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    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Jun 23, 2006

    You must tilt, bounce, and roll your LocoRoco from one end of the level to the other.

    The Moja in LocoRoco are among the most disturbing and terrifying enemies outside of a dedicated horror game

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    Edited By bigsocrates

    I've been playing LocoRoco Remastered off and on for the last few weeks, and it's great for what it is. It's charming, cheerful, gorgeous to look at and has the catchiest soundtrack this side of Katamari Damacy. It's a great game to turn on and bounce through a few levels as a default when I don't know what I want to play. I've even had a couple "Wake and Play" sessions where I wake up, immediately grab a controller and rip through a few levels before getting ready for work, and it puts me in a great mood for the day with its cheerful charm and fun, laid back, game play.

    Well, unless a Moja manages to take a chunk out of my big round butt. Then I feel guilty, angry, and vulnerable.

    Mojas literally tear the flesh off of your LocoRoco, lifting your body off the ground as they rip bits of you off to eat.
    Mojas literally tear the flesh off of your LocoRoco, lifting your body off the ground as they rip bits of you off to eat.

    The world of LocoRoco is colorful and smiley, with grinning creatures and bright colorful backgrounds backed by happy nonsense music. Enter the Moja. They themselves are also smiley creatures, looking like little black whirlpools with a face not unlike that of a LocoRoco, but with jagged teeth revealing that this is not just another friendly denizen of your world, it is a predator and it is hungry for only one thing. You. Your flesh. Your body. Your self.

    After the Moja tears a piece of your body off it chews it up and eats it. You can rescue the LocoRoco during this period, but most of the time you will just watch and listen as it consumes what used to be your flesh.
    After the Moja tears a piece of your body off it chews it up and eats it. You can rescue the LocoRoco during this period, but most of the time you will just watch and listen as it consumes what used to be your flesh.

    The first you hear about the Moja is in the intro to the game where you're informed that they've invaded what used to be your paradise and are eating all the LocoRoco. They are the impetus behind your journey across these colorful landscapes to your safe little LocoRoco house where you can have a moment's respite. In a way the entire game of LocoRoco is about bright, friendly, creatures being hunted and consumed by a relentless horde of hungry Moja. Kind of puts a different spin on things.

    Sometimes Moja hunt in packs.
    Sometimes Moja hunt in packs.

    Your first actual encounter with the Moja is preceded by your LocoRoco squealing in distress. "Moja Moja" they scream, their usual nonsense replaced by a clear cry of fear. "Moja Moja."

    "Moja Moja" replies the Moja. It's deep, ravenous, voice a counterpoint to the scared squeal of your LocoRoco, like a perverse game of Marco Polo. Then, if you're like me, the Moja appears on screen, flies up to you, and bites a chunk off your LocoRoco, chewing and swallowing. Then it comes back for another.

    So you run. You flee and the Moja pursues for a bit before giving up. And from then on you're playing a different game. You're not the top of the food chain rolling through a picture book. You're a lower link. And you need to behave accordingly. Even after you figure out how to kill Moja, they're still out there hunting you.

    Moja can be killed with a good hard whack of the LocoRoco, so you're far from defenseless, and I've killed more of them than have hurt me. Doesn't matter.
    Moja can be killed with a good hard whack of the LocoRoco, so you're far from defenseless, and I've killed more of them than have hurt me. Doesn't matter.

    Of course a lot of games have enemies that hunt or pursue you, and even monsters that eat you or tear you apart. Last year's Doom had post death animations of a gruesome nature, with limbs being pulled off your body and imps feasting on your entrails. But those games are about combat, and when I see a bad guy in Doom I know I have the tools to kill him. LocoRoco is about traversal, and the controls are intentionally loose and slippery. You actually tilt and flick the world rather than the LocoRoco, and movement is imprecise. That means that even after you figure out how to kill the Moja you need to be careful and pick your spots. And if you miss you just hang there in the air for a moment, a tasty snack for the pursuing Moja.

    In addition, in LocoRoco your main LocoRoco is made up of a bunch of separate LocoRoco merged together into one, and you can split them apart. That means that the individual LocoRoco are independently intelligent (they smile and laugh and sing) so it's not just like the Moja is pulling a piece of you off and eating you. It is eating one of your party members, a thinking, feeling being. And it is your fault. Feels bad man.

    The combination of the colorful friendly atmosphere, the loose controls and limited defenses, and the brutal nature of what the Moja do makes them scary even though they're not really a huge threat after you get the timing on the jump attack down. Every time I hear my LocoRoco start chanting "Moja Moja" I tense up and if I've split apart or am otherwise defenseless at that moment it's even tenser. I get myself together and steel myself for battle.

    This green guy will lay out its tongue in wait for your LocoRoco and munch you if you touch it. There's another version that sets out a fake red fruit, one of the major collectibles in the game and one that increases the number of individual LocoRoco in your collective, in wait for you. Try to snag the faux fruit and you get MUNCHED.
    This green guy will lay out its tongue in wait for your LocoRoco and munch you if you touch it. There's another version that sets out a fake red fruit, one of the major collectibles in the game and one that increases the number of individual LocoRoco in your collective, in wait for you. Try to snag the faux fruit and you get MUNCHED.

    The Moja are not the only enemies in LocoRoco of course. There are all kinds of creatures that want to eat your LocoRoco or otherwise impede its progress. There are plenty of other enemies in the game and some of them are, at least in theory, more dangerous than the Moja. There are also spike traps that can cost you more then one individual LocoRoco at a time and there are little mole guys who try to eat you. But the Moja are the headline enemies, the first you encounter, and the only ones that make me feel uncomfortable.

    The Moja are an example of how context matters in games. In most games the Moja would be adorable little critters, beloved as non-threatening enemies like the Shyguys and goombas in Mario are. But in LocoRoco, a game with a cotton candy aesthetic and where you have limited control to begin with, they come off as something more sinister. Most of the time playing LocoRoco you're completely relaxed and smiling, and the intrusion of danger into that leaves you feeling vulnerable and afraid. They join classic enemies like SiniStar and the Spelunky Ghost as video game bad guys who make me feel stressed out and want to get away from them as quickly as possible. But unlike those creatures the Moja's consumption of sentient beings for food also makes me feel a little sick and guilty when I fail. They're bad news, and one of the worst enemies I've ever encountered in video games.

    This guy wants to eat you too, but he is stuck on the ground and can easily be jumped over, so he doesn't scare me as much. He also doesn't give chase like a Moja.
    This guy wants to eat you too, but he is stuck on the ground and can easily be jumped over, so he doesn't scare me as much. He also doesn't give chase like a Moja.

    Spikes can tear two pieces off your LocoRoco at once, but they're environmental obstacles, not hungry bad guys.
    Spikes can tear two pieces off your LocoRoco at once, but they're environmental obstacles, not hungry bad guys.

    The spike spitting owl guys can be dangerous, but they're adorable, stationary, and can be killed with a simple konk on the head. Not scary.
    The spike spitting owl guys can be dangerous, but they're adorable, stationary, and can be killed with a simple konk on the head. Not scary.

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