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Fred Durst absolutely wrote a letter affirming that Putin is a great guy with good morals and principles. So maybe a little on the "bad person" side of things

To be fair, Puttin was down with the "Nookie" and an OG Korn fan.

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I wonder how much of the "you can do anything you can do on a PC"-talk is a *wink wink* hey this is perfect for emulation becuase that's such a huge draw. PSP is my favorite handheld b/c I used it for emulation for years.

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4 years later and still loving this. Shout out to all my fellow shame-boy-huggers, rewatching!

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Was that Thief box always featured in Danny's background? I'd go wild for a No Clip Thief doc.

Also, Rorie. Put on some gosh darn pants when you are streaming to thousands of people online!

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I don't know why but this is the GB video that defined the site for me and I always think back on. Felt like just hangin' with the dudes which is something that really didn't exist in the gaming space until GB. 1UP made attempts to do this but it was always within a confined corporate setting. GB made it feel real and genuine by making dumb conversations we all have public.

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Edited By LonelySpacePanda

I've thanked you all for the glorious content and laughs many times since following the site after the 2008 GOTY stuff. But I'd like to also thank you for being such good role models online for many who need it. I'll always think of Vinny as the ideal father figure I'd aspire to be. Brad is always professional and chill. Dan is the best showman and one of the few people online who can get big laughs without being edgy. Dave Snider inspired me to become a programmer in many ways. And Drew just seems like the most impossibly cool guy to have worked in such a nerdy role. I can only imagine how many lives you all positively impacted in ways you'll never know. Good stuff, duders!

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@arclyte said:

God it's so tiring listening to aging cynics Jeff and Brad hate on stuff endlessly

I don't get their attitude toward difficulty. They depict games like Resurrection as if it's some macho BS to play the game on the "real difficulty", when it's just the opposite: It's their macho BS to insist on it. Some games offer a real challenge and part of that experience is taking the time to work up to it, if you so desire, by going through the game on lower difficulties first. I've seen them have this reaction a lot over the years and it's so tiring.

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Skyward Sword is probably the best Zelda to me. OoT holds special significance but when it comes to the things I love about the series it does it the best: bosses, puzzles, fun items, great art, great music, and oh man the dungeons are phenomenal! I don't understand how anyone who enjoys video games and dungeon design could not be in awe of the water buddha temple or the final dungeon where you move rooms around. They are simply fantastic! The game has well known flaws but they are so minor in light of everything it does well (that whole ship area was awesome and oh the vacuum thing!)

My spicy take -- and why I thought we'd never get this port -- is that I am very skeptical Switch motion controls will do the game justice. Sure, even Wii Motion Plus wasn't perfect (though it had a lot to do with how user placed sensor bar) but I haven't seen any Switch games attempt this degree of wrist tracking. I expect it will be awful and people will be forced to play with the new controls which will be awful and people will continue to crap on this terrific game.

Other than that, Nintendo's showing is pretty weak. Famicom is interesting and that new game by 999 creator could be cool but Splatoon 3 feels so uninspired. I agree with crew, was hoping for a more creative spin-off or something new.

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Ben was easily one of my favorite parts of Giant Bomb since joining. I honestly don't know how I'll feel about the show once he's gone. He adds so much in bringing levity, different perspectives, and great chemistry with Jeff that dare I say gave a taste of what I miss from the Ryan days. I'm leaving my job this week too so I get it. Sometimes you need to move on and grow in a way that makes sense. I hope to hear from Ben on GB as a guest and elsewhere! Take care Ben and I hope you maintain your health -- you've been looking and sounding good lately!

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@rorie: Yeah, looking at the archive it seems late 2013/2014 is when Brad and Patrick got super into it which is odd because it was an early 2012 release. Unusual a game has legs like that, considering there was no DLC/port or anything to regain popularity.

I think what's more interesting than "best game" of the year are what games didn't get appreciated till much later and what games get completely memoryholed (as in, beloved for a week and then forgotten and never spoken of ever again). I think that's why I love features like Breaking Brad. You, Vinny and Ben on the couch for Brad's runs are some of my favorite content. Hope that happens again sometime in 2021!