What's your favorite game at the moment?

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The Witcher. Played it through several times. Didnt count the hours but i'd guess around 100 over several years. I just love that game. I keep coming back to Mass effect aswell. all 3 of em. ( but man, the ps3 version of ME1 is a buggy mess! ugh.)

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Right now, Skyrim. Before that it was Unreal Tournament 3. And before that... it was GRAW. And before that, it was Halo 2. Before that, Half-Life, before that, WrestleMania 2000.

Man, I love me some games but there is something to be said for that old nostalgic feeling of that game you just want to pop in even years later.

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#53  Edited By falserelic

Battlefield 4 on ps4 baby.

It had an update not to long ago that improved somethings, and made it alot easier to find matches for the DLC. Nothing but death and destruction in its purist form. When I go into a match I'm in the middle of a Warzone, I'm in hell and I fucking love it. In a battle you do any means necessary to succeed. Just go full force and don't look back.

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Though sometimes you might end up dying a senseless death, but its all apart of the beauty.

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Under you criteria it would be the binding of isaac, but that game is not my favorite. Probably not even that close. Ive been playing it on and off again for like 2 and a half years, clocked in 140 hours, and finally got the final ending recently (patricks stream inspired me to go back). It's (mostly) well designed, rewarding, and super addicting, a game that I can get into easily (put some tunes on and play for an hour), but it's really janky in a lot of ways as well. Rebirth could become one of my all time favorites if it addresses the problems found in the original game.

I think my current favorite is, probably, The Last of Us. The story is harrowing, well written, well acted, and I think the gameplay is top notch. I've been thinking about it, and I might give the MP portion of that game a chance because I really loved the way it played and think it could equate to a great/methodical mutiplayer experience. Haven't really played a MP game in a long time though (kind of fell off from it after BF3).