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    Darksiders II

    Game » consists of 30 releases. Released Aug 14, 2012

    Players return to the post-Apocalypse in the sequel to 2010's Darksiders, this time as former protagonist War's fellow Horseman of the Apocalypse, Death, the pale rider, who seeks to resurrect Humanity to clear his brother's good name.

    btbam92's Darksiders II (Limited Edition) (Xbox 360) review

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    Fun stuff

    For the most part this game is pretty great. It takes a further step into feeling like an rpg compared to the first one. You constantly pick up armor, weapons, and accessories for your character. The game starts off like it will be really long because there are 4 areas to go through and the first one is pretty much just as big as the first game but as you get further each area starts to get smaller and smaller. The puzzles in the game are relatively fun but eventually they become really repetitive and you just want to kill shit. All in all it is worth buying but don't expect much of a challenge and don't expect it to take up lots of your time like Skyrim or any other rpg would

    Other reviews for Darksiders II (Limited Edition) (Xbox 360)

      Darksiders II has no dearth of depth, but suffers from its size. 0

      Darksiders left our anti-hero War contemplating his options as his brothers (and sister) caught the last few express meteors to Earth to help in what promised to be an Alamo style stand-off between the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and apparently every other force in the universe. Darksiders 2 doesn't quite pick up there, however, electing to roll back the clock a few years before the first game begins and follow the redemptive arc of War's more emaciated and guilt-ridden sibling Death instead...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      When Death rides, none can hide. 0

      The original Darksiders was a game that was relatively underrated by both critics and gamers alike, and at the same time, criticized for being a "rip-off" of multiple major franchises such as the Legend of Zelda and God of War. Yet, I liked to see it for what it did correctly. Instead of blatantly ripping off such popular games, Vigil Games instead chose to brilliantly craft certain ideals from those games and blend them together with an extremely engaging story to create a new IP well deserving...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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