said:

    @justin258: The weird thing is that this was already delayed at the beginning of quarantine for a few months! I'm curious what it would've looked like if it had come out in March or whenever it was supposed to.

    Honestly most of these recent-era isometric CRPGs have been kinda buggy or janky at launch. Both Divinity: Original Sin games, Pathfinder Kingmaker, and Wasteland 2 had extensive post-launch work done to them. I have no evidence for this, but I suspect making massive games with small teams limits their QA potential by a lot, then these games get out into the wild and all of those bugs they didn't find because they don't have an army of playtesters pops up. Even with the benefit of a publisher like Deep Silver, I'm not surprised that Wasteland 3 has reports of bugs and/or feels not quite right, though I personally think some kind of beta or maybe even an early access version might have benefited this 1.0 release.

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    I'm genuinely loving it on Xbox One X, and haven't had any bugs yet, just one hard crash. But I have to second everyone else, the jank is kind of unavoidable. Between just some goofy ass graphical things (sometimes when I put someone in cover, they'll just repeatedly lock into, come out of that cover and it sometimes vibrates the controller to all hell and just looks silly as shit), and just some overall lack of polish, it feels slightly undercooked. Load times don't bother me, but they do feel slightly long at times and if they do bother you in general, this game will. Especially if you have to transfer in and out of different maps repeatedly. The one thing I truly don't like, mentioned also by @bocckob, is the combat launch out of dialogue. I still don't really understand how initiative works in that situation? Like, sometimes my fastest character will be able to attack, sometimes my slowest, sometimes 2, sometimes's so weird. And for all of the dialogue things that they've thought out (most instances where maybe I've accidentally accomplished something or half accomplished it have been recognized by characters, for example) it's nuts to me the ways it can handcuff you. For example, I made a deal with one character, went to leave, and other characters told me you either fight us or you fight the other person, I decided to side with them, and the only way to initiate combat after that is through dialogue. Otherwise, one of my NPCs will get pissed and turn on me. It was just kind of a moment that felt like they either missed the boat, or purposely did that to make that combat scenario more difficult (and boy was it).

    Other than that, I like a lot of the dialogue, the quests are intriguing and fun and have several solutions to them that I've seen so far, I love the vehicle and its contributions to some battles, and I'm obsessed with how OP my sniper is.

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    The actual moment to moment gameplay seems fine, playing it with a gamepad. Ran into a few bugs where you are still moving while in the pause screen. Seems to be some in/out of combat issues where the game keeps in you in the combat phase even when all the enemies have been defeated(a wasteland 2 issue. This on top of the windows store/xbox app acting up and decided that I don't have Wasteland 3 installed, so it would neither let me uninstall it or reinstall it at all. Aside from that the game seems alright and I think it's funny that they give you a Tank that can AOE one shot enemies and run enemies over insta-killing them but maybe as the game progresses there will more indoor fights where the tank does not come into play since that thing is wildly over powered.

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    @merxworx01: Honestly, I've only gotten to use it twice: once for an early story mission, and once for a random encounter. And I've probably been playing for close to 10 or 15 hours by now. So, it has felt more like a fun every now and then thing to me.

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    @sethmode: Makes sense, I've only put about six hours into it so I my experience is strictly early stuff. But I won't lie, when the game let me run over a large group of enemies that killed Captain Tom(RIP) I felt like I could take the world. But I'm still a little upset that I think my cat is gone forever. Also not sure if anyone else is getting this but boy the enemies in this game seem like they were pulled right out of Borderlands.

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    #14  Edited By SethMode

    @merxworx01: Definitely pretty uninspired so far in the enemy department. Even when it feels like they thought they were being creative with another group of bad guys, they're kind of just Mexican Jokers that just look like all the other Borderlands dudes.Hell, I used one of the pre-made characters and even HE looks like a Borderlands villain.

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    Playing on an Xbox One S and have had several crashes. I enjoy the game, the combat is fun with a few annoyances but the stability is atrocious. I have had (without exaggeration) over a dozen crashes either coming into the menus or leaving them. It has gotten to the point that I quick save before I do anything to avoid losing progress. Fun game over all, but I am glad it is on game pass and I didn't pay for it out right. Having to do a prolonged fight over again because I foolishly went into the menus to level up without saving first bums me out.

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    I played some more of this co-op this evening and if this holds up the same quality throughout, then I'm definitely interested in also playing a solo run after buying the GOG version, as opposed to the PC Game Pass version I'm playing now. Janky or not, this game's pretty awesome.

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    @justin258: I'm literally the opposite of you, I'm enjoying my single player run so much, I might get my wife to hop in for a multiplayer run when I'm done! It really does a lot to make up for its rough edges with some really goofy, early Fallout-esque writing, and I personally thoroughly enjoy the combat. Also, I won't spoil anything, but there is a brawler NPC that you get over the course of the story and his character design rules. Also, encountered The Patriarch's daughter for the first time, and I am continually impressed by how the up close conversations look and play. They have just the right amount of over the top cartoonish look for me.

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    #18  Edited By nateandrews

    @sethmode: I loooove the close-up conversations. The animations are perfectly exaggerated, just enough to be fun to watch without being ridiculous. I wish there were more of ‘em. The run-in with Liberty was so cool.

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    Finished beating the game yesterday, I got to remark that the story and decision making in this game didn't feel as good as Wasteland 2. Every choice felt forced in the game. I understand you have to make hard choices, but I feel like there was clearly other options on the table that should be there yet due to time or whatever reason they did not want to expand on it. So in the end, the game leaves me with the feeling of being even more unpolished than Wasteland 2.

    I had issues with the gameplay like other people being at least one character have to be sacrificed to talk to a npc that you know it will initiate combat allowing that character to be mow down though I was playing on Ranger difficulty. It would not be such a problem if it wasn't the fact for reason they changed initiative in the game.

    Initiative is mostly worthless by my accounts unlike Wasteland 2, which was important getting ahead before the enemy in the combat timeline. In Wasteland 3, initiative if the enemy starts combat allows characters with enough initiative have a turn otherwise they lose a turn. Unless you ambush them first with a sneak attack or just up start attack first in which everyone gets goes first.

    I keep asking myself why they change it in the first place where it was already a fine mechanic. All I think of make combat faster since you the have potential of wiping out encounters in the first turn. Perhaps setting up combos sort of with some skills synergizing like Mark Target and Trick Shot or leadership skills. But there's not enough of it or at least it make worth it to set it up.

    Outside my gripes, I liked the environment, the new factions/mobs, and the APC that backs you up sometimes in combat. Also creating a duo was nice along with a pretty good amount of customization. Wasteland 3 I am hoping gets either dlc or patched or get GoTY edition to expand on the story and tweaks its gameplay. I wanted to like this game so much so I'll come back to it in a few month or year to see how state of the game is then.

    Also Necromunda and Balder's Gate 3 is just around the corner so it was probably best to play through Wasteland 3 before those two consumes my life.

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    I just finished it, and really enjoyed the experience, bugs, crashes, and occasional snafus aside. I thought that your choices down the stretch were interesting, and the game did its best to make all of them seem both viable and dangerous for their own reasons. One complaint: I'm so, SO tired of the Animal House endings for these kinds of games. I get why they're there. I realize that there really isn't much of an alternative while still allowing the player to feel like their choices have weight and will potentially have unforeseen consequences. However, it just always feels so hollow even when they're done really well, and this game did NOT do them particularly well...(they basically consisted of a penciled drawing on a tan background with some text -- not even VO!) it feels like a hollow ending to a rather sprawling experience. In retrospect, to me it almost feels like it actually takes away some of the sense of choice, because hey, the game is over, that's it, I don't really care if this one NPC feels betrayed by me, there's no more game to play. I thought, in the case of NPCs, there is a part at the end game that handled choice and consequence MUCH better than the Animal House style (albeit that instance was a REAL kick to the nuts for me).

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    I finished it a few days ago. Given the rather miserable state of new games in 2020, I think it's probably going to be high up on my Game of the Year list by default, but it's also a heck of a CRPG; easily the best one InXile has made. It's a lot better than Wasteland 2, both mechanically and in terms of writing, but it also benefits from not overstaying its welcome like that game did. Definitely still a little hot out of the oven, so it might not be a terrible idea to wait for another patch or two if anyone's interested in a less janky experience.

    I'm always going to be more partial to high fantasy hijinks over post-apocalyptic goofs, but this is definitely the closest thing the people pining for a new modern Fallout 1 and 2 are going to get. (Well, aside from slightly more hardcore indie stuff like Underrail and Atom RPG.) It also works without that old-school context; it knows where to streamline and modernize stuff and isn't all that complicated compared to some other games with 6 character parties (i.e. Pathfinder Kingmaker)

    It gets a thumbs up from me, and is definitely A-Tier on the "ArbitraryWater's Extremely Legitimate Tier List of Modern CRPGs." Probably not going to do a whole write-up on it, so this is as far as I'll go.

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    Just put in a few hours on PC. I usually play the fantasy games like this, stop playing for a while, then come back, put the game on easy and just plow through the story. I'm gonna try to do this one legit, though! It helps that all of the dialogue is voiced, even if the voice acting isn't great.

    I chose Yuri and Spence as my starting team, and I made a sniper/lockpicker on my own. I'm taking advice from the other thread about this and I'm focusing on min-maxing characters in specific specializations. I'm digging it so far. I'm actually surprised at what little bit of story I've come across. I was sure that someone calling himself The Patriarch would be a much bigger asshole than he's portrayed as. At least so far. It's the post-apocalypse and I'm ready to be disappointed in humankind.

    I'm exploring my way around Colorado Springs and talking to everybody with a name over their head. The combat encounters have been easy so far. It feels like the game wants me to use stealth to set up my team before an encounter begins, but the stealth doesn't feel great and it hasn't been necessary yet.

    As far as story decisions go, my Rangers help people. They're the two low-ranking survivors of the mission, and they're gonna help the common folks.

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