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    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Oct 21, 2008

    When Pandora's Box is accidentally opened, first person shooting commences in an array of cities, sewers and subways as you fend off destructive mythical creatures.

    mikeinsc's Legendary (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for mikeinsc

    Gamecock Was Terrible

     In an attempt to make up for the truly horrible Turning Point, The Spark, along with their publisher Gamecock (hoping to make up for the much-maligned Hail to the Chimp) released Legendary, a FPS where you play the role of an art thief who unleashes mythological creatures by accidentally opening Pandora's Box. Not a bad premise.

    Sadly, the game is crap. Pure crap. Unadultered crap. I've seen less crap in a Mexican restaurant after a salmonella outbreak. At this point, the world would be helped by banning Spark from ever being able to make games again and Gamecock is prevented from ever publishing games. How poorly designed a game can be is a question that now has some semblance of an answer.

    First, the levels are completely linear. There is no room for any exploration. You have these cityscapes --- except the debris falls in a way to make certain you have precisely one way to go. It makes the levels just a little bit boring to play through, Fortunately, your aim is crap, so the ease of movement is tempered with the irritation of crap firing mechanics.

    One of the gimmicks is that you suck up the essence of the mythological creatures you kill to heal yourself and to push enemies away. Of course, the mechanism for sucking up energy and healing yourself is identical, so if you need to heal and you're near some essence, well, you MIGHT heal yourself. Fortunately, the enemies are dumb --- but tend to be exceptionally aggressive with the humans being great shots.

    The game is a testament to terrible game design. It only takes dozens of rounds to take somebody down, which is great since you can take far less punishment and are far more outnumbered. YAY!

    This game is bad, Extremely so.


    Other reviews for Legendary (Xbox 360)

      Legendary Review 0

      Legendary is a First Person Shoot in which you will be playing the role of Charles Deckard, international thief and gun for hire. You're assignment is to break into a museum and unlock Pandora's box. Sadly that all happens before you take control of the game, the game is the aftermath of what happened after the box was open. You'll have to fight through mythical monsters to get to the man that set you up for defeat. The sounds and music have their moments. The music for one, on some stages, rock...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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