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I have a brand new laptop with windows 8! I guess that I've now been upgraded! It's also cool to see that it has a touch screen.

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Video Game Halloween-Like Music!!

It’s getting close to Halloween, so I’m thinking about listening to some Halloween music. Unlike the traditional Halloween themes, (like This is Halloween, The Addams Family Theme, The Monster Mash, Thriller, and many others) I’m going to list video game music that I think is Halloween-like for your enjoyment. So, please listen, enjoy, and leave comments and recommendations as always! (I put the best last… in my opinion! = - P)

1. Assassin’s Creed 2 – Ezios Family

2. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door – Riddle Tower

3. Silent Hill - I’ll Kill You

4. Castlevania IV – Prologue Theme

5. Earthworm Jim – What the Heck!

6. Sonic CD – Final Boss

7. Donkey Kong Country – Misty Menace

8. Braid - Undercurrent

9. Super Metroid – Title Screen

10. World of Goo - Screamer

11. Chrono Trigger – Strains of Insanity

12. Resident Evil 4 – Regenerator Theme

13. Rayman 2: The Great Escape – Tomb of the Ancients

14. Donkey Kong 64 - Dungeon

15. Super Mario Galaxy 2 – Haunty Halls Galaxy

16. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Luigi’s Mansion Theme

17. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption – Dark Samus Battle

18. Chrono Cross – Isle of the Dead

19. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – The Shadow Temple

20. Conker’s Bad Fur Day – Undead (Mansion Theme)

21. Earthbound – Giygas in all 4 forms


WOW, IT'S A BLOG!! Update on what I've been up to.


Well, it's been a while since I really posted anything here on GB. I guess it's where I've been through a few tragedies in the last couple of months. Too many to list really… Recently I had an uncle that passed away (next week he will be buried) and we are dealing with the estate, I've had several nervous breakdowns and anxiety problems due to stress, I've had a time trying to decide what I should do with my life (Still haven't decided yet. Don’t know whether to continue with college or get a job and take a break from college), and there has been stuff that has been going on with me and the family that I just don't talk about it with anyone. At times, I feel like I have lost the will to live, but something is keeping me here… 
As some may know, I'm taking an online class this summer, U.S. History. At times it's boring, and at times it's interesting. There are also times when I want to rip the pages out of the book cause there is a lot of work involved with online summer classes. The reports are really time consuming and frustrating.
In real life, I am friendless now. I’ve pretty much been forgot about with real life friends. I’ve tried to keep in contact with people, but they never do respond back.  

Internet life, I’m not friendless. YAY! However, I do feel that some rekindling does need to take place with a few online buds cause of my inactivity. Just remember that I do try to make a point of visiting GB briefly everyday to check messages and possibly look at blogs and forum stuff. I’m still here, but in a way I’m not. Look forward to hearing from anyone really, cause whether it is realized or not, it helps with my mentality. So anyone give me a holler!!


Now Playing: Earthbound

I've been playing Earthbound when I get free time. I have to say that it's a very unique and enjoyable modern-day RPG. At first it was difficult to really get into as it was easy to lose focus, but as time went on the game really got interesting and fun. The thing I enjoy most about the game is its humor and charm. Everything in the game is quirky, and I LOVE IT!! Game has some pretty good music, and I have the Apple Kid Theme as a ringtone on my iPhone. =-P It's easy to remember the characters, controls and mechanics of the game. The enemies that you fight are crazy and the moving backgrounds when fighting an enemy is really beautiful. The backgrounds really help put me into the moment!
The problem though is the game doesn't look as it should look. The graphics aren't up to par, and the game isn't well proportioned with its buildings. The game is not realistic in anyway. (Of course, they did hit the nail on the head considering the fact that there are certainly stupid people.) The towns are well laid out, then again they aren’t. It seems that each town has something missing (Especially Fourside since it’s a city). To me, cities are supposed to have pretty much almost everything and Fourside doesn't have what it should. There aren't even cars or trucks traveling in Fourside. There are taxi's that want to kill you, but seriously what about ones that don't want to kill you like in Onett and Twoson? There is only one library and one police building located in Onett? Only one graveyard located in Threed? Only one bus stop and bicycle shop in Twoson? Only one stupid and pointless club and eat in restaurant located in Summers? Why doesn’t Fourside have these things? Where are the gas stations, post offices, and banks? ATMs aren’t enough, sorry. Escargo Express may act like a post office, but who the hell comes up to you to say that you want to store something or pick up something? (Hilarious actually) 

Not quite finished with the game yet as Ness is trapped inside his thoughts, mind or whatever. The game is in no way realistic, but it is fun. All in all though, Earthbound is a great game! 

Wanting and Waiting For: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

I’ve been waiting for this game ever since there were hints of it in 2009. I’m impressed with the trailers of it, but I have a few doubts about the controls. But, time will tell if it’s going to be a successful and praised release from Nintendo. 

Wanting: Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc and Wave Race: Blue Storm

I have a couple dollars left on my Gamestop card, and I think that this will complete my GameCube collection of what I want to play. Now it’s the matter of Gamestop getting both games in stock! (BTW, my town has a new Gamestop, hopefully they won’t run out the privately owned game store.) 

Newly Bought Games

Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles

Bejeweled Blitz (DS)


Movies Watched this Month and Last Month

City of Angels

Police Story

Police Story 2

Death Becomes Her


It’s Complicated

The Bucket List

Spiderman 3

Yogi Bear

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

John Adams

The Winds of War

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

True Grit


Britney Spears is a bitch, but her new music video is funny (Especially at 1:23). The look on that kids face is just priceless. =-P I don’t like the music she does. It’s just not my tastes at all.

Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles has a decent soundtrack. Here is one of my favorite songs from the game, Departure.

I’m a fan of Frank Sinatra. Here is a song I’ve been listening to lately, Under My Skin


·           Life sucks.

·           Earthbound is cool.

·           I cannot believe I never watched City of Angels until 2 weeks ago. Such a great movie.

·           True Grit and Narnia was worth watching.

·           Britney Spears gets underneath my skin, because I don't like her. =-P 

Until next time,



What I've learned from art class!!

 Well, I'm taking an art class this semester, as some may already know. I would like to show my homework assignments that I have had to do for art class with you good people of Giantbomb!! First, here is an art blog that I have made last year.

Through this new art class that I am taking, I believe that my skills in art have improved. I believe that it’s because of the nice stuff that I bought specifically for the class!! Or perhaps it’s because of a knowledgeable art professor. = - P It's mostly the professor telling me how to use the drawing instruments.

No Caption Provided

I mainly work with different types of graphite, charcoal, pastels, and colored pencils. The professor mainly wants everyone to draw household objects, and other miscellaneous decorative items, and so it’s what I do! I draw on a 18" X 24" (45.7 X 61 cm) drawing pad.

Well, here’s my artwork! Please note that on two of the drawings, I’ve blotched out my real name. Everyone should know that “Tyler York” is just an alias that I respond to. Also, there was one experiment that I've done just to test out and mix the pastel colors, and it's the landscape picture.

Hope you all liked and see the improvement in the way I draw. Please leave comments and such. Until next time Giantbomb!! 

Tyler York


Tyler’s “Normal” Music Playlist

So ya’ll know that I pretty much love video game music, and we all know that I've really posted enough video game music blogs; however, I haven’t really posted many blogs on what kind of “normal” music that I like. I think that I posted like only two blogs on the subject matter! So, I think that it’s fair to share what my current tastes are in “normal” music. I believe that the video game music and the normal music that I listen to are polar opposites, so that is pretty much the reason why I was motivated to create this blog.

This is a list of 30 songs that I love, and have listened to for a long while now. Every so often I post a random song for people here to listen to, so some people who may see this blog shouldn’t be too shocked on some of the familiar song choices that I’ve posted. Like always, I want recommendations, comments, and rants (Conflict can be healthy! Also I want recommendations because I really want something new to listen to.) Take care, and enjoy the music everyone!!........ If ya’ll can. = - P

Tyler York 

1.        Only If - Enya

2.        The Butterfly – Mairead Nesbitt from Celtic Woman (Instrumental)

3.        Show Me – Moya Brennan

4.        Exchange – Massive Attack (Instrumental)

5.        Just Can’t Get Enough – The Black Eyed Peas

6.        Crazy - Seal

7.        Little Secrets – Passion Pit

8.        Rockin’ the Suburbs – Ben Folds (Better video, more cussing, and crazy in a bad way!)

9.        Stranger in Moscow – Michael Jackson

10.    Back to the 80s - Aqua

11.    Life’s Rich Tapestry – Modern English

12.    Waterfall – Wendy and Lisa

13.    Broken Wings – Mr. Mister

14.    I Ran – Flock of Seagulls

15.    Knock on Wood – Amii Stewart

16.    Baker Street – Gerry Rafferty

17.    Learn to Fly – Foo Fighters

18.    You Get What You Give – New Radicals

19.    Island in the Sun - Weezer

20.    Love on a Real Train – Tangerine Dream (Instrumental)

21.    Days Go By – Dirty Vegas

22.    Linger – The Cranberries

23.    Wicked Game – Chris Issak

24.    Fields of Gold - Sting

25.    Reel Around the Sun – Bill Whelan (Instrumental)

26.    True Colors - Cyndi Lauper

27.    Turn the Beat Around - Gloria Estefan

28.    Robin the Hooded Man - Clannad (Might as well be considered as an instrumental)

29.    Don’t Dream It’s Over – Susan Boyle

30.    The Way We Were – Barbra Streisand


The Attempted Robbery

Well, I have to say that today was a pretty interesting and scary day. My mother could of been killed by a maniac. 
Here's the story. Very close family friends are moving into their brand new home this week. My family has offered to help them move. The women would stay home and take care of the unpacking, and the men are responsible for moving the heavy furniture and such from the old home to the new one. I'm very sore moving furniture right now, but I'm glad that I could help in their time of need. 
Anyways, I received a phone call from my mother and I could hear her yell "Go away, you're not welcome here." She told me stay on the line, and so I did. I let everyone around me hear what was going on as crook was still there, and we all made a mad dash to get to her from the old home once we knew what was going on. (20 minutes away) The law was immediately contacted after that call. 
What actually on the other side of the phone was pretty interesting. According to mom, she was using the bathroom in the downstairs area, and she heard someone come in. She at first thought it was my dad by the sound of his voice, because he responded to her question by grunting like my dad does when he answers. Once she stepped out of the bathroom, she saw the crook inside the house in front of the door looking around.
Mom - "What are you doing here?" 
Crook - "Oh, uh, I just need to get something." 
Mom - "You are not welcome here, people are moving in to this home and you have no business being here."  Then she got her phone out, "I'm calling the police."  
Crook steps outside. 
Mom runs and slams the door behind him, and he realizes it's a bluff. He yells, "I'm going to get in!" 
Mom ran upstairs and locked the front door before he could get to it, then she remembers that the kitchen door is unlocked. Then she ran to the kitchen, grabbed the closest thing that was near her, which was a metal cake server, and while he was opening up the door, she runs to the door and slammed the door with her full body weight on his hand. He was able to get loose, and she was able to lock the door. He pounded on the door to intimidate her, and then she called me while he was pounding. Once he realized that my mother wasn't playing any games, he ran and disappeared into the creek and onto the four lane. (Good thing he wasn't armed.)
Everyone was too late getting to the house, including the police, As the crook wasn't able to be caught. But they asked my mom questions and she was able to describe the man in detail, and the police searched the house. Nothing was stolen thankfully. 
Right now, I'm glad and extremely thankful that no one important got hurt or killed today. The locks were changed today, so no one should get in now. Hopefully it'll give my family friends a peace of mind. What happened will not be on the news or local news, so that is good.
Take care Giantbombers, and everyone stay safe. I need sleep as today was pretty weird. 
Tyler York


Looking for some good apps for iPhone.

So recently I got an iPhone 3GS 8GB, and it's by far the best phone I've ever had! Got it from AT&T for $49. Didn't get the iPhone 4 because the 3GS is more affordable. Didn't go with Verison, because they didn't want to honor the work discount that my dad could get. Shame because they could of had our business, but AT&T is the best thing to have in this location (Plus they honored the discount) besides the prepaid phones that are available through Wal-Mart now. (I know because I've had one.)  
I've been browsing around the app store, and I've downloaded a lot of nice free apps. I was able to find one app for free, and the price changed today. (Will mention in my upcoming list) So, I'm looking for apps that I haven't discovered yet that other people know about. Best place to get information from people? GIANT BOMB, OF COURSE! So, good people of Giant Bomb, recommend me some apps please! Perhaps my list, or other peoples recommendations will help you discover new apps too (if you got an iPhone and blah blah blah)!
What I got for free: 

Netflix (Awesome)
Google Mobile 
EBay Mobile 
AOL Radio 
DirecTV (Wanting to know this works. Guess I got to contact DirecTV sometime. -_- )
Ringtone Maker
Angry Birds Free (I've been addicted to this, big time)
Angry Birds Seasons Free (I've been addicted to this too)
Solitare (With ads)
Bust-A-Move Lite
AIM (Free Edition) 
Checkers Free 
Boggle (Free download was available yesterday, so it's back to $0.99 today. Glad that I found it early!)
Bubble Shooter Free
Shop Savvy Bar Code Scanner 
Sales Tax Calculator
Sale Saver (Percent off calculator) 
Scrabble Free 
Old school Blocks 
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Free) 
Best Buy
Adobe Photoshop Express 
USB Disk 
What I'm wanting to buy in the future: 
Angry Birds 
Angry Birds Seasons 
Paperboy: Special Delivery 
Bejeweled 2 + Blitz  
Other than the good news that I got a new cell phone that happens to be great, my personal life otherwise has sucked big time. I've not been talking about it, and I probably won't talk about it either. Not really fun being 22 now.
Well, I'm done for now. See ya'll later! 


I better get this done and over with. I got an announcement.

Today is my birthday. So far, it's been fair. Although I've been forgetful of where I put things all day, didn't get a game I wanted, can't remember anything about the 80s song I listened to yesterday which has been eating me up today because I can't find it, having the thoughts and dreading next week because college starts, the fact that my dad isn't here with me to enjoy the day, and the fact that I've just been alone today with the female adult that I call mom that brought me into this world 22 years ago, I have to a point enjoyed myself. Went to a burger joint today to eat, Watched Ghostbusters 1 and 2, and went to the Wal-Mart to take a brief look around. (Yeah, I said brief time at Wal-Mart because it was crowded, and I didn't like hearing perverts...... erm..... people talk about things I don't want to hear. Kinda ruins the looking around experience when you're trying not to forget what you're looking for. - That may have not made since.) 
I did get two presents today...... $20 and a pasta boat for cooking pasta and steaming vegetables.
So there you all have it, I'm 22 today, and I'm able to remain moderately happy with life.


The Video Game Jukebox (No Coins Required)

Introduction by Claude

This blog is brought to you by two people for one common cause. Tyler (Tireyo643) and Andy (Diamond) have come together to create the most undeniably insane, albeit great and huge video game music blog to date. As you peruse this blog, be sure to check out the personal appeals from both men, but most importantly, look through and listen to the music that they have put together for your pleasure. I would also like to say that I have the utmost respect for Tireyo643 and Diamond. They are an asset to the community of Giant Bomb. And with that said, let the music be heard. For what would video games be without music? 
Respectfully yours, Claude.

Tireyo643's Personal Appeal

Since it's holiday season, I was thinking of putting something very special together for the good people at Giantbomb. I thought of a video game music blog. I've made quite a few video game music blogs, but I wanted this one to be different. I know that Diamond is quite an experienced gamer that loves video game music as much as I do, so I thought we should actually do one together! He agreed to do one with me, and it has been a pleasure working with him to make this blog a reality.  
My song choices, of course, reflect my love for video game music. There are several new video game songs that I have come across, like the incredible opening theme for Utopia: The Creation of a Nation, and a song from Klonoa: Empire of Dreams. There are a few games that I never played before but I still like the music, like the PS3 and 360 games that are mentioned on my list. (By now ya'll should know that I do not have either console, but I wouldn't mind having at least one of them.) And of course, there are songs that I love that I think you all will love, like the Mini Boss theme from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, and the Monkey Mall theme from Super Monkey Ball. I want to give special thanks to ZombiePie, Diamond, and Claude for their amazing recommendations, and I have enjoyed listening to those themes over and over again!  
Andy and I give thanks to Claude for writing a very nice introduction special for this blog. I do believe that we have put a lot of love into making this blog, so Andy and I do hope that you all will listen to what we have come up with. Be sure to read what Diamond has to say in his appeal as he has some important things to mention. Please feel free to leave your comments, recommendations, rants, and praise, and have a safe and enjoyable Christmas/Holiday Season.     



Tireyo643's Video Game Music List 

  1.     Crash Bandicoot: Nitro Kart – Title Screen/Main Menu 
  2.     Utopia: The Creation of a Nation – Intro 
  3.     Bejeweled 3 – Intro 
  4.     Go! Dizzy Go! – Title Theme 
  5.     Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future – Hanging Waters  (Diamond is responsible for showing me this!)
  6.     World of Goo – Are You Coming Home, Love Mom (Claude is responsible for showing me this!)
  7.     Monty on the Run – Main Theme (ZombiePie is responsible for showing me this!)
  8.     Gameboy Camera – Ball (Fan-made ~ extremely close to the original. I know because I have Gameboy Camera.)
  9.     WCW VS. NOW: World Tour – Menu Theme 
  10.     Micro Machines 64 Turbo: Main Menu 
  11.     Mario Golf: Advance Tour – Main Menu 
  12.     Snake Rattle ‘N Roll – Level 1 
  13.     Glover – Atlantis Level 1 
  14.     Star Fox Adventures – Thorntail Hollow 
  15.     Bit Trip Fate – Patience
  16.     Donkey Kong 64 – Fungi Forest 
  17.     The Sims 3 – Maps & Symbols 
  18.     Sonic Colors – Aquatic Park: Act 1 
  19.     Cave Story – Egg Corridor 
  20.     Wario Land 4 – Toy Block Tower 
  21.     Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 – Mad Gear Zone: Act 2 
  22.     Ufouria: The Saga – Overworld 
  23.     The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker – Forest Haven 
  24.     Art Style: Light Trax – Spectra 1 
  25.     Pokemon Mystery Dungeon – Sky Tower 
  26.     Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island – Mini Boss
  27.     Klonoa: Empire of Dreams - #4 
  28.     Bust-A-Move Plus! – Zone 4 
  29.     Chrono Cross – Time’s Grasslands: Home World 
  30.     Mischief Makers – Volcanic 
  31.     Super Meat Boy – The Hospital
  32.     Braid – Lullaby Set
  33.     Mario Paint – BGM 2 
  34.     DSi Shop 
  35.     Extreme G – Ancient Speedway 
  36.     Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door – Mini Boss Remix 
  37.     Wario Land: Shake It – World 2-4 
  38.     Jet Set Radio Future – Fly Like a Butterfly
  39.     Luigi’s Mansion – Luigi Humming 
  40.     Ape Escape – Dark Ruins 
  41.     Mario Party 2 – Space Land 
  42.     Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time – The Insomniac Museum  
  43.     Jak 2 – Haven Forest 
  44.     Secret of Mana - Eternal Recurrence - Undine's Theme    
  45.     Super Monkey Ball – Monkey Mall 
  46.     Pac-Man Championship Edition DX – Pac Rainbow  
  47.     Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross – Schala’s Theme Remix (Because Chrono Trigger Resurrection isn’t a real game) 
  48.     Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story – Final Boss
  49.     Donkey Kong Country Returns – Final Boss 

Tireyo643's Holiday Video Game Song Picks

  1.     Snowboard Kids 2 – Sunny Mountain 
  2.     1080 Snowboarding – Golden Forest 
  3.     Banjo-Kazooie – Freezeey Peak 
  4.     Diddy Kong Racing – Frosty Village (Reminds me of Winter Wonderland)
  5.     Paper Mario Music - Cold Reception In Shiver City 

Tireyo643's Credit Song of Choice

                 Super Mario World – Credit Ending 

Diamond's Personal Appeal

Good evening.

A little while ago Tireyo643 asked me to share some video game songs I enjoy for a new blog post.  I had done this before for Ty and I'm a huge fan of video game music so I agreed.  Once I got rolling the entire process went very quickly, listening to one song will remind me of another and after a while I got wrapped up in the process.

Even with as many as 55 songs, I was only able to represent a small fraction of my favorite video game music.  I have attempted to represent music from a variety of platforms and eras of gaming and levels of popularity.  All but one of the songs are from games I played (the exception being Bully), and most of these songs also come from some of my favorite games (FF14 is not one of my favorite games).  Most of the songs are the original compositions except for the Journey to Silius and Persona 4 remixes, which I thought were too cool to pass on, and Pencil Neck by Cold Storage (who did the music for the original WipEout).

I hope everyone can find something they enjoy, or at least feel comradery in knowing they are not alone in enjoying a particular song.

Anyways, Happy Holidays and enjoy the music!  


Diamond's Video Game Music List

  1. Virtua Fighter 3 - Intro 
  2. Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future - Title Theme
  3. Batman (NES) - Stage 3
  4. Virtua Cop - Arms Black Market ~ Stage 1
  5. TNMT: Fall of the Foot Clan - Stage 5
  6. Metroid: Return of Samus (Metroid 2 for GB) - Main Theme
  7. Super Meat Boy - The Salt Factory
  8. Air Combat - Track 8
  9. Elebits – Quiet in the Living Room
  10. Halo 3 ODST - The Rookie
  11. Actraiser - Birth of the People (Town)
  12. Shatter - Amethyst Caverns
  13. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Examination ~ Allegro 2001
  14. Everquest - Qeynos
  15. Bionic Commando Rearmed - Rise of the Albatross
  16. Blue Dragon - Mechat Takes Off!
  17. Super Street Fighter 4 - Dan Theme
  18. Lost Odyssey - Theme of the Pirates
  19. Jazz Jackrabbit - Medivo
  20. Shenmue - Bob's Pizza
  21. Super Mario Land - Muda Kingdom
  22. Deja Vu - Peoria Streets Theme
  23. Faxanadu - Overworld
  24. Mirror's Edge - The Shard
  25. Scott Pilgrim VS. The World - VS. Mini Boss ~ Anamanaguchi
  26. MegaRace - NewSan
  27. Mass Effect - Battle at Eden Prime
  28. Secret of Mana - A Curious Happening ~ Scorpion Army Theme
  29. Battle Arena Toshiden - Duke's Theme
  30. Scud Race/Sega Super GT - Groovin' Daylight
  31. Bully - Beach Rumble
  32. Rise of the Triad - Run Like Smeg
  33. Quake – Parallel Dimensions
  34. SimCity 2000 - Downtown Race
  35. Final Fantasy XIII - The Gapra Whitewood
  36. 3D Dot Game Heroes - Block Destruction
  37. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - The Ice Titan
  38. Final Fantasy XIV - Track 38
  39. Puzzle Quest - Khalkus Theme
  40. Halo Reach - ONI: Sword Base
  41. Sega Rally - Ignition ~ Lakeside Track
  42. Sega Rally - Getting Muddy ~ Mountain Track
  43. Tekken – Chicago, USA
  44. Myst – The Tower
  45. Journey to Silius - Stage 3 Remix
  46. Persona 4 - I'll Face Myself Remix
  47. TMNT 4: Turtles in Time - Super Shredder
  48. Mother 3 - Master Porky's Theme

Diamond's Holiday Video Game Song Picks

  1. WipEout - Cold Comfort 
  2. Super Mario Kart - Vanilla Lake (This REALLY reminds me of Christmas)
  3. Gradius Gaiden - Stage 1 
  4. Pencil Neck - CoLD SToRAGE  (From the composer from the original WipEout) 
  5. Metal Gear Solid - Warhead Storage 

Diamond's Credit Songs of Choice 


             Morrowind - Ending Theme  

             We Love Katamari - King of King's    


The first day of college. (Third Year)

Well this year I'm taking 4 classes. Business Math, Health, Marketing, and an Access class. I don't really care to show the books this time around. Plus, I don't have a camera on my phone, and I can't find my camera because it's buried somewhere. 
This year is going to stink. Why you ask? Because my first day of college stunk, and it's all in just 1 stinking class, Business Math. There was absolutely no one I knew in my class, and my instructor wasn't very welcoming. She required the class to get a TI - 84 calculator. So family had to fork over $94 that is incredibly hard to spare (probably couldn't spare, but got it anyway) to get it. It was a TI 84 Plus is what I ended up getting. Calculators are way too expensive. Professor is smart though, so I do plan to learn something from her. 
I also think I'm going to hate Health this year. I don't really care about my health, and I honestly do not know why I have to live for; but, I am here for some odd reason, so I ain't going anywhere. Teacher is going to have a fit or a lot of advice once she finds out what I'm eating, what I'm doing sexually (which is nothing because I can't get it to work when I want it to and I don't really care about sex anyways anymore), and some other things involved that is for my "well being." She wants everyone to do a journal for what reason I don't know. Health is the online class I'm taking, so hooray.
.......No students I knew at all. It's sad. Glad that they moved on and graduated, but I very much feel left behind. I've met some great people, but i can't see them anymore. There was a student that literally gave me Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate for free. She used it on 3 computers, but it went a 4th time when it wasn't really supposed to! I miss her a lot because she would tell me stories about her kids and stuff that she get's involved in. I had an accounting buddy that I liked a lot. She was cute and very smart. She and I would help each other in accounting. I like the way she liked her boyfriend, which made me envy her because I think she wants to marry him someday. There were many more friends I had grown attached to within a short period of time, but they have moved on, and I'm so proud of them. Just so sad I couldn't have seen them go off and wish them luck or something so maybe I might not of felt so bad being left behind.
Girl I know that can do those terrific drawings I showed in a blog a year ago or so is still there at the college going on her 3rd year of college. She contacted me today, and wants to meet up with me sometime. I hope she isn't trying to hook up with me because she is honestly psychotic and too weird. Weirder than I am!! I like her though. At least I'll see her annoying yet entertaining self sometime. 
I hope that Wednesday goes well for me because that is when I have the 2 inconvenient night classes that I have to go to. At least I know the instructor for both classes. He teaches both of them (Marketing, Access)

So I'm done with my rant blog and life story about what I'm going though currently in college. See you all later, and perhaps you all never should of read this. If any of ya'll did, don't feel pity for me. I just need encouragement maybe, or perhaps a miracle.
Until next time my fellow online friends, 

-Tyler York 
PS: Listen to this podcast I was on if you haven't already. It's when I was happy and talking about games,which might not happen for a while now because of COLLEGE. =-|


How does one recover from a dying friendship?

 Friendships often die, and perhaps they often die too much when they do not need to. It really does feel that it wasn’t but 2 to 3 decades ago people actually have had more close friends more than they do today. As a matter of fact, I think that there is a bigger percentage of people today that live lonelier lives then they did long ago. I, for one, am one of those lonely people who do not have any genuine real-life friends, and it can actually be said that I don't have any real friends at all. I do have friends online, and the same principal of a dying relationship can apply; perhaps maybe in a different context.

There are a lot of older people that I have come across that have had more friends than any other person I have known that is around my age of 21. There are many factors to name as to why a friendship dies; factors such as lack of or too much communication, something stupid that has happened that caused the situation, moving away, getting entirely bored of one another, and a lot more.

The only thing I could think of is that if a friend feels the same way as I do about a dying friendship, then they would want to work things out and try to start over. Sometimes I think its not enough, so there has to be more options than this one fact to revive a friendship. It’s not too often that friendships can be revived. So, there are questions that have come to my mind. In what ways can one revive a friendship? How do you keep a friendship from going “downhill”? I would like a little help here good people of Giantbomb. Anything would be helpful right now.

Thanks, and until my next episode of exile and sadness,

Tyler York (Tireyo643)