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    Halo: Combat Evolved

    Game » consists of 17 releases. Released Nov 15, 2001

    One of the launch titles of the original Xbox, Halo: Combat Evolved is a sci-fi first-person shooter telling the tale of an advanced cybernetic super-soldier known as the "Master Chief".

    johnrehill's Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox) review

    Avatar image for johnrehill

    Halo: CE... has all the elements of a great fps.

     I followed the hype of Halo for years, confused about how a generic shooter like this could be so popular. Before I played it, I assumed it would be pretty cut and dry like most fps at the time. Sure the graphics could be slightly better and the story line could be improved upon fps at the time, but really how good can this game be? Let me tell you, all the hype surrounding this game is legitimate, Halo: Combat Evolved may just be the best first person shooter ever.

    I usually don't get too caught up in one game, but I can't help it with Halo, it just has something most games don't. I would go as far as saying it's worth buying an Xbox, just to have the access to play halo at your will.

    I could sit here all day going on and on about how great this game is, but I'm sure you want to know why-I don't blame you.

    Immediately when you start the game you realize your going to see some action quickly. You first calibrate the analog stick then find a weapon and immerse yourself in human vs. covenant action. The gameplay is ridiculously good, I mean it. When you first start their is a slight learning curve, but you grasp how to play in a relatively short time (of course everyone learns at different speeds). One of the reasons the gameplay is so good, is the AI. The computer enemies react and fight in a smart fashion. If they know they are going to die, they run in a desperate attempt to find shelter. I was in awe through the campaign at how the AI enemies and allies fought, it was the first game that showed me this.

    The graphics in Halo are pretty amazing considering the game came out in 2001! Here we are in 2010 and this game, 9 years later and this game still looks great. One of my favorite things about playing video games is finding little details that impress you. In Halo, I encountered these graphic gems quite often. How the sun shines, the ripples of the water, even something as small as how your shadow reacts and appears with your actions. Overall, great graphics.

    I am still yet to play Halo online, but have played many hours of split screen action. The local multiplayer is fun, and all the options you have makes for some pretty intense games. The maps vary from small to huge, each with its own weapons, vehicles and forts.

    One thing I really applaud Bungie for, is how well they did the checkpoint system. It takes away so much frustration you find in some games. Nothing is more irritating than restarting a level after nearly beating it. In Halo, once you reach a certain part of a level it is instantly saved and you don't have to repeat anything prior to the checkpoint.

    Well you probably realize how great Halo is, but I didn't give this game a 10 because it's far from perfect. One noticeable flaw is the repetitiveness throughout the game. Many levels are similar, some are nearly identical. This is a minor complaint that is harshly shadowed by the positives.

    The storyline is very unique, but very exciting none the less. Trying to stop an alien race from destroying the universe is a pretty generic plot, but the story of halo is far from boring. Through the campaign the story takes minor turns and always keeps you guessing.

    Overall, Halo is an epic game that should never be considered overrated. If you have an Xbox, go buy Halo. If you don't have an Xbox, go buy one! :D Anyway, Halo is one of the best fps games of are era.


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