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    God of War III

    Game » consists of 14 releases. Released Mar 16, 2010

    God of War III puts players back in the role of Kratos to continue his brutal and bloody war against Olympus as he sets his sights on Zeus himself.

    Any thoughts on the demo

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    #1  Edited By Monkeygb21


    Here are three of my thoughts

    1. This is clearly still a work in progress (yes, I know it says so in the beginning).   It is buggy but looks and controls great (at least until later, see #3)
    2. I dig the old “hack and slash.”   It is a nice change of pace from all the shooter based action out there. The combat is gory and satisfying.   If you forgot why you liked God of War tearing up a minotaur will quickly jog your memory.    

    Wow, I can’t believe I put a spoiler warning in a thread about the demo of a game that comes out next year.

    Anyone else want to share their thoughts?  

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    #2  Edited By Brunchies

    They'll probably fix those things, it's still a work in progress. 

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    #3  Edited By tacoMOOSE

    i loved it and now i want more. april cannot come fast enough. The part where you fight the cyclops was nice, riding him and such. Ripping off helios's head was quite satisfying. I didnt mind the flying part so much because i knew it would lead to something rediculous.
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    #4  Edited By KamasamaK
    @Brunchies said:
    " They'll probably fix those things, it's still a work in progress.  "
    I believe it is just the E3 demo, so a relatively old build.
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    #5  Edited By wazp

    Yup, at least it's labeled GOW3 E3 demo so I reckon it's the same build, apart from added keyhelp popups every once in a while which I never saw in any videos from E3. Other than that, it's the same.
    I gotta say I really like this one though, even the flying part. Yeah, the controls are a bit sluggish there and it's hard to see, but still I think it's a great feeling roaring through that vent :)
    When it comes to gameplay all I really can compare with is GOW: Chains of Olympus to the PSP since I never got around to the old games at the time, but it certainly feels like a game in the same series as that one. I think all people who enjoyed the series so far will be very pleased with this one for sure.

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    #6  Edited By get2sammyb

    It's crazy how polished it is. Considering this is an E3 demo from earlier in the year, it just blows my mind how this segment will play now (if you get me).
    I mean, honestly, they could release the section as is and it would still be above average. There's tons of stuff for them to improve on of course, far from perfect, and VERY similar to the original games. But seriously, I can't wait to see some new stuff which I presume they'll show early next year right?
    As work in progress it's pretty incredible.

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    #7  Edited By Caode

    I thought it was pretty good, and it is fairly polished (that said this was on display at E3, so i'd say they put a good bit of polish into it for that) for a game which isn't gonna be seeing release for another five months or so. Gameplay is just what you want from a god of war game and it's simple to just pick up and get straight into the action, intuitive, my only problem would be what others have said so far, with the flying mechanics, they need fixed up a little, it doesn't seem very involving or as if you have much control over what's going on, it looks amazing but i'd like it if they added a little more depth to the flying. Graphically it's top notch, kratos character model looks great, the environment and enemies all look great, there are just some small parts which need tuned up in time for release, which isn't really a problem since this is a 4 month old demo now and its got another 5 months to fo until release, im sure it'll look even better come release. It's made me wanna play through the first two again now, sadly no god of war collection in 2009 over here, might have to import now.
    So overall, amazing demo, anticipation for the full game has gotten alot stronger, roll on march!

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    #8  Edited By Poki3

    The efin demo only outputs in NTSC, GOD F$&$^ DAMNIT GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
    Makes me want to split someone in half!

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    #9  Edited By jkz

    Hmmmm.....I pre-ordered the ultimate edition from Amazon, but haven't gotten a demo code. Anyone else pre-order it from Amazon? If so, did you get the demo-code yet?

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    #10  Edited By HypoXenophobia

    My only thoughts are based on the quick look, it looks great, but I feel it's somewhat telling that the *live* E3 demo ended right before shooting down Helios. I feel if they themselves can acknowledge that part is rather tedious, it should be removed in general.

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    #11  Edited By Icemael

    Like Hypo, I haven't played the demo. I have, however, watched the quick look and played two of the previous games, which is basically the same thing. The few elements that weren't in the previous games were explained in the demo. 
    Basically, it's God of War. Nothing more, nothing less. That's certainly not a bad thing -- the previous God of War games were great -- but still, it's kinda disappointing. After playing Bayonetta's demo, God of War just seems so... repetitive. And restricted. The QTEs seemed kinda overdone, too.
    Still, a great demo for what will most certainly be a great game. Aside from the flight part, which seemed kinda janky.

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    #13  Edited By Arjuna

    Can someone make my life easy, and just tell me if I can download the demo right now by turning on my PS3?

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    #14  Edited By Valor

    I'll be waitin for March to stroll on in.

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    #15  Edited By tebbit
    @Arjuna said:
    " Can someone make my life easy, and just tell me if I can download the demo right now by turning on my PS3? "
    Not unless Sony emailed you a code. 
    On a related note, does anyone know why they would have e-mailed me a code despite the fact that I didn't pre-order the game in any way shape or form? Apparently i'm a valued PSN user... 
    The demo itself was basically God of War 1 and 2, with better graphics and a few tweeked things to make it play better. And it was AWESOME.
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    #16  Edited By get2sammyb
    @HypoXenophobia said:
    " My only thoughts are based on the quick look, it looks great, but I feel it's somewhat telling that the *live* E3 demo ended right before shooting down Helios. I feel if they themselves can acknowledge that part is rather tedious, it should be removed in general. "
    That bit is the worst part of the demo without a doubt. It took me like ten minutes to figure it out. I knew what I had to do like, but it just wasn't doing it, y'know? Hopefully, Santa Monica will get enough feedback on that section (they have to be reading threads like this right?) and fix it up.
    I wish the God Of War Collection was out now. I have a massive urge to play 1 & 2 now, but I want to hold out for trophies! I'm such a whore.
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    #17  Edited By HypoXenophobia
    I feel the exact same way as you but a lot worse, I have an unopen copy of God of War 2 since thanksgiving  that I haven't glanced at, and when that rumor about the HD remake came out, I pretty much excused myself to wait.
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    #18  Edited By mojovonious

    My overall feeling was that this game needed to come out years ago. Playing the demo after Batman, hell, years after Conan, you get the sense that they didn't really add much to the formula.

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    #19  Edited By TheHBK

    Still seemed pretty hack and slash to me, and its true, and for most games, you cant just mash the buttons.  Standing any one place too long gets you killed in any game.  But it seems like its, oops getting my ass kicked, move, mash a little, QTE stuff and Im done.  When you see Batman as an adventure game, you get the feeling there is more to action games than just mashing the button.  Hell, remember Gauntlet, that was smashing but you had magic and ranged weapons, it was a variety, here just you get different smashing weapons.
    Graphics, I have to take the guys' word because i couldnt really get a sense of how good they were in the video.  But I think they are pretty agreed that it looks good.
    Need to try the demo before I pass final judgement.  Seems that for now, the violence, the QTE events are what draw people in.  The Gore and saggy tits and the rip the guys eye ball out by pressing x then o then square.

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    #20  Edited By Kohe321

    I loved GoW 1 and 2, and in the quick look it looked like more of the stuff that made me love the PS2 versions, so I'm stoked about it. Also, I completely agree with what Jeff was saying in the video, the visuals look superb.

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    #21  Edited By TwoOneFive

    game is fucking outstanding but this old ass demo is showing its age.  
    there a lot of "early build" problems like with the shadows.  
    but yeah overall these graphics are outstanding and the gameplay is excellent and clearly this game will be incredibly epic. 

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