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5 great video game songs I love #1

I am going to try and do one of these blogs somewhat regularly. I am going to choose 5 different video game songs that I love and post them here, they could have a certain theme or just be random songs. Here we go with the five songs this time,  Remember these are not in any particular order.

1. Adventures of Batman and Robin - Joker Boss Theme

The first time I heard this song it blew me away. The reason it blew me away is the fact that it was on the Sega Genesis. I generally don't like Genesis music as much as the Super Nintendo, but this song certainly ranks up there in the top for me. This song was composed by Jesper Kyd, whos music I have recently discovered and liked very much.

2. Jurassic Park - Mountain

Jurassic Park on the NES was a game from when I was younger that I absolutely loved. Still to this day I fire this game up once in a while and play it for a couple of hours. I loved the sense of exploring the island from the movie and solving puzzles. Of course even since childhood I have been a sucker for a game with a good soundtrack and this game is no exception. I really could have chosen from a handful of great tunes from this game. Jurassic Parks soundtrack seems to really enhance the mood, i'm looking at you building theme.

3. Plok - Boss Theme

Plok is one of those games that I think is quite often overlooked. Plok is a really fun action/platforming game that also happens to have a pretty amazing soundtrack to it. This is one of those songs that I am surprised is coming out of the SNES. I quite often put this song into rotation while I am at work.

4. Pac-Man Champion Edition DX - Menu Song

This song is one that is certainly not overlooked or overrated, but I still love it. Pac-Man Champion Edition DX does everything so right for a Pac-Man update, and the music for me is a big part of that.

5. Suikoden - Main Theme (Guitar Version)

This song is quite a bit slower than the ones I typically like, however I absolutely love it. This game is so amazing and this song really brings back the memories of playing it. I really could sit and listen to this song play for a long time and just relax to it. One of the parts of Suikoden I loved so much was it's music and was the first video game soundtrack I ever purchased. 
Well that is it for this time, next time I do one of these I am going to make it a theme. If you have an idea for a good theme or some great overlooked video game music let me know!

Cloud saves and why I now care about PSN +

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 So up until now I honestly have not cared one bit about PSN +. I primarily play the Xbox 360 and Live has been all that I needed and I have gladly payed for it for the past 7 years or so. Well recently I moved my Live profile to a USB thumb drive, which then corrupted said profile. So I figure no big deal I will go ahead and delete my profile and recover it. Well silly me going too fast, the system did not recognize that I had hit up and so I ended up deleting profile and all items. So in this whole process I ended up losing every save file I had since the Xbox 360 launch. 
 So now Sony is adding this fancy cloud storage for save files for it's PSN + members. Boy would this feature have been handy to have on Xbox Live for when I accidentally deleted all of my save files. So for the first time since it's debut I am pining for a feature that PSN + members get. I really hope that Microsoft decides to implement a similar feature into Live, but until then I think I might have to become a PSN + member also. Kudos to Sony for this feature and I hope to see more awesome features like this in the future.

Retro Review: Kid Niki for the NES



  Kid Niki, a weird side scrolling game from my NES past. I remember as a kid I played this game quite a bit. I could always get around two-thirds of the way through the game, but could never finish it. Well my friends as of now I have finally beaten this game, and I will give it a quick review.

  Kid Niki is a pretty straight forward side scrolling kill the endless waves of enemies until you reach the boss game. Think of Kung Fu, but with some very strange enemies. There are fire breathing frogs, expressionless ninjas, cat looking flying squirrels, birds with mohawks, very strange bosses, and even some dreaded bubbles.

  The story is apparently about a "Stone Wizard" who steals a princess and you set out to rescue her. That is really about it on story. At the end of the game you end up rescuing her, only to find out it's not the last level. The last level instead is you chasing the boss around, defeating him multiple times. 

  The music in this game mostly consists of the same two songs. There is the level music and the boss music. While the music does get repetitive listening throughout the game, there is something strangely likable in it. It could be fond memories of my childhood, but I kept getting the tune stuck in my head. There is actually a couple of short moments with other music, but I would say 90% is the same song.

  The game play in this game is actually quite good. This is what stands out for the game (besides the weirdness) and actually makes it a pretty fun game to play. The controls feel very responsive and you can use your attack as fast as you can push the button. The only times I really died in this game were because I did not time something correctly, and not because of wonky controls that can be prevalent in NES games.

  Overall I would say it is a pretty fun game, and if you have it laying around in a closet somewhere, dust that bad boy off and give it a go. Or of course you could go the emulator route, which you would get most of the experience, but it is really more fun using the old NES controller.