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    Dragon Age II

    Game » consists of 16 releases. Released Mar 08, 2011

    This sequel to Dragon Age: Origins features faster combat, a new art style, and a brand new, fully voiced main character named Hawke.

    What happened to this game?

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    #51  Edited By the_hiro_abides

    Yeah, this will be great when the DA2 hate threads completely stop. 
    I like DA2. It's pretty great. I've sunk about 40 hours so far. 
    I'm mostly tired of the same cave used again and again.

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    #52  Edited By bravetoaster
    Red-neck Americans complaining about British accents and then saying how it was payback by the Brits for the war of independence  
     Why is this even part of the list of problems in the game? Sounds like you're being a baby about it. 
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    #53  Edited By Brendan

    This is one of those games that is going to create annoying posts a year from now when people say "Well of course it's fact that DA 2 was a bad game..." when making a point.   

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    #54  Edited By ryanwho

    Short answer is truncated development time happened. Short answer is yearly iteration happened. Turns out, that shit doesn't really work out so great when you try and do it with an RPG. Turns out "its done when its done" is a mantra for a reason.

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    #55  Edited By Vaile

    " Red-neck Americans complaining about British accents and then saying how it was payback by the Brits for the war of independence " 
    " overly gay characters ("it's fine if there's some gay characters but i don't want my son just seeing ALL the men being gay, where's the masculinity in this game?")" 
    I lol'ed. This is either great parody or overwhelming idiocy.

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    #56  Edited By Chindie

    It just has an inescapable feeling of being rushed.
    IIRC theres a comment from the composer knocking around somewhere from the last few days that effectively says he had to rush it because EA wanted to capitalise on goodwill from DA:O, so you can assume the whole thing was chopped and changed and had the vision curtailed.
    It's testament to the studio that even when it is a bit rushed and makes some dumb mistakes and false steps, it's still not a bad game. Just miles away from being  a great one.

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    #57  Edited By yinstarrunner

    The only reason I'm disappointed in the game is because it was made by Bioware, and I've come to expect a certain standard of quality that unfortunately was not met in this game when compared to their past successes.  It's not one really big thing that puts me off of the game, but rather an amalgamation of tons of small things that drive me crazy.
    I know Bioware can do better because I've seen them do better.  I just want them to be at their best.  To be fair, I put a lot of the blame on EA for making them shit out a sequel so soon, as opposed to the first game's long development cycle.

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    #58  Edited By rjayb89


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    #59  Edited By Example1013

    ...I'll be honest, most of my complaints in DA2 are similar to ones I had in DA:O. Most people hating on the game are just haters, because it looks like a fine game. 
    Also, I feel that BioWare has personally insulted me and my mother by not including a mage/warrior hybrid class. But other than that, whatevs.

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    #60  Edited By Fluxxed

    Finally taken a break from whining like a bitch about CoD huh?

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    #61  Edited By Skald

    For all the complaints about the potentially gay party members, I have yet to see one complaint about their potentially lesbian counterparts. 
    I call this the man-child factor.

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    #62  Edited By davidwitten22
    @Lestater said:
    " I couldn't even play Origins it was so god damn boring and stale.  They added a little life to Dragon Age in the form of Jade Empire and now I'm in love with Dragon Age II.    I have a theory.  A lot of people on this site are your stereotypical nerd (say "gross nerd" in your head a bunch of times until you get a visual).  Most of these kids are now fat and ugly abominations willing to fuck anything that can fold skin together.  I'm sure they look back at their simple childhood and how great it was; that's all a distant memory as you look in the mirror and question if you will start giving birth to Hurlocks (google Broodmother in case you're dense).  So, these kids probably played older RPG's that are styled more like Origins.  And I'm sure these kids, jizzed in their pants every time they got +1 strength.    But times changed, and RPG's started to become more realistic.  Keep that butthole firmly shut, as I'm sure you almost shit your pants when I said "realistic" and "RPG" in the same sentence.  What I mean by this, and I'm sure there are tons of people who enjoy planning every little thing for every little battle, but that's not how it would be if Dragon Age we're a reality.  You would not get the luxury of pausing for an hour so just to come to the conclusion that you should heal.  When I played Origins, I felt like I was watching a badly buffering video on youtube.  For games to really make you entertain the notion of "what if this were real?" they have to play like real life.  And real life is fast, and so for a game to really make you feel like you're the character, it has gotta be fast too, at least for the combat.  Now back to my point.  I'm sure these kids loved their old school RPG's.  But something awful happened in their lives, didn't it?  Yes, they were raped.  Maybe by their father, or even perhaps their mother.  Nonetheless, mass rape occurred on the lives of several nerdy children.  (Side note: it's believed, but not confirmed, that the mass rape was lead by an organization called "ARPG")   Years have gone by and the past, thought to be locked away, is perhaps metaphorically returning in the shape of Dragon Age II.  When they played Origins, I'm sure it reminded them of that innocence before the mass rape of their childhood.  They jumped for joy.  They loved life.  They started losing weight.  They found out what a penis is and what a vagina is AND what they can do in tandem.  But then...  Almost like a black cloud of cancer creeping in on the Japanese (too soon?), came Dragon Age II.  Not only did they believe the past was finally gone for good but they thought that the Dragon Age II would retain the more outdated gameplay of Origins.  But it didn't.  Not only did the game have actual action in it, but it also had gibs.  Gibs.  This was the last straw.  Before being able to even create what your character looks like (referencing when you just get to pick your class), these kids were bombarded with past images of their tortured past.  They could do it no more.  They had been raped for a second time and this time, it was personal. So, what I'm really trying to say here is that most (I didn't say "all" because I didn't want some retard quoting this and being all "blah blah blah") people that don't like Dragon Age II, don't like it just because it's different than Origins and not because it's a bad game, because it isn't.  I really do think it's better than Origins, and part of me really thinks that some people here might have a problem with moving on from the past.  TL;DR  Stop taking what Bioware does with their game personal and just enjoy Dragon Age II, because it really is a good game and you're gonna miss out unless you remove the stick from your ass. "
    Wow. With each sentence you sounded more and more like a jackass. It was amazing, really.
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    thats a great strip.

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    #64  Edited By fullmetal5550

    Can we please stop with all the DA2 hate threads. There are already plenty of DA2 hate threads. Go post in one of those instead of creating new one.

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    #65  Edited By thehowlingman

    8/10? why so low?

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    #66  Edited By emem

    Well, it's not a "great" game, but it's okayish imho. I've expected a lot more and was really disappointed at the beginning and had to stop playing for a while to pretty much erase my memories of the first game (I still don't like the new UI and menu). Comparing it to the first game made me kind of sad and if I had to rate it I'd probably give it a C for what it is. I'm only about 10 hours in so far so maybe that will change.. hopefully for the better and not for the worse.
    To people who say DA:O (PC version) isn't a great game.. I disagree. ;)

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    #67  Edited By the8bitNacho
    @onimonkii said:
    " what happened is dragon age origins seemed to be a special case, a throwback, a "love letter" to fans, and then for 2 it seems they made it just like the rest of their (awesome) games and everyone goes batshit it's not just origins again. "
    I'm pretty sure that's why most people play sequels -- they want more of the same, with a few improvements. Dragon Age II i the antithesis of that concept.
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    #68  Edited By frankxiv
    @Kombat said:
    " @onimonkii said:
    " what happened is dragon age origins seemed to be a special case, a throwback, a "love letter" to fans, and then for 2 it seems they made it just like the rest of their (awesome) games and everyone goes batshit it's not just origins again. "
    I'm pretty sure that's why most people play sequels -- they want more of the same, with a few improvements. Dragon Age II i the antithesis of that concept. "
    and if you just give them the same with a few improvements, they complain it's too much the same, and the improvements are too few or have little impact. 
    i can't speak to it much past that because i've already stated my opinion based on what i've read, but i'll get back to you on if it's actually SO drastically different it doesn't qualify as a sequel once i finish origins and play it myself.
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    #69  Edited By sixpin
    @onimonkii said:
    " @Kombat said:
    " @onimonkii said:
    " what happened is dragon age origins seemed to be a special case, a throwback, a "love letter" to fans, and then for 2 it seems they made it just like the rest of their (awesome) games and everyone goes batshit it's not just origins again. "
    I'm pretty sure that's why most people play sequels -- they want more of the same, with a few improvements. Dragon Age II i the antithesis of that concept. "
    and if you just give them the same with a few improvements, they complain it's too much the same, and the improvements are too few or have little impact.  i can't speak to it much past that because i've already stated my opinion based on what i've read, but i'll get back to you on if it's actually SO drastically different it doesn't qualify as a sequel once i finish origins and play it myself. "
    It isn't that different. Let me break it down:

    1. The combat is the same, just faster with a lower camera (PC only, camera is the same on consoles). 
    2. You can't change your party members armor sets (same as Mass Effect 2), just weapons and accessories (different than Mass Effect 2!). 
    3. The dialogue is now in a wheel that shows emotional intent instead of a list that is vague and easy to mistake intent. 
    4. The story is smaller in scope - you are rising to power in Kirkwall instead of galavanting all around the countryside.
    5. The art style is different. Less of a generic LotR rip-off.
    Pretty sure that qualifies it as close enough to be a sequel. I think people really are wearing some rose-tinted nostalgia glasses when they look back on DA:O. I loved the first one, but it was an ugly clumsy mess in places. Item 2 on my list was the only thing that really bothered me at first, but once I started playing I got over it. The only thing that is a downer for me so far (not super far into DA2 yet) is that one of my favorite characters turned into a whiney asshole in the years between Vigil's Keep and arriving in Kirkwall.
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    #70  Edited By Daveyo520
    @Lestater: They added life to Dragon Age with Jade Empire? You do know Jade Empire came out way before DA right?
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    #71  Edited By CmdrSheppard
    @TaliciaDragonsong: Damn, you go girl.
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    #72  Edited By Nottle
    @extremeradical: Well a lot of guys that play this game probably played it as a guy.  I'm a dude but I played the game as a lady Hawke. I flirted with everyone (except Isabella) and Anders was the first to make things serious. I'm sure it would have taken the same amount of time with him to get in a relationship if I was a guy Hawke. But maybe people are just being imature because I have no idea how long it takes to be with Isabella (probably not that long) 
    @sixpin: I wouldn't say any of those changes are for the better though.  
    I don't like to press A over and over. I can tolerate it, but i wouldn't say it's an improvement. The skill trees are neat at first until I realized I have to invest points in trees because "Have X points in Y tree" is always a barrier to the next skill I want. I don't want to invest points upgrading skills I won't use just to unlock a skill I want. Now It just isn't as apparent. Also there are less specializations in this game and paarty members learn specializations that are just two of Hawke's smushed together. Also why do I need Ander's If I want a healer? Why Can't Merrill learn from the healing Tree? Why can't Aveline go two handed? Or Fenris go sword and sheild? Why cut down on how I want my party to play?
     Inventory is so simple in this game and I hate it. It's all just vague stats, I have 10 things just labeled "ring" in my inventory and they all do different things and then armor sets don't even let me know the perks i get from them. I have blood dragon armor, but my mage will never equip it and it's impossible to just hand it to Fenris or Aveline.  
    I'd say the emotions on the dialogue wheel are much more vague than the lines of text from origins and the 1 to 5 words giving you the gist of what Hawke will say hardly ever reflect what Hawke actually says.
    I prefer a more epic feel to the story where I'm going to all sorts of different places. Collecting 50 gold for the first 1/3 of the game isn't all that epic.  Art wise this game changes a LoTR style for a weird almost post Final Fantasy 10 style. The elves look like Elvaan and Na'vi combined while armor has a few to many straps and buckles. I think if I didn't know Fenris wasn't in this game I'd easily confuse him for a Final Fantasy character.  
    Origins did look ugly at times (though I'd say some environments looked good) and ran pretty poorly on my Xbox every once in a while. But I have no nostalgia for the game. I played it for the first time when I got it for christmas 3 months ago and I'm unfamiliar with Baldur's gate and games like that. I simply think that the changes made didn't improve anything and are completly pointless, they just made it a slighly more shallow game. 
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    #73  Edited By Jams
    @Lestater said:

                        I couldn't even play Origins it was so god damn boring and stale.  They added a little life to Dragon Age in the form of Jade Empire and now I'm in love with Dragon Age II.    I have a theory.  A lot of people on this site are your stereotypical nerd (say "gross nerd" in your head a bunch of times until you get a visual).  Most of these kids are now fat and ugly abominations willing to fuck anything that can fold skin together.  I'm sure they look back at their simple childhood and how great it was; that's all a distant memory as you look in the mirror and question if you will start giving birth to Hurlocks (google Broodmother in case you're dense).  So, these kids probably played older RPG's that are styled more like Origins.  And I'm sure these kids, jizzed in their pants every time they got +1 strength.    But times changed, and RPG's started to become more realistic.  Keep that butthole firmly shut, as I'm sure you almost shit your pants when I said "realistic" and "RPG" in the same sentence.  What I mean by this, and I'm sure there are tons of people who enjoy planning every little thing for every little battle, but that's not how it would be if Dragon Age we're a reality.  You would not get the luxury of pausing for an hour so just to come to the conclusion that you should heal.  When I played Origins, I felt like I was watching a badly buffering video on youtube.  For games to really make you entertain the notion of "what if this were real?" they have to play like real life.  And real life is fast, and so for a game to really make you feel like you're the character, it has gotta be fast too, at least for the combat.  Now back to my point.  I'm sure these kids loved their old school RPG's.  But something awful happened in their lives, didn't it?  Yes, they were raped.  Maybe by their father, or even perhaps their mother.  Nonetheless, mass rape occurred on the lives of several nerdy children.  (Side note: it's believed, but not confirmed, that the mass rape was lead by an organization called "ARPG")   Years have gone by and the past, thought to be locked away, is perhaps metaphorically returning in the shape of Dragon Age II.  When they played Origins, I'm sure it reminded them of that innocence before the mass rape of their childhood.  They jumped for joy.  They loved life.  They started losing weight.  They found out what a penis is and what a vagina is AND what they can do in tandem.  But then...  Almost like a black cloud of cancer creeping in on the Japanese (too soon?), came Dragon Age II.  Not only did they believe the past was finally gone for good but they thought that the Dragon Age II would retain the more outdated gameplay of Origins.  But it didn't.  Not only did the game have actual action in it, but it also had gibs.  Gibs.  This was the last straw.  Before being able to even create what your character looks like (referencing when you just get to pick your class), these kids were bombarded with past images of their tortured past.  They could do it no more.  They had been raped for a second time and this time, it was personal. So, what I'm really trying to say here is that most (I didn't say "all" because I didn't want some retard quoting this and being all "blah blah blah") people that don't like Dragon Age II, don't like it just because it's different than Origins and not because it's a bad game, because it isn't.  I really do think it's better than Origins, and part of me really thinks that some people here might have a problem with moving on from the past.  TL;DR  Stop taking what Bioware does with their game personal and just enjoy Dragon Age II, because it really is a good game and you're gonna miss out unless you remove the stick from your ass.



    That's big talk there guido  You should do yourself a favor and get off of the internet. It'd be for your own good.
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    #74  Edited By sixpin
    @Nottle: I wasn't really trying to say that any of those thing are better or not, just responding to Kombat's post to say that it is close enough to be a sequel. 
    Not saying you are wrong to feel the way you do, it is your opinion. However, in my own opinion; the game is pretty good and I like it. 
    The rings have always been vague, even in DA:O. 
    I've not had a single problem with the Dialogue Wheel. In DA:O I accidentally insulted or flirted with people on occasion due to my interpreting sentences differently than BioWare intended. 
    Smaller scale stories aren't bad. We don't always have to save the world. 
    Less micromanaging  and more pre-developed (less generic) character types are not bad. 
    Art style is very subjective (I'm a designer, ugh opinions...) and not everyone is going to dig it; I do.
    All of these things have trade-offs. Not everyone is going to like them. Personally, I'm fine with it. I grew up playing JRPGs like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy as well as WRPGs. It wasn't until the past few years that I grew to like WRPGs more. I feel like DA2 is a good middle ground. Maybe I'm just into it because I want to actually play the game and not spend hours in menus building my characters from the ground up. I play default Hawke AND default Shepherd. Guess it is the same reason I like Mario and not LittleBigPlanet. I'd rather play the game than build it.
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    #75  Edited By Rolyatkcinmai

    It's fantastic. That's what happened. It got fantastic.

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    #76  Edited By Nottle
    @sixpin: Yeah I'm sorry if I came off as not liking the game. You just brought up some points of the game that I thought the change was unnecessary so responding to you was the easist way to get that across. I'm not trying to say your wrong for liking these changes either.  I actually think Dragon Age 2 is pretty good. Just, it seems more like other games i've played, where Origins felt different (at least for me) and i like that.  I really liked that I could just talk to characters in Origins. Hardly any game I've played let me just walk up to a character to talk for a bit, and it was another thing that I missed in this game. 

      Your right the "Save the world story"  is overplayed. But I think the story of DA2 should have had more momentum to it. A story can be personal and interesting, I just didn't find Hawkes story all that interesting or personal.  In Origins it was kill the archdemon and once you do that the story wraps up for the most part. Here there isn't much of a interesting or meaningful goal until around Act 2. The entire game I'm seeing the same scenary and there is hardly a sense of progression which is something a game that is 30-50 hours long needs. Everything that happens in this game just leads to everyone's situation being worse than it was beofore. It feels like a lead up to greater events while, to me Origins felt like a great event. 
    I'd say the most interesting things in Persona games and Dragon Age is just learning about characters in small ways. There were some great moments of that in DA2 and I'd like more of that. But the overarching story just didn't have as many moments where I cared about what was going on. For an RPG I rather spend time being involved with the story and the world than actually spending time in combat, even if they made it more actiony.  

    Less micromanaging  and more pre-developed (less generic) character types are not bad.

     Thats partially true depending on your point of view I guess. I'm sure some would say micromanaging is essential to a game like Starcraft. It's part of the apeal to some and it would be pointless if their wasn't a strategy to being able to carefully manage things. I'm sure some would say the same for Dragon Age. I actually don't like micromanaging in combat but I do like powering up my guys on a skill/equipment screen. It's part of the progression feeling that I want to have. I also feel like they've made the characters even more generic in terms of their type. Did anyone use Anders as anything other than a cleric? Did anyone use Aveline for anything other than tanking? In Awakening I could go crazy. I could make Anders a spirit healing, Blood mage, Arcane warrior. He could tank, heal, and possess my enemies. I could use a character I liked the way I wanted to. Now if I want a healer. I have Anders or I can wait for the potions to cool down. 
    Yeah, I do like making my character and things like that, nothing wrong with a solid predefined character though, but origins was the one game where I felt like the character was me, more than I was the character. I felt like I was Hawke as much as I was someone like Nico Bellic. 
     I like JRPG's as well,  but thats not what I want my Dragon Age experience to be like.
    Thats kind of funny though, your a designer but you rather not build the games. I like your Coco avatar btw.
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    #77  Edited By sixpin
    @Nottle: I see where you are coming from. I think they could have loosened up on the character customization some, but like I said earlier - I got used to it and just rolled with it. I look at it as more of this character fullfills this roll so I'll bring him instead of my usual party build. The story pacing is also a little off, but it didn't stop me from getting into it. Now FFXIII, that was a story I couldn't follow or even bring myself far enough to care to follow it. 
    Yeah, it is sort of funny I suppose. It is just that I design and code all day and when I get home I'd rather play around in someone else's work than feel like I've got a second job. Similar to the old saying about how mechanics often drive the crappiest clunkers, but they fix cars all day.
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    #78  Edited By Yanngc33

    I like this game, its more approachable and addicting. 

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    #79  Edited By babblinmule

    I completed four playthroughs of Dragon Age 1, and I think that in every area (besides the environments thing), Dragon Age 2 was better. In my opinion, DA2 has better characters, better story, better dialogue, better combat and a better leveling system.

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    #80  Edited By AceBlack19
    @Mooqi said:

    " That meme is funny and sad at the same time. Nonetheless the game is not trash. It's an average game that seems like trash if you compare it to DA:O. If you have never played DA:O it might even be a great game for you. "

    My feelings echoed perfectly. Someday I'll make it to a forum in time before someone like-minded beats me to my own thoughts.
    If DA2 were somehow a game with no previous installment (not sure how they'd make sense of the two, but for the sake of the argument...) I suspect it would have been received at lesat well. Because of how intricate DA:O was and the great characterization, I think DA2 seems worse then it actually is.
    EDIT: I forgot to Add- love the picture OP. That got a laugh out of me.
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    #81  Edited By Undeadpool
    @extremeradical said:
    " For all the complaints about the potentially gay party members, I have yet to see one complaint about their potentially lesbian counterparts.  I call this the man-child factor. "
    That's cause that's shit's HAWT, BRAH!!
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    #82  Edited By Lestater
    Why so serious? 
    Side note: 
    " @Lestater: They added life to Dragon Age with Jade Empire? You do know Jade Empire came out way before DA right? "  
    Jade Empire is, in my opinion, the Bioware game with the most personality.  And there are quite a few elements from Jade Empire in Dragon Age II; and that's what I meant by saying they added life to Dragon Age with Jade Empire.
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    #83  Edited By Flaboere
    @Revan_NL said:
    " I do enjoy Dragon Age II, it's a solid RPG, but not BioWare's best work. The thing is... Dragon Age II isn't a Dragon Age game. It's artstyle is so different then the first one. Granted, the Origins had was leaning to much towards LOTR in terms of design, but the design of Dragon Age II manages to be worse somehow.   But the answer to your question is simple OP: EA happened to this game. "
    I guess you also think NWN2 wasn't an NWN game?
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    #84  Edited By Mike76x

    I wonder how many people that are complaining about Dragon Age 2 have played Fable 3.

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    #85  Edited By Ihmishylje
    @Lestater said:
    " I couldn't even play Origins it was so god damn boring and stale.  They added a little life to Dragon Age in the form of Jade Empire and now I'm in love with Dragon Age II.    I have a theory.  A lot of people on this site are your stereotypical nerd (say "gross nerd" in your head a bunch of times until you get a visual).  Most of these kids are now fat and ugly abominations willing to fuck anything that can fold skin together.  I'm sure they look back at their simple childhood and how great it was; that's all a distant memory as you look in the mirror and question if you will start giving birth to Hurlocks (google Broodmother in case you're dense).  So, these kids probably played older RPG's that are styled more like Origins.  And I'm sure these kids, jizzed in their pants every time they got +1 strength.    But times changed, and RPG's started to become more realistic.  Keep that butthole firmly shut, as I'm sure you almost shit your pants when I said "realistic" and "RPG" in the same sentence.  What I mean by this, and I'm sure there are tons of people who enjoy planning every little thing for every little battle, but that's not how it would be if Dragon Age we're a reality.  You would not get the luxury of pausing for an hour so just to come to the conclusion that you should heal.  When I played Origins, I felt like I was watching a badly buffering video on youtube.  For games to really make you entertain the notion of "what if this were real?" they have to play like real life.  And real life is fast, and so for a game to really make you feel like you're the character, it has gotta be fast too, at least for the combat.  Now back to my point.  I'm sure these kids loved their old school RPG's.  But something awful happened in their lives, didn't it?  Yes, they were raped.  Maybe by their father, or even perhaps their mother.  Nonetheless, mass rape occurred on the lives of several nerdy children.  (Side note: it's believed, but not confirmed, that the mass rape was lead by an organization called "ARPG")   Years have gone by and the past, thought to be locked away, is perhaps metaphorically returning in the shape of Dragon Age II.  When they played Origins, I'm sure it reminded them of that innocence before the mass rape of their childhood.  They jumped for joy.  They loved life.  They started losing weight.  They found out what a penis is and what a vagina is AND what they can do in tandem.  But then...  Almost like a black cloud of cancer creeping in on the Japanese (too soon?), came Dragon Age II.  Not only did they believe the past was finally gone for good but they thought that the Dragon Age II would retain the more outdated gameplay of Origins.  But it didn't.  Not only did the game have actual action in it, but it also had gibs.  Gibs.  This was the last straw.  Before being able to even create what your character looks like (referencing when you just get to pick your class), these kids were bombarded with past images of their tortured past.  They could do it no more.  They had been raped for a second time and this time, it was personal. So, what I'm really trying to say here is that most (I didn't say "all" because I didn't want some retard quoting this and being all "blah blah blah") people that don't like Dragon Age II, don't like it just because it's different than Origins and not because it's a bad game, because it isn't.  I really do think it's better than Origins, and part of me really thinks that some people here might have a problem with moving on from the past.  TL;DR  Stop taking what Bioware does with their game personal and just enjoy Dragon Age II, because it really is a good game and you're gonna miss out unless you remove the stick from your ass. "
    Post of the fucking decade.
    Furthermore, I can't stand it when people say it's no longer an RPG because "it's not tactical". RPGs are about playing a role. If you want tactics, go play chess.
    Dragon Age II is a fine game, save for a somewhat underwhelming, cliffhanger-y ending.
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    #86  Edited By SeriouslyNow
    @Ihmishylje said:
    " @Lestater said:
    " I couldn't even play Origins it was so god damn boring and stale.  They added a little life to Dragon Age in the form of Jade Empire and now I'm in love with Dragon Age II.    I have a theory.  A lot of people on this site are your stereotypical nerd (say "gross nerd" in your head a bunch of times until you get a visual).  Most of these kids are now fat and ugly abominations willing to fuck anything that can fold skin together.  I'm sure they look back at their simple childhood and how great it was; that's all a distant memory as you look in the mirror and question if you will start giving birth to Hurlocks (google Broodmother in case you're dense).  So, these kids probably played older RPG's that are styled more like Origins.  And I'm sure these kids, jizzed in their pants every time they got +1 strength.    But times changed, and RPG's started to become more realistic.  Keep that butthole firmly shut, as I'm sure you almost shit your pants when I said "realistic" and "RPG" in the same sentence.  What I mean by this, and I'm sure there are tons of people who enjoy planning every little thing for every little battle, but that's not how it would be if Dragon Age we're a reality.  You would not get the luxury of pausing for an hour so just to come to the conclusion that you should heal.  When I played Origins, I felt like I was watching a badly buffering video on youtube.  For games to really make you entertain the notion of "what if this were real?" they have to play like real life.  And real life is fast, and so for a game to really make you feel like you're the character, it has gotta be fast too, at least for the combat.  Now back to my point.  I'm sure these kids loved their old school RPG's.  But something awful happened in their lives, didn't it?  Yes, they were raped.  Maybe by their father, or even perhaps their mother.  Nonetheless, mass rape occurred on the lives of several nerdy children.  (Side note: it's believed, but not confirmed, that the mass rape was lead by an organization called "ARPG")   Years have gone by and the past, thought to be locked away, is perhaps metaphorically returning in the shape of Dragon Age II.  When they played Origins, I'm sure it reminded them of that innocence before the mass rape of their childhood.  They jumped for joy.  They loved life.  They started losing weight.  They found out what a penis is and what a vagina is AND what they can do in tandem.  But then...  Almost like a black cloud of cancer creeping in on the Japanese (too soon?), came Dragon Age II.  Not only did they believe the past was finally gone for good but they thought that the Dragon Age II would retain the more outdated gameplay of Origins.  But it didn't.  Not only did the game have actual action in it, but it also had gibs.  Gibs.  This was the last straw.  Before being able to even create what your character looks like (referencing when you just get to pick your class), these kids were bombarded with past images of their tortured past.  They could do it no more.  They had been raped for a second time and this time, it was personal. So, what I'm really trying to say here is that most (I didn't say "all" because I didn't want some retard quoting this and being all "blah blah blah") people that don't like Dragon Age II, don't like it just because it's different than Origins and not because it's a bad game, because it isn't.  I really do think it's better than Origins, and part of me really thinks that some people here might have a problem with moving on from the past.  TL;DR  Stop taking what Bioware does with their game personal and just enjoy Dragon Age II, because it really is a good game and you're gonna miss out unless you remove the stick from your ass. "
    Post of the fucking decade.  Furthermore, I can't stand it when people say it's no longer an RPG because "it's not tactical". RPGs are about playing a role. If you want tactics, go play chess.  Dragon Age II is a fine game, save for a somewhat underwhelming, cliffhanger-y ending. "
    Dragon Age : Origins was neither boring, nor stale.  
    It was a fucking huge hit for Bioware and EA, so much so that it spawned a wealth of DLC, a strong community following across all three platforms (another mark of its strong success too because both console versions had performance issues which can often turn people away in droves, especially with a new IP), a series of books and this sequel which we're all discussing.  If it was such a boring and stale game then none of that stuff would've happened including DA 2.  People who justify this game's myriad shortcomings by attacking the game that spawned it and its fanbase are being extremely silly and most likely didn't even play the first game at all because they were turned off by its RPG nature.  
    A lot of those who never played Origins have been swept in the hype of this sequel's extremely aggressive marketing and they feel a sense of ownership with the game because the game seems a lot more accesible to them (which in some ways is true, the travelling and XP management is simplified vs. Origins) but what a lot of them don't know or realise (because they haven't played the original game) is that DA II is really poorly written in comparison to Origins and that is what many fans are really disappointed with in the sequel beyond the obvious technical and gameplay issues.  
    DA II definitely has some improvements, especially in some of the minor areas of annoyance which Origins had - such as dealing with party members and having to gift them specific items in dribs and drabs to raise their loyalty and also in terms of the way individual characters' movesets/abilities are fleshed out in UI when doling out earned XP, but for all of the small improvements there are many more areas where oversimplification has drained a lot of enjoyment from the sequel which Origins had in spades.  DA 2 game is shorter, less dynamic in terms of character and plot exposition (a real problem for an RPG too because it makes it really difficult to connect to a character who has just lost a relative and is actually responsible partially and yet shows almost no reaction to this loss and neither does anyone else - even those closely connected and supposedly suffering too.  Suddenly plot segues to 3 years later and almost nothing is mentioned of this linchpin issue or person again.  This gets echoed again with the loss of another key player in the plot and is handled somewhat better but still abruptly skipped over afterwards), the combat is mostly just about dealing with multiple waves of repeated enemy types, many of whom are just reskinned versions of archetypal enemies, the enemies and environments lack variety due to a lot of reused assets and the quests themselves lack variety overall (though this was the pretty much the same deal in Origins too).  These are all real shortcomings in this game and can't just be argued away by attacking the fans of Origins.
    Now in terms of discussing the context of the acronym RPG and its relation to Origins vs II I will only say this : both games use it but only Origins' decent plot and character exposition made sense of the role playing aspect.
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    #87  Edited By GunslingerPanda

    EA happened. 
    Loved Origins. Was gonna play DA2, but after watching a couple episodes of the YogsCast's Let's Play, I'm staying the hell away.

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    #88  Edited By CaptainObvious

    That "I'm Hungry" dialogue choice just sold me on the game.

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    #89  Edited By Mike76x
    @SeriouslyNow said:

    DA 2 game is shorter, less dynamic in terms of character and plot exposition (a real problem for an RPG too because it makes it really difficult to connect to a character who has just lost a relative and is actually responsible partially and yet shows almost no reaction to this loss and neither does anyone else - even those closely connected and supposedly suffering too.  Suddenly plot segues to 3 years later and almost nothing is mentioned of this linchpin issue or person again. 

    Dragon Age: Origins human noble opening, the entire family is slaughtered, mother, father, sister in law, nephew, as well as several close family friends, with a brother missing.
    The only reactions are one liners when asked by maybe 2 or 3 people, cause who gives a shit about family when you're a warden.
    The guy that saved your life is also himself slaughtered, and you have no reaction Alistair on the other hand, NEVER STOPS CRYING ABOUT IT...EVER!

    Dragon age 2, the Hawkes always talk about the lost sibling, you need to click on them in house and around town. There may not be full conversations outside of their "bases" but there is constant dialogue.
    If you talk to Bethany in the Kirkwall Chantry, she will say she misses the Lothering Chantry because "Sister Leliana told the best stories". 
    Origins was a great game, and DA2 is no great fall from grace. It's a different story about a different person in a different place, with different motivations.
    It is different, not worse.
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    to the OP: your PC sucks... 

    No Caption Provided
    the game won't win any graphics awards, but it definitely looks better than Origins, and has more style than most games out there. 
    plus, the story and characters are great, up there with any other BioWare game. 
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    #91  Edited By phrosnite

    If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2.

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    @phrosnite said:
    " If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2. "
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    #93  Edited By ryanwho
    @phrosnite said:
    " If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2. "
    People who were disappointed falsely enjoyed DAO.
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    @ryanwho said:
    " @phrosnite said:
    " If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2. "
    People who were disappointed falsely enjoyed DAO. "
    I guess I just forced those hundreds of hours out of compulsion to play the same game over again because I hate myself. 
    Haha you guys. it was just a misunderstanding all along.
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    #95  Edited By Yummylee
    @ryanwho said:
    " @phrosnite said:
    " If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2. "
    People who were disappointed falsely enjoyed DAO. "
    Clearly. And here I thought I genuinely found DA: Origins to be one of my all time favourite RPGs, but with my disappointment towards DA2 that must not be so! :O
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    #96  Edited By phrosnite
    @ryanwho said:
    " @phrosnite said:
    " If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2. "
    People who were disappointed falsely enjoyed DAO. "
    Well DA:O was about the characters and the world not about the combat system or the graphics. All the complaints I've seen on the Bioware forums and other places are "They dumbed down the game". People bitching about why can't they change the armor of the companions or that the combat is more actiony and less tactical and that the graphics are on "Nintendo 64 level". 
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    #97  Edited By Yummylee
    @phrosnite said:
    " @ryanwho said:
    " @phrosnite said:
    " If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2. "
    People who were disappointed falsely enjoyed DAO. "
     People bitching about why can't they change the armor of the companions or that the combat is more actiony and less tactical and that the graphics are on "Nintendo 64 level".  "
    Is not being allowed to change your armour really not a valid complaint?? It's hinders your own customisation of your party, and sure you can find upgrades, but it'll still leave a lot of stuff put to waste since if your Hawke is a class that can't equip this awesome new armour you've found, it's completely useless other than to be sold for a few silver. 
    The combat--at least I think--is brilliant and incredibly fun, and I played on consoles so no tactical view never mattered anyway. 
    As for the N64 graphics... I'm very curious as to learn where the fuck you heard anyone use such a insult towards the graphics.
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    #98  Edited By phrosnite
    @Abyssfull said:
    " @phrosnite said:
    " @ryanwho said:
    " @phrosnite said:
    " If you genuinely enjoyed DA:O you won't be disappointed by DA2. "
    People who were disappointed falsely enjoyed DAO. "
     People bitching about why can't they change the armor of the companions or that the combat is more actiony and less tactical and that the graphics are on "Nintendo 64 level".  "
    As for the N64 graphics... I'm very curious as to learn where the fuck you heard anyone use such a insult towards the graphics. "
    The bones on the ground in the Wounded Coast and many other places... I guess you haven't read the Bioware forums and good for you. I don't recommend doing that. I'm never reading them again...
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    #99  Edited By SeriouslyNow
    @Mike76x said:
    " @SeriouslyNow said:

    DA 2 game is shorter, less dynamic in terms of character and plot exposition (a real problem for an RPG too because it makes it really difficult to connect to a character who has just lost a relative and is actually responsible partially and yet shows almost no reaction to this loss and neither does anyone else - even those closely connected and supposedly suffering too.  Suddenly plot segues to 3 years later and almost nothing is mentioned of this linchpin issue or person again. 

    Dragon Age: Origins human noble opening, the entire family is slaughtered, mother, father, sister in law, nephew, as well as several close family friends, with a brother missing. The only reactions are one liners when asked by maybe 2 or 3 people, cause who gives a shit about family when you're a warden. The guy that saved your life is also himself slaughtered, and you have no reaction Alistair on the other hand, NEVER STOPS CRYING ABOUT IT...EVER! Dragon age 2, the Hawkes always talk about the lost sibling, you need to click on them in house and around town. There may not be full conversations outside of their "bases" but there is constant dialogue. If you talk to Bethany in the Kirkwall Chantry, she will say she misses the Lothering Chantry because "Sister Leliana told the best stories".   Origins was a great game, and DA2 is no great fall from grace. It's a different story about a different person in a different place, with different motivations. It is different, not worse. "
    Something can be different and worse, but yet your example makes them the same, so which is it, are they the same ham-fisted approaches to plot and character exposition or are they different?  I content that your example in Origins is almost unrelated to mine as that is the lead-up to your character's journey and you have no control over who lives and dies at that stage whereas the example I put forward in DA 2 is directly connected to your choice - in both cases and also, more importantly, those deaths happen in the midst of the story and so should be a lot more impactful as you, as the player, have already invested time in being exposed to those key familial characters that die, especially one who has likely been a member of your raiding party.
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    #100  Edited By Ihmishylje

    @SeriouslyNow said:

    " Dragon Age : Origins was neither boring, nor stale.    It was a fucking huge hit for Bioware and EA, so much so that it spawned a wealth of DLC, a strong community following across all three platforms (another mark of its strong success too because both console versions had performance issues which can often turn people away in droves, especially with a new IP), a series of books and this sequel which we're all discussing.  If it was such a boring and stale game then none of that stuff would've happened including DA 2. "

    Whether or not it was a hit is beside the point when we're talking about personal preference. I enjoyed both games vastly, but I felt all the changes in DAII were for the better, save for a couple of instances. DA:O was longer and thus felt a bit more epic, but from a gaming point of view, it was a lot jankier and graphically and stylistically inferior. Both had somewhat disappointing endings and the main stories were run of the mill. The side quests were good fun in both, but easier to navigate in II. Combat was faster, more fun as opposed to demanding, and the characters and mythology had more personality in the second instalment, and felt like they really came to their own, instead of just trying really hard to set itself apart from a generic LOTR or DnD world.  

    @SeriouslyNow said:

    "People who justify this game's myriad shortcomings by attacking the game that spawned it and its fanbase are being extremely silly and most likely didn't even play the first game at all because they were turned off by its RPG nature."  

     I played the first one, thank you very much, exactly for its RPG nature. But I have a different notion of what that means, clearly.   
     @SeriouslyNow said:

    "A lot of those who never played Origins have been swept in the hype of this sequel's extremely aggressive marketing and they feel a sense of ownership with the game because the game seems a lot more accesible to them (which in some ways is true, the travelling and XP management is simplified vs. Origins) but what a lot of them don't know or realise (because they haven't played the original game) is that DA II is really poorly written in comparison to Origins and that is what many fans are really disappointed with in the sequel beyond the obvious technical and gameplay issues."

    I fail to see how DAII is poorly written by almost any standards. Bioware itself has had better (KOTOR, which feels dated now, aside from its story, which you can't just copypaste to every new game ad nauseum) and one of my favourite stories in games is in Red Dead Redemption, and only a couple of other examples I could think of. They don't have a lot of competition. Sure, the main story isn't very impressive, but it never has been Bioware's strongest suite. What they excell at, is storytelling, which I thought was handled a lot better this time around - closer to that of Mass Effect's, which is no small feat. 
     @SeriouslyNow said:

    "Now in terms of discussing the context of the acronym RPG and its relation to Origins vs II I will only say this : both games use it but only Origins' decent plot and character exposition made sense of the role playing aspect. "

    Origins' plot was nothing to write home about, you're looking at it through rose-tinted glasses. Yes, it was longer and thus felt more epic, but beyond that, it wasn't all that amazing, and neither was that of II. Both games are RPGs, but so was Red Dead Redemption. They're RPGs whether or not you think highly of the quality of the writing. Because quality is a matter of taste. What bothers me is the misuse of the acronym.

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