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    Alan Wake

    Game » consists of 14 releases. Released May 14, 2010

    When famous novelist Alan Wake goes on vacation with his wife Alice, he has no idea that the idyllic town of Bright Falls will soon be the site of a terrible battle between light and dark that could threaten everything, even Wake's own sanity.

    valleyshrew's Alan Wake (Xbox 360) review

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    Vastly over-hyped

     I'm watching the credits roll as a begin to type this, flabbergasted at the high reviews this game has gotten. FFXIII is the only other game I have felt this compelled to write a review of against the grain. It is easily the worst horror game I have played this gen, worse than dead space, resident evil 5 and a myriad of others I have played. I've completed over 150 current gen games just for the record. It is bad in every way pretty much, I'm trying to think of some redeeming aspects, the dark atmosphere (fog/lighting in forest areas) and soundtrack are about the only things good in the game. The story is terrible and the gameplay is generic and repetitive. I wouldn't have been surprised if this game took 1 year to develop, I have no idea how it took 5 as it's really quite short on content.

    It's always obvious where to go, there's no exploring, enemies are extremely easy to kill and there's very little variety. You regularly get all your inventory taken off you (probably 10 times in the 6-8 hours it will take to complete) which is annoying when you have saved up the powerful flare gun. There's not many weapons in the game (revolver, shotgun, rifle, flare gun, flares, flash bang nades and I guess the torch of which there are 3 types), there's no melee, there's collectables put everywhere that dont seem to do much, I really don't have a clue what the coffee thermoses do but I still collected 52 of them. Maybe they help you stay awake.

    The story is about the equivalent of most other horror games, there's nothing interesting in it, no twists or surprises, the characters are not interesting either, there's only a handful in the game. Basically your wife drowns and you're wanderng around in a nightmare. The game reminded me a lot of both fear and resident evil 5. Some of the level design and gameplay design was definitely copying those. Like the power station part was similar to RE5. There were a few sections of car travel that were tacked on and pointless, just a remnant of what was once planned for the game. The gameplay was so generic and annoying, moments like herds of birds constantly ramming into you, objects being flown at you, black goo on the ground. There was no originality in the game. There's a section where you're running along the top of a damn and things keep floating around and hitting you and the floor disappears which highlighted how floaty and bad the jumping and controls are.

    The graphics have been the most hyped part of this game and boy was it a let down. The facial animations are very poor. The game is filled with extremely low quality textures, I didn't see a single door in the game that wasn't extremely poor looking). They've copied a lot of the annoying graphical tropes from other games, I'm reminded of games like FEAR, the darkness, and the recent wolfenstein. There's some decent detail in parts, like a bookstore is full polygon detailed rather than textures.

    The jacket movement is nice on the main character, but the textures are bad. Lots of weird patchy green compression artefacts on the hood and most of the textures in the game. There was a moment where a police woman is putting keys in a doorway that has no handle or lock, and her hand was clipping into the door. Transparencies are handled extremely poorly, with low resolution dithering on everything. There's a lot or crows (or perhaps they're ravens) in the game, they have weird little dots where light is shining through them. They're always clustered 4 pixels at a time, as is everything else in the game aside from the HUD, leading me to believe it is 1/4 the resolution of my tv (1920x1080). There's a lot of annoying motion blur which lowers the resolution and creates lots of large square blocks, and there's a lot of screen tearing when you move the camera around, especially in the residential environments. There's a lot of pop in in the forest area if you look for it. The cut-scenes are pre-rendered, though they use the same low quality models and textures, the resolution is increased as are effects and animations and that sort of thing and the game looks a lot better in those.

    I don't have a clue what to rate this game, I really didn't enjoy one moment of it. I thought I didn't enjoy dead space that much either, but it had much better gameplay, a better story (even though it was pretty poor too), far more scary, better graphics, etc. And looking back it was much more fun. Max payne was a much better of a game as well. If you really want to play this, rent it. It is absolutely not worth retail price compared to the vast majority of other games offering much more. Even something like Haze is better value with a multiplayer mode and co-op. I know I'm going to be called a "troll" for this review, but I would say Haze was actually a better game. The story was more interesting, the gameplay was more interesting, there was more variety. Even the graphics werent much worse, and they didnt make the game dark to hide the poor graphics.

    I'm reminded as well of Alone in the dark, that wasnt a really terrible game. It had similar gameplay including poor quality driving segments and similar unoriginal nonsensical generic horror story plot. Instead of setting all enemies on fire, in alan wake you shine a light on them, it's quite similar. You have torches revealing hidden words in both games. I'd say alone in the dark was actually a better game, and I can't explain why it got much worse ratings. Perhaps just hype. The fire physics were pretty good, there was a lot of weapons and customising of them, it had better maps with lots to explore, and was a lot longer.

    I'm hesitant to post this because I know I will get criticised. If you loved the game that's fine, please don't criticise me for being honest about not liking it. I reckon a lot more negative opinions will be coming soon as people play it.


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    Edited By trulyalive

    Hey, man, don't fear the reaper. 
    If you didn't like that game, that's entirely fine. Hell, I think it's kind of good that you had the guts to throw this review up here. It's rare that *everyone* agrees on an issue like this and if your review resonates with someone who wouldn't have liked the game, that's only a good thing. I personally loved the game but reading your review you made it clear that subjectively this just wasn't for you and that's fine. 
    Peace out.
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    Edited By mindphlux

    While I did enjoy the game, I agree that some aspects are just not working well. The story is neither here nor there (and certainly neither Stephen King nor David Lynch, even though a bunch of Twin Peaks references can be found - sadly, they just don't make it any better), and while the fighting is solid, there sure is alot of it in comparisation to actual content. Many parts of the levels feel like they have been stretched out just to make them feel longer, and often the path setup is so elaborate it's completely ridiculous. Definitely the worst idea was the addition of over two hundred collectibles, of which 100 are coffee thermoses - like I have time to collect such stuff when I am having a nightmare written by myself! There's no sense to it, and still you need to collect them all for achievements. The TV shows are fine, I understand the pages, but coffee thermoses? Come on... if Remedy really had to include an achievement that references Twin Peaks, they could have done it otherwise. This is just stupid.
    Graphics look a bit compressed, but otherwise fine, the game controls well and the sound is definitely sharp - if you excuse the mediocre voice acting. It's all no Uncharted 2 or Heavy Rain, really, so I don't know where the 5 years of development time went, but it's not that terrible. I'd give it 3 of 5 stars because at least some aspects work well. For more than that it's just too short and generic. Also, for a horror game, this isn't scary at all.

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    Edited By tmthomsen

    For the record, the game isn't trying to be a horror game; It's a psychological thriller as it even states on the box. So I can understand if you were disappointed going in expecting something entirely else, but I found the game to be absolutely fantastic.
    Oh, and your "I've played over 150 games, therefore my opinion is valid" argument is lame.

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    Edited By Jeust

    While i understand your review, if you nitpick so much you will never find any game you will love.  No videogame is perfect. 

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    Edited By asojax

    I can understand if this game wasn't for you, it won't be for most people.  but from what you wrote you didn't quite get the story, you said "  Basically your wife drowns and you're wanderng around in a nightmare"  if you actually paid attention to the game and read the manuscript as you got pages you weren't wandering around in a nightmare the lake hid a supernatural secret and was holding onto the wife.  the story was probably one of the best i have had the pleasure of watching unfold as i played through a game.    I have played over 150 current gen games as well but it really doesn't mean im qualified to sit here and say your review is wrong, or that i could write a better review just means i enjoy playing games, and i for one thought this was a much better game than most i have played. 

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      Fright Train to Awesometown 0

      The roof is on fire, gonna burn it to the ground!    I have been on a quest for a really good story driven suspense or horror themed game for a long, long time. Resident Evil 5 was alright, but it didn't have that creepy atmosphere and the story was throw away.  Alone in the Dark had some great ideas and music but the gameplay was simply broken. Heavy Rain seemed to have a lot of promise and it was fun but was hit and miss in both  gameplay and story. And who at Giant Bomb has not played...

      10 out of 10 found this review helpful.

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