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Giant Bomb's 2015 Game of the Year Awards: Day Four Text Recap

The penultimate day of award-giving see us giving awards to four more award-winning games. Awards.

We're coming down the home stretch, but before we get to the main event, we've got four more regular categories to highlight some of the best and worst aspects of 2015's video games. Did you know there's also a recap video and a deliberation podcast over on the GOTY hub that detail our selection process in way more detail? You do now!

Best Styyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle

Galak-Z: The Dimensional

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Galak-Z’s pause screen flickers, bumps, and bends with the static of an old VHS tape. Each level begins with a procedurally generated title written by a procedurally named author. Finish a season and you’re treated to an end credits and a faux-production company logo bumper pulled straight from 1980s cartoons. Even if we were judging Galak-Z on its wrapper alone, it’s hard to say that any other game this year has as much styyyyyyyyyyyyyle.

But for Galak-Z, “style” is more than just “presentation.” Style permeates the handling of the game’s ship, changing utilitarian turns into acrobatic curves. The focus on style is why, when you transform your ship into its mecha mode, you gain a whole new set of abilities instead of just a simple boost to the ones you already have. Even the weapon upgrade system is about style: Is your anime starship the sort to issue gigantic, explosive bolts of plasma or to fill the screen with glowing, ricocheting blasts of hard light.

Galak-Z is not perfect, but it is easily the most stylish game of the year.

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Runners-up: Splatoon, Rebel Galaxy


Real Money Card Packs/One-Time Use Items

We tend to be of the mind that games--well, games that are asking you to pay money for them, anyway--probably shouldn't resemble slot machines. Furthermore, games that do have a bit of the "give us some real money, we'll give you some random stuff, should probably limit said random stuff to cosmetic items. Halo 5: Guardians went and built a whole mode around card packs that spit out single-use items that you can use to spawn in with cooler weapons and vehicles in the otherwise-cool Warzone mode. To be fair, Halo 5 does let you earn these packs through playing the game, in case you're in the mood to grind out some free cards, but between this and similar systems popping up in a side mode of Rise of the Tomb Raider, we'd really appreciate it if this sort of stuff were to, you know, please stop?

Please stop putting free-to-play-style single-use blind pack systems into your full-priced products. It's kind of uncool.

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Runners-up: Still Shipping Broke-Ass Games, Extremely Forced eSports

Worst Game of the Year

Afro Samurai 2: Revenge of Kuma

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No one looks at the 2009 Afro Samurai game as a masterwork of game design, but it’s suddenly a technical and creative marvel when put up against this ill-conceived sequel. Originally planned to be released in several volumes, this schedule for Afro Samurai 2 was scrapped and refunds were offered once the public saw what an absolute mess Volume 1 is. In the rare occasions that it’s functioning like a finished video game, it’s an abysmal third-person action title. In most instances, it’s a genuinely unplayable mess of glitches. Your character will randomly disappear or fall to his death, enemies become invincible for no reason, the backgrounds and audio vanish and reappear at will, and a whole host of other game-breaking bugs permeate the entire experience. It’s rare that a game is so awful that it necessitates refunds, but Afro Samurai 2 is the most broken experience of 2015 by a large margin.

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Runners-up: Sky Battles, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5

Best Story


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Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: At some point in the future, technological development will allow for the digitalization of human consciousness and the development of hyper-advanced artificial intelligences, resulting in a blurred line between the categories of “human" and "non-human." Enter the protagonist, with a backstory that foreshadows a cheap twist. Enter various supporting characters, each of which could be (maybe?) unreliable. Enter the trolley problem (again and again). If all this sounds familiar, maybe you’ve played a video game in the last year or two, because a lot of this applies to Fallout 4, Cradle, The Fall, The Swapper, and The Talos Principle… but it also applies to SOMA, and unlike (some of) those games, SOMA dodges all of the pitfalls of this formula to provide a satisfying and challenging story.

The majority of SOMA is set in a series of underwater installations, each of which is in some state of abandonment or disrepair. And that’s to say nothing of the biomechanical force that is slowly spreading (growing?) throughout the facility. By digging through personal lockers, reading old email chains, and tinkering with strange computer systems, you’ll slowly piece together an intriguing history of survival and ambition. Character motivations are complex, which means that surprising (even shocking) actions often have relatable motivations--and it helps that their performances are all so solid.

Lots of games offer the occasional ethical dilemma, but in most cases they're little more than pablum. Either there’s a clear “good” or “bad” answer, or the right choice is determinable through some quick calculus of mechanical benefit. But strong characterization, smart world building, and careful framing make SOMA’s questions thought provoking. Every decision is hard, not because you’re not sure which decision is correct, but because you’re not sure which decision is right.

In a year where multiple games use many of the same colors from SOMA’s thematic palette, it still manages to elevate itself above the pack. SOMA never retreats to unearned twists, it spends exactly the right amount of time explaining the “rules” of its sci-fi world, and it’s bold enough to take its premises to their most challenging conclusions. Like the best speculative fiction, SOMA is a game that confronts you.

But please, Frictional, less frustrating monsters next time?

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Runners-up: The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, Cibele


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@monkeyman04: i think that borderlands is such a known quantity now that it's kind of hard to give that to them. like nothing they did was that far removed from the base games. and couple that with the old, stiff telltale engine i can see why you might look over it

if you want to talk about tales from the borderlands being snubbed for best story tho i'll listen all day

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Good choices all around, even though I have yet to play Soma myself. (Bought it today.)

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Haven't finished Witcher 3, how far do they actually discuss the story? (I only just finished Novigrad)

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OK, fine, I'll buy Soma.

Haha, I feel like they're throwing bones at W3 because they know it'll be left off the Top 10.

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Solid choices! :D

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@flasaltine: Nah, unless you are joking. I'm on the same side of the Bomb crew for The Witcher 3 but I actually finished it because of people telling me I needed to.

It never gets better than the Baron stuff. While the Dandelion part is the worst, if you're down on The Witcher by that point you are not going to change your opinion after. I played over fifty hours of it and it only made me like the game less (still an amazing thing, mind you, and I understand why so many love it).

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Jeff is both beautifully right and beautifully wrong about Life is Strange. The adult character stuff was right, they are for the most part a lot deeper than what these teenage kids are willing to accept. However, I'd say Episode 4 is easily the best episode and there's a TON of good stuff in episode 5, reading a plot synopsis doesn't tell the story because the stuff that is good in that game is good because you care so deeply about Chloe and Max and the game really shifts the focus onto those two in the ending

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Edited By Brackynews

@sweetz: That's a great technical explanation and totally irrelevant to me personally. :) I have in the past been a professional graphics artist and designer. (I also know how much animators cost, I've worked with a few.)

My opinion on the artistic style of Galak-Z trying to resemble cel shading stands. If you don't like the style, I can only assume you also don't like anything from Klei. If not being animated enough is the problem then that's a different problem to focus on.

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OK, fine, I'll buy Soma.

Haha, I feel like they're throwing bones at W3 because they know it'll be left off the Top 10.

I don't think it will be off the top ten, but it's definitely not getting into the top 5 or so with this crowd.

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@csl316 said:

Haven't finished Witcher 3, how far do they actually discuss the story? (I only just finished Novigrad)

They don't discuss any details beyond Velen, other than some vague allusions to the fact that you have to find Dandelion after that. Dan I think mentions he is "past Skellige" but that's all in terms of detail or spoilers.

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@sethmode said:

Man, this Witcher 3 shit continues to entertain. I feel like we're in the midst of the backlash to the backlash now, as this comment section referred to its story as a "fantasy doorstop". The hyperbole can only get better from here!

All things being said, W3 is my favorite story of the year, but SOMA is currently downloading so...yeah.

Also, edit, going to agree with @monkeyman04...Tales from the Borderlands was fucking DOPE. Great story, and maybe the funniest game I've played in a long time.

Fantasy Doorstop just means its like a 1000 page fantasy novel ala Game of Thrones or whatever. It doesn't mean the story is bad, just that it's super duper long and dense, which it is. I don't think that's hyperbole at all. I love the GRRM books but frequently refer to them as doorstops or shelfbreakers.

Edit: That said, I think Soma deserves it just as much, for a while there it looked like they were going to leave W3 off entirely which would have been unfair imo.

Fair point! Makes more sense now. I read it with a more negative connotation than I should have.

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Next year, "Huge open world games that don't need to be open world" is going to be a prime contender for the "Please Stop" award.

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Soma winning is a pretty nifty surprise, kinda like The Fall winning last year. Wasn't really on my radar until now, but I'll totally check it out...if my PC can run it that is.

Witcher III getting runners up kinda bugs me, if only because nobody's finished it. Almost feel like it should have been disqualified for that reason, because while it probably doesn't turn to shit, there's nobody to go "yeah, the rest of the game was amazing". That's just me though.

And having not listened to the podcast yet, I'm really hoping Westerado got a mention during the Best Style knife fight.

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God, seeing people gush about what they think should have dominated a list that isn't theirs like babies is an insufferable defining trait of the whole GOTY thing.

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Hotline Miami 2 did that pause screen thing as well,JUST putting it out there.

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@mystyr_e said:

they gave best story to Soma.....

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Yet another list I completely agree with.

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SOMA beating Witcher 3. Cibele even making the list.

I am going to listen to the podcast anyway, but man. It's pretty clear that the crew didn't have the time to play through everything this year and I hate the fact that I can't blame them. This year was nuts for video games.

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Edited By sinjunb

@kentonclay: What's the point of comment threads then if people aren't allowed to disagree with GB? Are the opinions of GB fans worthless if they don't align with the guys running the site? People listen to these guys because they're supposedly passionate about games, I'd expect the same from the fanbase.

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I wish I was cool enough to have my top 10 posted on the front page just so I could put W3 at number 1 and say "there, folks. Are your opinions feeling validated yet?".

Man though, did not see SOMA winning it, but with metal gear not playing well narratively I wasn't sure what they'd pick in the end.

As a certified pansy, is it possible to get through SOMA and enjoy its narrative without pissing myself? I got through Dead Space 2 no problem...last scary game I played.

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Good on you guys. SOMA hasn't been getting the recognition it deserves. Right behind Witcher 3 for me in story and also best of the year.

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Sorry, but what the heck is Cibele?

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@macglaspyn: This is Cibele. The story is really damn good! It's also 50% off right now so it's a good time to give it a shot. It and Soma getting recognized is pretty cool.

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The only thing that's keeping me away from SOMA is the hide-and-seek monster stuff. It seems like it would get in the way of everything else.

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Oof, can't help but feel the crew got tricked into thinking Galak-Z had style (vs. flash). Shocked that there wasn't any protest on picking that over Splatoon. Heck personally I'd even put Bloodborne above it.

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Maybe my former love of Halo is making me extra sensitive to it, but seeing any free-to-play style bullshit in full priced games is already terrible, and random single-use items is the worst form. It's a half step away from just being gambling and having it in your tent-pole, console-defining franchise is legitimately disconcerting in what it says about how major publishers see their customers. Please die.

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Edited By jedikv

@sinjunb said:

I think the crew is off-base about Rainbow Six Siege. It's gathering a pretty decent following on PC and all of Jeff's complaints that it looks and feels like a F2P game are wrong IMO, I think it's definitely content starved though and feels like a strong $30-$40 game same as Battlefront in that regard. But the graphics and especially audio are phenomenal, and the tactical gameplay is basically second to none in shooters right now. The way every step and movement can be heard from whichever direction it's coming from, crunching on glass, etc. And I've never seen destructibility as well implemented in an online shooter - you can blow open tiny holes in walls and shoot people through them, or just blow open every single part of a room and rush from every side while popping off flash bangs to totally disorient the enemy.

Siege feels like a great game wrapped in a terrible value propersition - as you said, if it was something like $20-30, it would have been a bit of an easier pill to swallow in terms of all the microtransaction BS that litter that game (again why the hell is there two currencies?). Or even have a F2P version and a premium version with all the operators. $60 and having microtransactions just seems bothersome.

I think you guys didn't play much Halo. I never spent a dime on cards, and in my six hours of multiplayer time I have gotten every single weapon card once, and multiples of dozens of cards. I'm at the point where I sell any card that I have more than 10 of. You get packs of them for leveling up, getting wins, etc.

I think this is the second worst Halo MP behind 4, and even with that, the cards are not at all the problem.

Problem is Warzone is way too coupled with the REQ cards and obviously those that throw money into it get a grind advantage in terms of the better weapon variants (which affect gameplay) vs those that have to play an additional 2-3 games to get those same packs.

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@sinjunb: commenting about a list and mentioning that you think Witcher does something better because of : reason 1 , reason 2 etc. and discussing about that in the comments is fine. What's not fine is posting stuff like:

"Witcher 3 asked too much of my time""I put a lot of time into MGSV" Ok.

'Another list where W3 gets totally shafted. Shitty.'

Those kind of messages help no one and are only inflammatory. Not saying it's just you, there are posts like that all over the site and it gets old when people act salty about Witcher 3 apparently not being the Game of the year for every person on the world. Everyone who doesn't put it high on the list, is wrong apparently.

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@sinjunb: commenting about a list and mentioning that you think Witcher does something better because of : reason 1 , reason 2 etc. and discussing about that in the comments is fine. What's not fine is posting stuff like:

"Witcher 3 asked too much of my time""I put a lot of time into MGSV" Ok.

'Another list where W3 gets totally shafted. Shitty.'

Those kind of messages help no one and are only inflammatory. Not saying it's just you, there are posts like that all over the site and it gets old when people act salty about Witcher 3 apparently not being the Game of the year for every person on the world. Everyone who doesn't put it high on the list, is wrong apparently.

Agree completely. There is a difference between adding to the conversation and simple complaining.

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@brainling: Majority of the staff played MGSV upwards of 80+ hours, other open world RPG's like Fallout 4 and even Rocket League, Mario Maker and Splatoon for probably hundreds more. As Dan pointed out, if as a game, regardless of genre, it didn't grab most of them to play beyond the Bloody Baron quest than maybe that should reflect poorly on it's narrative? Particularly if other games on the list were being maligned for hiding story bits, than that same logic should be extended to TW3 for hiding what people are calling a fantastic story behind dull, samey gameplay. A story is more than the sum of it's beats and you can't ignore how that story is delivered, especially in interactive media.

Also, there shouldn't be much to complain about as a game where 100% of the staff did not even get close to finishing ended up in the top 3 anyway (and which has ended up taking up a LOT of discussion these awards this year over other more interesting, more ambitious releases they have finished).

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I should really go back to the witcher, it's just I couldn't stand how clunky the combat felt. Shame bloodborne didn't make it into the top 3 for style but I understand the argument against it, it was probably my least favourite souls game but that game was a masterclass on how to create atmosphere through pure visuals.

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@mems1224: I didn't get the hate for those either. Also asked my son about them and he nor his friends mind them either. Also as long as the games is balanced well and I can earn them in game I don't mind the card packs in other games either.

As a side note does it seem that Jeff is shutting down alot more of the other's opinions than in the past. Maybe it's just me. This is me picking up on this even though I agree with most of his choices.

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I'm surprised that the game Cibele is on here. I've never heard of it until now. You think someone would have said something about it before now.

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I think it's a shame nkne of them played the Hearts of Stone dlc for The Witcher 3. Excellent Witchery story in a shorter more digestible package. I'd even say that if treated like a separate release it would stand a chance at taking best story.

I can understand TW3 not winning best story. While enjoyable, it expects a lot from the player, especially in terms of keeping up with the lore. The Witcher is far better suited for the Best Moment category. Bloody Baron, Finding Ciri, Battle of Kaer Morhen, Drunk dialing the mage (in drag no less), Through Time and Space, Cat and Wolf, etc. And then there's the DLC...

Seriously guys, Hearts of Stone is amazing.

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The story discussion was really interesting and think it was overall pretty fair. Their reasoning on Soma made sense to me and I look forward to playing it at some point.

I'm actually pretty happy with how Witcher 3 came out at the end of the discussion. As someone who had the time to finish it I get why some of the crew dropped off where they did. I was thinking about the Novigrad section a bit and now I'm curious what experience the crew had with the previous games and/or books because I think it would really color the story and events that happen around Novigrad.

Spoilers for the Witcher 3:

If you're hopping into the Witcher 3 without finishing Witcher 1 or 2 I think the opening of the game sets the player on the path to focus on Yennifer and Ciri. Anything outside of that seems like a distraction if you're trying to focus on the main story. However, if you're coming to it from W1 and 2 you have these previous relationships with Triss, Dandelion, Roche, and a few other NPCs who you don't really run into until you get to Novigrad. If you have this background Novigrad is a chance to revisit these friends and associates and as a result you have more reason to be invested in what happens to them.

I don't know if this is a story thing but I want to give props to the Witcher 3 in regards to the parent/child relationship between Geralt and Ciri. In general I think a lot of video games tend to talk about parent/child relations primarily from the perspective of adult children but the Witcher 3 is one of the few games that really nails a lot of the feelings and dilemmas a devoted parent has towards their child. As a father with a step daughter who will be graduating from high school this year I just found the story and relationship between Geralt and Ciri really resonated with me personally. There are dialog and story options about letting go and trusting in your kids. There are big world and kingdom saving things going on but at the end of the day Geralt cares about Ciri more than anything else. There's something really raw and powerful about that story element and I just want to give it its due because I feel like it's still a relatively rare thing to see being so central to a video game story as opposed to the typical world-saving, power fantasy, and war buddy stories we see everywhere else.

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Good list good effort.

Thanks GB.

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Still not sure if I want to buy Her Story. Hearing the story gets ridiculous puts me off. Plus presenting all the videos as monologues cuts you out the loop on some crucial business.

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Edited By tissot

After listening to the podcast SOMA sounds absolutely amazing and about the kind of subject that I'm fascinated, that usually on games don't get too deep of a look. Shame that I'm just not build for sneaky horror games, though might still download it from Steam.

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It's obvious now that no one played Tales from the Borderlands outside of Austin for a bit. I can't blame them, this year has been killer for games. Not even saying it should have won, but I was a little disheartened that it couldn't get any consideration for Best Story.

For me, humor counts for a lot, and I don't remember playing a game that made me laugh this much in quite awhile. And for me, that makes the less funny moments more poignant. I know this is sort of vague, but I would rather vaguely shout about how much fun the game is than end up spoiling anything. It's my personal game of the year, and I hope more people check it out in 2016.

Pew Pew.

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@jedikv said:
@sinjunb said:

I think the crew is off-base about Rainbow Six Siege. It's gathering a pretty decent following on PC and all of Jeff's complaints that it looks and feels like a F2P game are wrong IMO, I think it's definitely content starved though and feels like a strong $30-$40 game same as Battlefront in that regard. But the graphics and especially audio are phenomenal, and the tactical gameplay is basically second to none in shooters right now. The way every step and movement can be heard from whichever direction it's coming from, crunching on glass, etc. And I've never seen destructibility as well implemented in an online shooter - you can blow open tiny holes in walls and shoot people through them, or just blow open every single part of a room and rush from every side while popping off flash bangs to totally disorient the enemy.

Siege feels like a great game wrapped in a terrible value propersition - as you said, if it was something like $20-30, it would have been a bit of an easier pill to swallow in terms of all the microtransaction BS that litter that game (again why the hell is there two currencies?). Or even have a F2P version and a premium version with all the operators. $60 and having microtransactions just seems bothersome.

@ericsmith said:

I think you guys didn't play much Halo. I never spent a dime on cards, and in my six hours of multiplayer time I have gotten every single weapon card once, and multiples of dozens of cards. I'm at the point where I sell any card that I have more than 10 of. You get packs of them for leveling up, getting wins, etc.

I think this is the second worst Halo MP behind 4, and even with that, the cards are not at all the problem.

Problem is Warzone is way too coupled with the REQ cards and obviously those that throw money into it get a grind advantage in terms of the better weapon variants (which affect gameplay) vs those that have to play an additional 2-3 games to get those same packs.

Thing is that the microtransaction stuff in Siege is exactly the same as practically every other online game these days, even singleplayer games like Assassin's Creed. Also, no one has ever said "hey you should have a booster" when I play online, and I've clocked almost 20 hours. I also haven't seen a single game on Steam, full price or F2P, doing the kind of multiplayer Siege is doing. It's annoying when Jeff spreads complete misinformation.

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Edited By Jonny_Anonymous

I like SOMA and I think it poses a lot of intresting ethical questions but its not got much of a story.

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As a side note does it seem that Jeff is shutting down alot more of the other's opinions than in the past. Maybe it's just me. This is me picking up on this even though I agree with most of his choices.

I did notice this a bit. For me, I think it might just be that his attitude is now kind of in contrast to the sort of vibe GBeast is developing for themselves. Especially since the addition of Austin, I feel like the three of them focus way more on reasoned discussion and nuance. I think Jeff is continuing the tradition of just loudly stating an opinion ("That did NOTHING for me!") and not necessarily backing it up in the moment. I don't know that that is necessarily a bad thing, but just highlights the diverging styles of the two groups.

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Only thing I would have liked to hear was whether Afro Samurai was the worst game of 2015, or the most broken game of 2015. I feel like those could be separate things.

On the podcast I think they came close to that discussion with Sky Battles; Sky Battles isn't broken, it works exactly as intended. And it's legitimately just bad.

But they never really followed up and explored the difference between the two in-depth. I don't really care that much, but felt like that would've been an interesting point to explore further.

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@brainling: having beatin and loving the Witcher 3 and having it as my number 2 Game of the Year behind Bloodborne. Voting for it for best story in different subreddit goty lists. I will tell you this... i just finished Soma this morning. I played it for the last 3 days trying to beat it before these goty podcasts ruined it for me. That game has one of the Best Sci Fi stories ive ever played or read or watched, not only do i think its story is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the Witcher which i think was great itself. I now think Soma is my number 2 overall game because of how much i liked it. The Witcher story is cool and fine but nothing about it sticks out as better than Soma... there is just more of it.

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Love that you gave best story to SOMA it deserved it. =)

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i mean, "style" is highly subjective, i know... but i decided against buying Galak-Z exactly because of the character art looking like cheap flash animation stuff (some other users already nailed what's wrong with it).