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    Batman: Arkham Knight

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Jun 23, 2015

    Developer Rocksteady's return to the Batman series takes place one year after the events of Arkham City. It expands the open world from the previous game and allows players to finally drive the Batmobile throughout Gotham City's streets.

    Warner Bros. Suspends PC Sales of Batman: Arkham Knight

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    #251  Edited By Yarbles

    It’s not unreasonable to expect systems with 4X the CPU and GPU performance of a PS4 to run this game at a rock solid 60fps and not 30fps with no ambient occlusion and no attempts to optimize above console framerate (in fact it's worse than console framerate)

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    @brandondryrock:I'm saying my installation of the game is running perfectly. I literally have not had problems with it at all. There was 1 moment in the car where it dipped, but as a whole this game has been steady 30 FPS the whole way through. I'm running on a GTX 660 Ti, and I haven't had any issues at all with this game.

    My point is that in some cases, people are trying to do something with the game that it clearly wasn't originally designed for. It was designed to run at 30 FPS, and uncapping the frames introduces a slew of problems they haven't designed around or tested for.

    Capping the frames at 30 is shitty for people that have better rigs, absolutely, but that requires them to revisit the game and redo a bunch of stuff, which is way more work when you're not the original designers of the game. Iron Galaxy ported this game on a dead line. For what it's worth the game was ported, as was expected. They delivered the game that was given to them. It's clearly a port of a console game. It's not in anyway, redone to be a PC game. It does include gameworks (OPTIONAL) which is something a lot of other PC ports neglect.

    That's the whole thing from me when I said people were expecting too much. They were expecting a PC game, built from the ground up as a PC game, when they should have known way ahead of time that they were getting a console game that was ported to PC.

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    @majortoms: By that logic if they ever bring the next Xcom to consoles and it was a PC game first they should make no effort to make it run smooth or fully support the controller on console hardware because it's a port and people shouldn't expect it to work as all other console games

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    Now I'm getting confused. How widespread is unplayability of this game, and how much of it is people complaining about issues resulting from unlocking the framerate in the .ini file? I mean, locked FPS is clearly not ideal, but it ain't "pull your game from sale" broken, and I see a lot of people in various comment sections saying "works fine for me, guess I got lucky."

    It seems obvious that the port was unoptimized, but...

    If they pull the game from the stores shit is obviously busted.

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    @rethla said:
    @zevvion said:

    Despite the game being locked at 30fps, the game runs perfectly fine for me otherwise. I didn't think it noticeably dipped, turned on fraps to confirm. Never dropped a single frame. Guess I lucked out.

    Yeh same for me. It seems the majority of performance problems are happening for PCs with low RAM (4Gb or less) and/or players who unlock 60fps via the .ini file. If thats the case i dont know why WB would pull back the game. They didnt give a crap about their earlier shitty PC ports why would they pull this one from stores just becouse players complain about 30fps?

    Its strange to say the least.

    Maybe they got hit by a massive internet rage and are just trying to hide from it.

    16 gb of ram and I didn't touch the .ini. Still drops into single digit framerates whenever the batmobile is on screen.

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    @brandondryrock:I'm saying my installation of the game is running perfectly. I literally have not had problems with it at all. There was 1 moment in the car where it dipped, but as a whole this game has been steady 30 FPS the whole way through. I'm running on a GTX 660 Ti, and I haven't had any issues at all with this game.

    My point is that in some cases, people are trying to do something with the game that it clearly wasn't originally designed for. It was designed to run at 30 FPS, and uncapping the frames introduces a slew of problems they haven't designed around or tested for.

    Capping the frames at 30 is shitty for people that have better rigs, absolutely, but that requires them to revisit the game and redo a bunch of stuff, which is way more work when you're not the original designers of the game. Iron Galaxy ported this game on a dead line. For what it's worth the game was ported, as was expected. They delivered the game that was given to them. It's clearly a port of a console game. It's not in anyway, redone to be a PC game. It does include gameworks (OPTIONAL) which is something a lot of other PC ports neglect.

    That's the whole thing from me when I said people were expecting too much. They were expecting a PC game, built from the ground up as a PC game, when they should have known way ahead of time that they were getting a console game that was ported to PC.

    I don't think you understand how ports are supposed to work mate.

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    @ilikeost: I mean yeah, that's what I'd assume. It's just that there are lots of people saying very conflicting things.

    @brandondryrock: I never said that people were complaining for no reason - I'm just wondering how many people are complaining because of it being unplayable, and how many are complaining because it's unoptimized. If it's mostly the former, pulling the game seems like the right call - if it's just a shitty port, though, this seems like an extreme reaction, at least to me. Personally, I think there's a big difference between saying "I bought this game and I can't play it" and " I bought this game and I can't play it at 60fps 1080p"

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    I'm too busy with the Witcher to care about all this right now...

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    @homelessbird: When frame rates are dipping into the teens on more than capable machines, I would call that unplayable.

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    I'm just gonna toss my hat into this, even if the whole thing is crazy, it's only the second time I've heard of an actual released game being taken off steam. But yeah, my i7-4770 and GTX 770 have been running the game at 30 or 60 with everything but the gameworks stuff maxed out no problems. In this very specific case though, I'm quite clearly very lucky, as I've seen the videos from much beefier machines just grinding to single digit FPS with nothing maxed at all. Something has seriously gone wrong in getting this game onto PC's.

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    @spacecouncil said:

    @frostmute said:
    @spacecouncil said:

    They pulled the game because people are being idiots with the steam reviews and don't want to be bothered by that while trying to fix the issues.

    Expressing your disapproval and frustration with an obviously broken and sometimes unplayable $60 purchase is not "being an idiot". If you don't want shitty reviews, DON'T RELEASE BROKEN GAMES.

    What I mean by being an idiot is that people are spamming the reviews with negative things. This isn't the first game be locked a 30fps on PC. It happens more often than not. If you aren;t aware of this (anyone who is reading, you've obviously not been playing games on PC recently or in the past) Optimization does not happen more than it should on PC especially when devs are forced to release a game earlier than they want to meet a release date and additionally are just porting console versions. Devs make games for consoles first because that's where the most sales are currently.

    Is any of this good? No, of course not. But spamming the reviews with negativity for an issue they already knew about is "Being an idiot" Throwing you 2 cents in when there are already thousands of reviews isn't helpful. Wait for a patch and give some constructive criticism afterward. Because believe it or not the game is playable. and editing a .ini file is on par with almost every single PC game I've ever owned. Sometimes I have to make my own .ini file. Especially regarding console ports.

    Just accepting that it's PC ports are poor and not making yourself heard is a terrible suggestion. These companies sadly have to be actively held accountable for what they charge money for. This is basic customer/business relations. Poor quality products isn't just stuff that's broken, it covers items that don't perform as well as they should - 30fps on PC falls within that scenario.

    @ilikeost: I mean yeah, that's what I'd assume. It's just that there are lots of people saying very conflicting things.

    @brandondryrock: I never said that people were complaining for no reason - I'm just wondering how many people are complaining because of it being unplayable, and how many are complaining because it's unoptimized. If it's mostly the former, pulling the game seems like the right call - if it's just a shitty port, though, this seems like an extreme reaction, at least to me. Personally, I think there's a big difference between saying "I bought this game and I can't play it" and " I bought this game and I can't play it at 60fps 1080p"

    Unoptimised is still a valid complaint for a product - whether it be a car/blender or game. You don't just accept it as-is just because it didn't blow up/crash/break on you. 30fps on PC is a sign of a poor quality job r (Stick of Truth being the only exception). much like if a car doesn't change gears smoothly or a blender doesn't chop things as well as it shoud. As a consumer it's well within your right to voice your displeasure as both a message to the seller/vendor as well as a warning to potential buyers. That's how the marketplace works.

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    #264  Edited By diehappygames

    Technical issues aside, I'm feeling really underwhelmed by the game itself. Doesn't seem to look much better than previous batman games on PC, the combat animations seem to have gotten jankier somehow, I'm finding it hard to get invested in the story this time around, and it seems like there's a lot less actual content than Arkham City, with most of it being very menial repetitive tasks, like save 10 firefighters, hack 20 mines, destroy 30 convoys...

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    I'm loving this. Steam refunds may be the best thing to happen to PC gaming since... Steam.

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    #266  Edited By Homelessbird

    @jedikv: Of course you're allowed to complain. I don't recall arguing against it, even. I'm just trying to understand the scope of the problems and the tenor of the complaint - because a publisher entirely pulling their game from sale is pretty much unheard of, and there have been plenty of shitty PC ports before this one. For every person that I've seen complaining about single-digit frame rates, I've seen someone frothing at the mouth about ambient occlusion, and to me, those things are in two different realms of "your shit is fucked."

    But by all means, complain about what you wish to complain about. I'm just trying to parse it all.

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    #267 MattyFTM  Moderator

    I'm pretty sure what happened here is that on Thursday evening someone at Iron Galaxy needed Dave Lang's go-ahead to implement some stuff in Arkham Knight that would have totally fixed all of the issues. But for some reason, Mr. Lang wasn't answering his phone and the game remained broken.

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    @dr_mantas: I hear you. After a few hours of slo-mo Batmaning I'd had enough.

    The same machine which is running Witcher 3 with most things on Ultra at 70fps was dropping into single figures in Arkham Knight when doing doughnuts in the Batmobile. That was with the framerate unlocked, admittedly, but I'm not ok with a AAA action game in 2015 being locked to 30 on PC.

    The whole thing reads to me like a team desperately trying to get performance from a game by turning off features and locking the framerate as release date crept up on them.

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    @quantical: Yeah, I've pretty much admitted I have zero knowledge of what I'm talking about. I have no idea what a port looks like. Never played one in my 20 years of PC gaming. /sarcasm

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    @rangers517: Anisotropic filtering is also set to 4 instead of 16. 4!!!

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    #271  Edited By mrbubbles

    Hmm, it's weird I'm not having many issues with AK other than the 30fps cap (which I fixed in 1 minute) I will admit I did think it was a little weird that they didn't have many options on the graphics settings screen. But I've been really enjoying the game and weirdly enough people saying the cutscenes run badly run at 60fps for me. Maybe I'm just not as nitpicky as some people.

    Edit: But good on Rocksteady for taking people complaints seriously and actually doing something about it.

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    Why did they go with Iron Galaxy again after the catastrophe that was Origins :(

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    #273  Edited By NeoAthanasius

    I'm curious about how the Xbox One version runs? I guess this explains why I got the premium edition with Season pass for $39 on cdkeys. :-(

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    @jedikv: Of course you're allowed to complain. I don't recall arguing against it, even. I'm just trying to understand the scope of the problems and the tenor of the complaint - because a publisher entirely pulling their game from sale is pretty much unheard of, and there have been plenty of shitty PC ports before this one.

    Refunds were also unheard of for almost 2 decades on PC too, and there's plenty of games released that would warrant the feature. Digital stores are just about catching up in implementing basic consumer rights that other products already have. It's great that they pulled it off the shelves rather than do something like MCC or AC:Unity where they continue to take money for a defective product. This isn't some trivial complaints being made here - there's more than enough evidence to show that.

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    #275  Edited By Homelessbird
    @jedikv said:
    @homelessbird said:

    @jedikv: Of course you're allowed to complain. I don't recall arguing against it, even. I'm just trying to understand the scope of the problems and the tenor of the complaint - because a publisher entirely pulling their game from sale is pretty much unheard of, and there have been plenty of shitty PC ports before this one.

    Refunds were also unheard of for almost 2 decades on PC too, and there's plenty of games released that would warrant the feature. Digital stores are just about catching up in implementing basic consumer rights that other products already have. It's great that they pulled it off the shelves rather than do something like MCC or AC:Unity where they continue to take money for a defective product. This isn't some trivial complaints being made here - there's more than enough evidence to show that.

    That's as may be. Like I said, I'm just trying to wrap my head around the situation.

    Of course, it probably doesn't help that I think anything that looks better than Quest 64 looks pretty good. I'm an old man.

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    #276  Edited By Dryker

    Well this blows. This game was not only one of the reasons I bought a 970, but a free pack in that prompted my purchase. I assumed the PC version would perform far better than its console counterparts, and it looks like now we'll be lucky if it plays as well. I can't ask for a refund without returning my 970, and that's not going to happen. It's been making The Witcher so much witcherer!

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    Core i7 / Nvidia GTX980 / 16 gb ram / 1080p

    Finally got the game playable with everything turned up except the steamworks interactive smoke. Only .ini tweak i did was change max fps to 60 and I also renamed the 2 unskippable intro video splash screens so that the game boot directly to the menu. What blows my mind is this isnt even some brand new top of the line grafx engine in this game. Its still Unreal 3 (though heavily modified). Besides the better framerate....the game is less visually impressive than say the PS4 version. The PC port is just flat out missing features. If anyone wants proof just check out the digital foundry article here...

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    This thing is a huge bummer. Stuff like this has effectively driven me out of buying games on day one, which sucks because I love joining in on the early fun.
    ..Not buying it on day one means that, in 90% of the cases, I never buy it. The hype is gone and people got bored with it.

    No trust in the market is going to be a hurdle for studios this time around, I think. The fact that embargos on reviews have made reviews essentially useless for pointing out which games should be avoided, cause a lot of people REALLY want to get in on stuff early, but NO ONE wants to get in on shitty games early, and reviews should be able to warn people ahead of time.

    When reviewers spot a really smelly turd.. Someone should break embargo. That way, when devs know they have a shitheap on their hands, they will not send a copy to the embargo breaker. Hence.. If a huge game like Asscreed sucks, Ubi would not send their game to the embargo breaker and we'd all have good reason to expect a turd. Now we sort of have no warning. It's a bummer.

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    @cornbredx: Hey me to. Mind me asking if you got your pre-order skins?

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    For some reason, running the game in a window instead of full screen totally fixes all the problems I was having. Might want to try that out.

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    @mogarth said:

    I blame John Vignocchi. If Dave Lang wouldn't have had to use precious time getting a new phone he could've single handily polished the pc port himself.

    Johnny V did nothing wrong.

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    @dorianotten: I'm not sure. I don't pay attention to pre-order stuff. Which skins are for pre-ordering?

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    @jedikv: I'm not saying don't ever complain. I'm saying that adding additional and identical complaints isn't helpful.

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    @cornbredx: dark knight returns, batman beyond & play as harley

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    #286  Edited By DorianOtten

    @cornbredx: Damn, I don't mind the skins but the harley challenge map(s) sounded cool

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    #287  Edited By FMinus

    Seems like Daves Bat-Tech backfired for the second time.

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    This game is currently the hottest of garbage, might be time to see how the steam refund policy works.

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    #289  Edited By John1912

    @dazzhardy said:

    I'm just gonna toss my hat into this, even if the whole thing is crazy, it's only the second time I've heard of an actual released game being taken off steam. But yeah, my i7-4770 and GTX 770 have been running the game at 30 or 60 with everything but the gameworks stuff maxed out no problems. In this very specific case though, I'm quite clearly very lucky, as I've seen the videos from much beefier machines just grinding to single digit FPS with nothing maxed at all. Something has seriously gone wrong in getting this game onto PC's.

    Im running a I7-4790k 770 4GB, and the frame rate seems to be just getting worse the farther into the game I get. Im around 50% and it doesnt seem worth playing with the frame rate how it is. I get frame rate drops into the low teens, or even single digits for 3-5s. Audio skipping has gotten really bad as well. I even tried dropping everything to low, and 720p. It didnt improve at all.

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    I love the whole "runs fine on my PC, thus everyone else must be lying or exaggerating" argument that is going around here. If there are that many complaints its obviously busted for a lot of people.

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    @john1912 said:
    @dazzhardy said:

    I'm just gonna toss my hat into this, even if the whole thing is crazy, it's only the second time I've heard of an actual released game being taken off steam. But yeah, my i7-4770 and GTX 770 have been running the game at 30 or 60 with everything but the gameworks stuff maxed out no problems. In this very specific case though, I'm quite clearly very lucky, as I've seen the videos from much beefier machines just grinding to single digit FPS with nothing maxed at all. Something has seriously gone wrong in getting this game onto PC's.

    Im running a I7-4790k 770 4GB, and the frame rate seems to be just getting worse the farther into the game I get. Im around 50% and it doesnt seem worth playing with the frame rate how it is. I get frame rate drops into the low teens, or even single digits for 3-5s. Audio skipping has gotten really bad as well. I even tried dropping everything to low, and 720p. It didnt improve at all.

    Hey, a close friend of mine said that the game has a memory leak, so it might be the case that the longer you play the higher your ram usage will get and it will eventually crash.

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    Only played the game for a few hours so far, but it runs fine on my PC, except for the clear lack of some more complex shaders that are in the console versions (a bug I assume?)

    Been hearing about this memory leak theory too - haven't encountered it myself... yet.

    The lack of visual options is pretty pathetic, however. There's almost as many "Gameworks"" options in there, as there are standard ones.

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    @mattyftm said:

    I'm pretty sure what happened here is that on Thursday evening someone at Iron Galaxy needed Dave Lang's go-ahead to implement some stuff in Arkham Knight that would have totally fixed all of the issues. But for some reason, Mr. Lang wasn't answering his phone and the game remained broken.

    It was an elaborate scheme by Disney to screw Warner Brothers (and, by extension, Marvel screw DC). Illuvignocchi Confirmed.

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    @fminus said:

    Seems like Daves Bat-Tech backfired for the second time.

    Hahaha! I feel so bad for Iron Galaxy Studios and our beloved Dave Lang, who is no doubt having to turn his hat around, proclaim "GAME TIME!" and kick ass in damage control mode. However, your reference to Dave's mishap on Spelunky just brings the universe around full circle. It all seems kind of perfect, now. :-D

    On the plus side, my PS4 version is a rock solid beast of joyous, raucous fun. The Xbone version sounds pretty great, too... so at least Rocksteady's product is incredibly sound on the consoles. It just needs some major TLC on the PC is all, and I'm fully confident that it will get such said luvin' with all due haste.

    Hang in there, Dave! We actually do care very much about you and the crew over there, hehe. :-)

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    @tothenines: @john1912: Yeah, I've got no real idea why its working fine for me, but not others with similar or better machines. I'm nearly 70% of the way through the main story, and according to Steam have played 13 hours, at least 5 of which were in a row in one sitting. My 770 only has 2GB VRAM, so I don't think it's that, but if there's a memory leak causing problems, maybe the fact I've got 16GB of ram is what's making the game playable.

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    @spacecouncil said:

    @jedikv: I'm not saying don't ever complain. I'm saying that adding additional and identical complaints isn't helpful.

    If only one person complained per issue, it would indicate to the developer that it was an isolated case and most likely not do anything. Multiple complaints for the same issue is a big hint to the developer to the scale of the issue and will more likely motivate the developer to do something about it.

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    @john1912 said:
    @dazzhardy said:

    I'm just gonna toss my hat into this, even if the whole thing is crazy, it's only the second time I've heard of an actual released game being taken off steam. But yeah, my i7-4770 and GTX 770 have been running the game at 30 or 60 with everything but the gameworks stuff maxed out no problems. In this very specific case though, I'm quite clearly very lucky, as I've seen the videos from much beefier machines just grinding to single digit FPS with nothing maxed at all. Something has seriously gone wrong in getting this game onto PC's.

    Im running a I7-4790k 770 4GB, and the frame rate seems to be just getting worse the farther into the game I get. Im around 50% and it doesnt seem worth playing with the frame rate how it is. I get frame rate drops into the low teens, or even single digits for 3-5s. Audio skipping has gotten really bad as well. I even tried dropping everything to low, and 720p. It didnt improve at all.

    Hey, a close friend of mine said that the game has a memory leak, so it might be the case that the longer you play the higher your ram usage will get and it will eventually crash.

    It does seem stable for the first 5 mins or so. Game has never crashed on me though. I have 12 GB of ram, plus windows will do a 10GBpage file for additional ram if it needs it. That would be one hell of a leak for the frame rate to tank as bad as it does on my system in about 5 mins. So I would think something else is going on as well, but there prob is some kind of leak going on.

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    @jedikv: There is a very real difference between one and thousands +. You didn't see Ubisoft pull Unity

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    @fminus said:

    Seems like Daves Bat-Tech backfired for the second time.

    i lol'd.

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    Have had zero problems with the game on PC. I wonder what the issues stem from.

    Curious, do you got an SSD? That seems to be the most common thing for people who have less issues. It still uses way too much power for what it looks like tough.

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