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Giant Bomb News


Welcome to Giant Bomb: E3 2010 Edition

The Electronic Three doesn't stand a chance.

 A shot from E3 1977.
 A shot from E3 1977.
By this time tomorrow, we'll probably all be down in Los Angeles, getting the house we're going to be working out of up to speed by filling it full of video equipment and dudes that understand how to use video equipment. In case you didn't know, we're doing this because the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo takes place next week, and Giant Bomb will be there!

Expect things to start happening for reals on Monday. We'll be peppering the site with updates, fresh news, liveblogs of the press conferences, video of us doing very dumb things, and more.

One thing you should probably be mostly aware of is that we plan to broadcast a live video from the house at the end of each day, Monday through Thursday. While the nature of scheduling prevents us from nailing down a specific time each night, we'll get some basic windows together in a couple of days and start promoting those. In the meantime, you might want to keep an eye on some of these Twitter accounts we're running...

  • @giantbomb - That's the official site account that'll keep you up to date when things get posted.
  • @jeffgerstmann - Hey, that's me! I'll probably post meaningless things like "Just saw [GAME NAME X] and it looks pretty cool."
  • @bradshoemaker - Brad will probably post things about how hungover he is and his love of the Quake 1 rocket launcher.
  • @taswell - Ryan is an asshole.
  • @vinnycaravella - Vinny would tell you all about he video he is cutting, but he likes surprises.
There's also a list that auto-follows the individual staff accounts that you can look at here.

As far as I can tell, Drew and Joey are too smart to have Twitter accounts.

E3 1984 was when everyone showed off their new boat controllers. 
E3 1984 was when everyone showed off their new boat controllers. 
The live video streams we'll be running at night are also set to double as our daily podcasts, so if you can't view the stream, you'll catch all of the magic via the podcast's usual RSS feed.

This should be an exciting show. There are a lot of hotly anticipated games that have already been announced, and at least a few more surprises on the way next week. On top of that, we'll finally get to try all of this other motion control stuff again, and I think we'll probably leave the show knowing for sure if any of this Natal/Move stuff is going to result in "real" games or if it's going to be a bunch of silly arm-flapping crap for kids and old people who still think that computers are magic. There is exactly one Natal game that I'm currently interested in seeing, but we'll probably know a lot more about other controller-free software by Monday afternoon. Move already fares a little better with stuff like SOCOM 4 and Slider, but by mid-day Tuesday, we'll know what other stuff Sony has up its sleeves.

And hey, don't forget the potential for new handheld hardware. Nintendo's 3DS is expected to be shown, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear Sony at least start talking about a follow-up to the PSP since the PSPgo has already become something of a joke.

Do you think we'll see Hulu on the Xbox 360? That's been the rumor. I think it's safe to say that we'll hear more about 3D gaming, too, and not just from Sony, who rolled out support for that stuff earlier this week with a handful of downloadable 3D things and has plans for stuff like Killzone 3, which will be playable in 3D. Everything I've seen from the current era of 3D television and games has been an utter disappointment and feels like a complete waste of resources, so expect to hear me get all cranky about that as it's announced.

Los Angeles, CA - the site of E3 2010! 
Los Angeles, CA - the site of E3 2010! 
We've got a schedule full of appointments and our hands are just about full, but we'll be taking questions from you during our daily live streams, and hopefully that'll direct us a bit to go find the things you want to see more of.

In the meantime, Brad Nicholson and Matt Kessler will be holding it down on the home front, making sure that whatever happens while we're out in the field gets on the site sooner, rather than later. Dude, it's like we're a multifaceted strike force or something! And we've got our own house that hopefully won't get torched in the process!

In other words, I already feel pretty good about where we're at.

We'll be driving down tomorrow, and since I'm that type of guy, we'll probably be livestreaming portions of our drive down. You'll find that on my Ustream page, which I keep separate from the official Giant Bomb page because mine is way stupider! See you on the other side.    
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+