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    Fable II

    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released Oct 21, 2008

    An action-oriented role-playing game set 500 years after the original Fable, this sequel starts players out in the role of a street urchin destined for greatness.

    dryker's Fable II (Xbox 360) review

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    • dryker has written a total of 2 reviews. The last one was for Fable II

    Jump down the Rabbit Hole

    Fable 2, in a word, is magical. Peter Molyneux's ( and Lionhead Studios ) Albion is a trip down the Rabbit Hole to Alice's Wonderland, well, at least the Wonderland the creator intended before Disney snatched it up and drizzled sickly sweet sacrine all over it. Prepare to be transported to a world gone mad, whether it be the deranged ravings of a duo of momma's boys incanting arcane formulae to call forth extra-dimensional beings from twisted spheres, the Scottish Brogue mockings of cynical gargoyles that ridicule any who pass by their pointless perches upon ruined spectres of the past, and sentient sculptings imprisoning demonic deities to defend doorways with riddles and challenges the likes of demanding dreadlocks and cheese, for Fable 2 will derail your dreams; figuratively, though for myself, literally. I haven't written a lick since I slipped it in my box. My book will have to wait, for I'm haunted and this apparition must be appeased.
    By the game's reckoning, I've played for 86903 seconds or approximately 24 hours ( just calculated that and I suspect it may be wrong, I've been playing for three days straight). I've spent a lot of time building my character, wealth, and relations so I have a good base to proceed through the story with. I can not speak for the entire story, for I'm not quite finished and have no idea how much longer there is to go, but so far it is fascinating. I'm enjoying it much more than the first. I'm glad I decided to build my skills and wealth before-hand because it opens so many more gameplay options and makes for a more immersive experience. What I originally thought to be a pretty shallow combat system has turned into quite an array of attack options. Though, I must say, the combat is not so much engaging or visceral, rather than inventive and fun. It won't put you on the edge of your seat, but will constantly entertain through enemy hijinx or enemy and audience commentary ( granted that you collect villagers to follow and be your own personal Peanut Gallery). The tension does seem to spike when you bring one of your favorite villagers along and watch as he gets hacked by Hobbes or bit by Balverines though. My favorite tactic so far is to charge my Chaos up to five and send my foes into a frenzy of friendly fire, self depracation, vomiting, ground scrubbing, and prety much every expression in the game as I sit back and watch the chaos ensue, occasionally zooming in on one of their heads to pop it off with a quick shot from my Master Flintlock Pistol augmented with Discipline and Lucky Charm ( Extra Experience, Damage, Defense ) before giving their corpses a minute of a my middle finger and ramping it up to a full dual-fingered Fuck You. Good stuff!
    Anyways, I need to get back to Fable 2, er, umm, I mean that book I'd mentioned. Ah, hell, who am I kidding, Fable 2. I can't recommend this game enough. The world is a better place with things like this in it.


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