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Giant Bomb News


Fallout 3 DLC Announced

One pack a month for the first three months of 2009. Also, mod tools!

This guy's excited about it.
This guy's excited about it.
Bethesda has laid down some new information on upcoming downloadable content packs for its recently released action-adventure, Fallout 3. The content will be exclusive to the Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game, which sounds like a fancy way of saying "we would like to thank Microsoft for the fat check they gave us to keep this off the PS3."

The first pack will hit in January, and will be called Operation: Anchorage. It'll let you enter a military simulation and re-enact the battle between the US and the Chinese--this is one of the key pre-vault struggles in the Fallout universe, which is kind of cool.

The Pitt will be released in February and will have players travel to Pittsburgh, which is now a town full of raiders.

March will bring the Broken Steel pack, which picks up after the completion of the game's main quest and has you join up with the Brotherhood of Steel to eradicate the Enclave forces from the Capital Wasteland.

Continuing the story seems interesting. But if you want to continue the story yourself, you'll also be able to build your own content in the PC version via mod tools to be released in December. That should really jump start the Fallout 3 mod scene, which has been limited to pretty basic changes so far.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+