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    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Game » consists of 19 releases. Released Nov 09, 2010

    The seventh installment of the long-running action franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops puts players into the early era of the Cold War (including the Vietnam War) as a member of the United States black operations unit known as the SOG.

    aslan186's Call of Duty: Black Ops Escalation (Xbox 360) review

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    • Score:
    • aslan186 wrote this review on .
    • 1 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Not a Great Addition

    So the thing that is first and foremost about these maps is that they are gorgeous. The attention to detail they put into these  maps is amazing. I recommend taking time to just look around and explore all the nooks and various rooms they have created for these maps because the quality is amazing. The second and perhaps more important detail is these maps are HUGE. Especially hotel, which leads to problems. Particularly in games like Headquarters, where it can you take a full 30 seconds to get to where the HQ is located, and by then it has moved. I am not exaggerating. The other issue is these maps are very poorly designed. With the core maps you have designs that basically funnel you to key central open points in the map, and while you are in those funnels you really only have to worry about what is either in front of you or what is behind you. With these maps opposition can from anywhere. You are always exposed from multiple angles and more often then not multiple levels. These levels seemed designed for snipers and campers, as there are lots of little nooks and corners where then can hide and not be scene. It is also easy, especially early on to get lost. This would not be such an issue if the maps weren't so huge. You can very easily find yourself killed multiple times as you just try to figure out what side of the map you are on. The large size of the maps also proves a negative in deathmatch, where can go minutes without seeing another player only to end up getting shot by sniper hiding on the other side of the map. Perhaps with time some of these issues will naturally work themselves out, but for now they prove to be very frustrating, and even if you find yourself dominating, not very fun.

    Call of the Dead is also a huge disappointment for me. I personally do like zombie mode, to me it seems more like work than fun. However when I saw the trailer for this mode I was very excited. It portrayed itself like a Left 4 Dead clone built on the Call of Duty engine with celebrities, and I was very excited because I love left 4 dead. Unfortunately it is not that at all. It is the same tedious zombie mode that you are used to, just on an icy island with an undead George Ramero, who can't seem to be killed, following you around. Perhaps my expectations where skewed by the trailer, but I was disappointed in this as well.

    In conclusion, if you are hungry for new maps these are a decent distraction for a little while, but ultimately prove more frustrating than they are worth, and you will soon find yourself back in the more satisfying core maps.


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