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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

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  • It easily surpasses the original in every way. Also, I am a weirdo because I think the story is kind of good, in like a batshit anime sense ofc

  • I could not stop playing this for a solid 4 days and I neglected a lot of important things but I'm not sad because it is seriously one of the best stories I've seen in a game.

  • Seriously, 8-player with family/friends is one of the best gaming experience I've had all year


  • Super dumb, but also like super smart. Alternative history with dual-wielding, but also really well-directed cutscenes with some legitimate emotional weight.

  • The aesthetic is cool. Some parts were cringe-y, but like shit I've said cringe-y stuff in middle school and isn't this game basically like trying to capture what you thought was tight in middle school?

  • I feel like pretty much everyone understands why this works even though every1 is SUPER tired of NES revival stuff, but I'll just reiterate: It's tight like all the best NES games were. it brings in a lot of cool modern elements. The art and world is totally, totally rad.

  • FUCK LOTR. FUCK ASSASSIN'S CREED. I haven't touched a Batman game. I like this though? The story is garbage, but the real story is how good it felt to kill Skog the Slasher after the tenth time he killed me, but FUCK THIS GAME'S QTEs.

  • This brought me back in and made me actually kind of interested in learning the mechanics of competitive SF. I'm still a scrub.

  • This game did a bad job. Perfect art, perfect job system, and perfect flexibility. As someone who has quit playing at least 6 Final Fantasy games halfway I can't believe I decided to go for the atrocious true ending. Bravely Second will be the greatest game ever if they don't cock up the pacing.

    -PS- Persona Q would've taken this spot if I had gotten around to it.

  • Can't help, but mention it


    -Some characters were really cool, Dorain and Cole being two of my favs

    -The skill system/class progression was neat

    -The dialogue options and story choices actually felt like they had value

    -The personal narratives completely outshines the actual story


    -The personal narratives completely outshines the actual story

    -Like I still don't even really know what happened, but also don't care


    -Maybe the most disjointed game I've played in a while

    -Poor UI

    -Try finding anything anywhere

    Still, I had a really good time powering up my buds to take down Clawguy