Why do people compare Elden Ring to Horizon 2? They seem like such different games trying to do different things...

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I know people hate Elden ring besides the big fans for it being too obtuse/hard and praise horizon zero dawn for the story and gameplay, along with creativity.

Overall, I noticed...who cares, their so different. I finally got my hands on the horizon 2 game and well... it's more horizon which is good. It should be. It's probably the most creative game we had in a while. The gameplay is cool, the art great, the story nice, etc.

Elden ring IMO from a bias, I enjoy souls like games, is probably the best game I've ever played in a long time. Recency bias overlooked, I really click with that game but after reading why it's bad I notice why people may not like it and consider horizon better. All the things people hate about Elden ring I like so it's not helping it.

But I also like horizon 2, and it seems the internet thinks you can only like one. Is it a one or the other thing? Just cause they came out around the same time...is it due to the hate on souls genre. A game can't be as people put it online the worst if it created an entire genre...though I guess there are exceptions...battle royal is a genre now and Fortnite pushed it and people hate Fortnite.

Anyway what makes people compare these games, are they really that similar. Am I missing something? Is horizon bad cause it's more horizon? Is Elden ring bad cause it's more souls? Is everything pointless cause people will hate and like things on a whim and you should only care about your opinion but keep getting influenced by others so your opinion isn't your own...:( got crazy there. XD.

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone compare the games at all. Merely note the timing of their releases.

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#3  Edited By FacelessVixen

Because, despite gaming being, at least in my mind, a nerdy hobby of which implies having a certain level of intelligence... gamers can come up with the dumbest fucking opinions at times.

Disclaimer: I too have made the idiotic "inFamous versus Prototype" comparisons back in the day. I might have even said the a game was "the Dark Souls of so-and-so genre" at a certain point because the game was hard or whatever.

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i find the comparison tiresome given the only significant design DNA they share is 3rd person perspective, a map, and an open world. but i think the main reasons you see the comparison are:

-proximity of release (they came out within a week of one another)

-differences of open world approach (and the ways they do or do not present information)

-lazy opinions (meaning- a lot of personalities forced the comparison because it gave them something to talk about). i think a lot of people talk about open world design as if there's some sort of platonic ideal to be achieved (cough BotW- not my opinion, but people worship it and i can understand why). but you don't see the same thing with shooters- everyone loved doom 2016, but you didn't see people saying titanfall 2 or wolfenstein 2 suffered because of its success.

ultimately i think there are well articulated reasons to have a preference for either- they're both doing pretty wildly different things at very competent levels.

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It's pretty funny to see people criticizing Horizon for not doing enough that's new when Elden Ring is the--what?--sixth game from this developer with pretty similar mechanics and their fourth game with a similar visual aesthetic.

I'm coming at Elden Ring from a perspective that isn't generally written about. I'm not a FromSoft fan. Not only that, I actively avoided their games for years after being put off by, first, Demon's Souls and secondly, the fans. FromSoft fans are the Hamilton fans of gaming. Last year, a friend suggested that I try Dark Souls 3 and he sent me Steam gift card. So I figured I'd try it. I have no idea how close I got to finishing the game, but after putting 50 hours into it, I did come to an appreciation and respect for what the game wants the player to do, even if I still believe that the intentional opacity of the mechanics is annoying. I'm 30 hours into Elden Ring and enjoying it.

On the other hand, Horizon Zero Dawn had a story that I found deeply affecting, because it's a topic I think about all the time. Say what you will about that game telling a story about corporate greed ending the world. A cliché, sure. But so is a story about a great corrupting force taking over the land. The voice acting in FromSoft games isn't bad, but it is all the same. The same vaguely posh-British accent where everyone is either utterly despressed or name dropping half a dozen new characters. I want to get back into the Horizon world eventually. The only stopping me is that I have a PS4 and I'd prefer to wait to play it on a PS5.

These things can co-exist. It's not either-or. It just looks that way to us, the type of people who literally choose to spend our free time talking about video games on an internet forum. Inevitably, one game is gonna dominate the news and discourse.

Now I'm wondering if Deep Impact holds up as well as Armageddon.

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#6  Edited By ThePanzini

When vaguely similar games come out relatively close together its only natural to compare and contrast them, when they're a departure from the norm like Elden Ring the differences stand out a lot more.

Its more surprising that folks in gaming often come out with the worst takes

Horizon 1 was compared to BotW and the latter should be the new template for open world games, ignoring the fact Horizon sold 20m copies.

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Because there's a whole lot of people and plenty of them are stupid and/or just parrot the opinions of some "influencer" or another. Let's not forget there are still folk that think the world's flat or that society is run by lizard people.

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#8  Edited By liquiddragon

Don’t you know it’s impossible to praise a game without shitting on another?

As far as I saw, it was mostly ppl saying how great of an open world game Elden Ring is and the point of comparison happened to be Horizon FW as a “traditional” open world game due to their proximity of release.

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@bladeofcreation: I actually think you're coming at it from the most popular perspective. Elden ring was seen as the opening game, the way people blossom into "getting" why people love this series of "dumb" games that are just hard for no reason as non-fans put it. The general consensus by non-players for years was the games had no story and as you say the limited story is just generic. In reality, the games have a story that's a lot more original than expected with the nuanced takes on each character's drives and reason and not overstating it and putting it in your face. The show don't tell of it all. Elden ring just has the most approachable story to gain more people, but in my opinion dark souls 1 and 3 have a nice throughline about the cycle of endless existentialism with the fact that they keep burning away their problem, and if they don't someone else eventually will, and their cursed to do this for eternity, but in reality, you learn that their all slaves to this fate including you the hero and you'll live long enough as the hero to be the villain...batman...and fight yourself, an omnipowerful person with all the abilities gained over countless deaths that is still surrounded by fallen swords but will be beaten by a lowly person who dodges real good. And in the end, those things won't matter cause much like our planet, eventually, it will all turn to ash in the face of a dead sun. It's a story that people lambasted basic a little to often cause it doesn't spell it out in my opinion. It's dark and not so feel-good so i get people not liking it.

I think the opacity of mechanics were a feature that they got rid of to cater to more people and if they go any further it will attract more people but really get rid of why people used to love the series. The creator if you read up on it had to secretly make the game in a way since those above him played an early build and like most on the net, though it was trash and the most obtuse stupid game they ever played that was too hard for its own good and no one would enjoy such a tedious slog dying and fighting to someday beat an unfair boss and not get a "story". It was correct in a marketing sense and on paper, marvel sells, making a movie about blue alien people in Pocahontas on paper doesn't, but both do well (avatar).

I'm biased as I said since I figured out the twist on horizon when she was a kid, "Aloy" really...people didn't 'get' that hint. And the constant showcase of destroyed old buildings and robots basically losing the soil. Not a bad story but everyone stating it's the best story ever written in gaming and how moved they were by the audacity that it even did the things it did made me a bit over expecting. I also play tons of rpgs with the same themes and story ideas. But again a lot of the stuff you think is ehhh is the features and as others put it flaws i like. The voice acting being of that era's expected tone, the sadness, and melancholy, the way NPCs don't think you're the great savior and live their own lives while you're saving the world, the way you just happen to meet them again on your adventure and they're like eh oh you beat the big dragon, i beat so and so, gonna die from this poison, nice meeting ya, oh you have an antidote, thanks or no antidote bye. Its all very unique to this series that people who copy it, star wars, lords of the fallen, etc don't get. It's not just slow as people say clunky gameplay and stamina management with no story and dumb hard fights.

But again I also think the souls series, gets hit on too much for being the same game just cause its a series. If they had different names or came from different companies people would like em more. No other series for the most part has that many sequels that are as successful besides the big dudes, Mario, etc, and they have different games each time, sunshine vs galaxy, etc. souls has bloodborne that even jeff liked and the mechanics of souls on paper doesn't seem like it would ever suit his interest, they have sekiro which I think is vastly different from dark souls, and the other games were just about 4 sequels, with Elden ring being different even if people keep saying its just open world dark souls 4 as a pejorative in a way. Assassins creed had 4 games before it changed with boats than different locals that were very different, no on gave them crap for not rewriting the formula after 2 games yet souls gets it even though the games were universally seen as pretty good. It's a weird feeling to see all the hate online for souls but i get that alot of people online also just got into it with Elden ring and only heard bad stuff about how hard it was over the years. The games also function in a way people wouldn't be used to with no waymarkers and limited cutscenes and gameplay that can feel cheap. so i get why people think their a little overrated.

PS: had to take years to convince a friend to see hamilton, people likely think popular stuff is not for them cause they folded their hands discouragingly when watching it and liked it but no doubt telling your friends to try a thing usually gets them mad and no matter how good it is...they will fight it. Hamilton is another thing that has deep meanings and lyrics but won't matter cause online most seem to hate it lol. I guess it's a running thing, online people hate stuff.

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I have not seen anyone comparing them gameplay wise at all. The only thing I have seen is the timing of the releases.

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To me, they just do it for the purpose of trolling as they are making an imaginary rivalry between these two.

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Well, the Bombcast compared both games quite a bit, which is understandable because they're video game journalist and its part of their job. The main comparison was how the new Horizon is a modern open world game that tells you where to go and what to do in the main storyline while throwing a bunch of side quest at you. Whereas, Elden Ring is a true open world game where you can go anywhere at anytime and not follow of set path, which is not completely true. Elden Ring does point you in the direction you should go to play out the main storyline, it's just very subtle about it.

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#13  Edited By theonewhoplays

I haven't been able to find the energy to play open world games since Marvel's Spiderman. I had to basically force myself to finish the first Horizon to see what the hubbub was about, rushed through Witcher 3 since the gameplay was dreadful, quit RDR2 after an hour, and am overall dead tired of open world games. The only exception is Elden Ring which I spent 150 hours with and beat every boss. I'm sure alot of people have a similar experience, so it's not surprising if they want to try to compare these games to find out what ER does that the others don't. I never bought Horizon 2 after watching videos and realizing they doubled down on everything I disliked about the original, like the terrible loot system and item management. It's only natural to compare two third-person open world games when they are released at the same time. I think the two have enough similarities for anyone to have a discussion about what they do differerently. Funnily enough, the item management in ER is one of its weaker aspects as well.

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#14  Edited By BaneFireLord

The BOTW/Horizon 1 comparison was more fun and compelling, since apart from the release window proximity both games had oddly similar post-post robot apocalypse settings with a protagonist made special through their possession of ancient technology and relationship with the Before Times, plus a strong emphasis on bow combat. ER/Horizon 2 is just a case of timing and pot-stirring.

If we must compare the two, I hope the industry lesson is "hey, open world games can be different things, let's get weird" and not "Elden Ring is now The One True Way." I've been largely having a good time with Elden Ring (and eaten a helping heaping of crow in the process based on my previous negative Souls stance), but while it mostly works in the context of all the other mechanics at play, its overarching open world design philosophy is not a big contributor to my enjoyment. I really hope we don't see a bunch of soulless (pun not intended) slapdash attempts to replicate it from other studios as the next big trend. But based on how the industry learned the shallowest lessons from previous generation-defining fantasy open world games (i.e. Skyrim and BOTW), I'm not very optimistic.

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@av_gamer said:

Well, the Bombcast compared both games quite a bit, which is understandable because they're video game journalist and its part of their job. The main comparison was how the new Horizon is a modern open world game that tells you where to go and what to do in the main storyline while throwing a bunch of side quest at you. Whereas, Elden Ring is a true open world game where you can go anywhere at anytime and not follow of set path, which is not completely true. Elden Ring does point you in the direction you should go to play out the main storyline, it's just very subtle about it.

The comparison doesn't really make sense both are striving to achieve different things.

Horizon focus is on the story and its world it literally wants you to meet its people, the side quests like its environment are part of its world building.

Elden Rings focus is on exploration and discovery not knowing where exactly to go and relying on vague hints and suggestions.

Their is no true open world both games achieve what they are trying to do, having multiple side quests with lengthy dialogue scenes connected to form an overarching story wouldn't really work as well in Elden Ring as it does in Horizon.

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#16  Edited By MindBullet

Horizon was getting hate well before it released. It's a pretty easy target for bad faith opinions, and even when it has certain aspects worth criticizing now that it's been released there is a bit of that stink still clinging to the intent to dunk it into the dirt.

Elden Ring is the opposite. It was basically declare GOTY before it ever released. It's an easy target for hype beasts and rabid fandom. Now that it's out, those same people can't help but compare the way From does the open world formula to everything else.

Horizon just got caught in the perfect storm. It released close to Elden Ring, is open world, and was a major release that people were still in the middle of discussing. To be fair, this isn't necessarily new. There's a reason publishers will try to time releases specifically to compete or avoid other big releases.

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@thepanzini: That was actually the main point I made during the time they were disgusting both games. I pointed out that a true example of what they're claiming Elden Ring is, is the non-linear JRPGs like the Romancing Saga series and so on, where you really don't get any kind of hints or suggestions and need to figure things out on your own. All you get is a narrative about what is happening in the world setting, then you're left on your own.

@mindbullet: I agree with you there. The negative comments about Horizon 2 before coming out were kind of surprising, especially considering how well praised the original was when it came out and how it trended that way for a while before the sequel came out. I haven't played Horizon 2 yet, but I loved the original and I know I will like the sequel if its more of that but better. I also think Elden Ring is a very good game that lived up to the hype behind it. Sad most people don't realize it's possible to like two things at the same time. It doesn't have to be one or the other.