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    Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Nov 16, 2008

    The supernatural kombatants of Mortal Kombat collide with the superheroes of the DC Universe in this crossover fighting game by Midway.

    sunaliba's Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (PlayStation 3) review

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    I have played alot of MK games .Starting with MK1 .And I always respect the team ambitions .In each new game they try their best to change and come up with something new .And this time they change  alot ...

    When the game was announced in Midway’s gamer day .It was a total letdown .Then months later with the help of vids and pics .I started to love the game ...

    Before I continue you must know that this game is a spin -off .And the team started working on MK9 even before this game is finished .Many people think that the next game will be a continue to the main story and will be rated M .This was confirmed by Kotaku and some members of the time online .

    The story :
    John Vogel the man who wrote the stories of MK deadly alliance , Deception and MK:A wrote the story of this game .I wont spoil it for you ...but you will really be happy with the story as it is very good and may draw your itnetion to the last of it .

    Still not as good as the stories in the last MK games due to the DC univers .

    The gameplay :
    Now here is the strenght of this game .In the last 3 MKs many people complained about the gameplay but now the team returned to the first three MKs gameplay .It is really fast ,  smooth  and full of tricks .Each character has his own set of special moves .Shang Tsung will use magic alot while Baraka is going to use his blades .

    Each character of the 22 has his own set of special moves .

    The good new thing in this game is the abillity to mix special moves while doing a combo .Many special moves change when they are done wth combos .Also you can join two special moves together and the result is just EPIC !

    Graphics :
    Using the Unreal Engin the game looks so much beautifull .The care that was taken in making its characters  and stages .The affects of light , water , fire and sun is just beatifull .

    Stages :
    There are more stages of DC than MKs .But that is alright of you looked at the stages and how they are designed .Vey much detailed and look fantastic .

    Replay Value :

    The story mode lasts for about 3-6 hours leaving you with 22 characters to finish their arcade and Kombo mode .
    It is not the best MK in replay value but still good enough to last till new information about MK9 is revealed .

    Closing  :
    The game is great playes well and looks well .Get it if you are an MK fan .Rent it if you ever hated MK .for me it is the best fighting game on the next generation .


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      MK vs DC: A great game to introduce people to the fighting genre 0

      Numerous times I've tried to get into fighting games.  I've tried Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, and Tekken, yet none of them kept me interested for more than a week.  The problem isn't with the quality of the games, most of them were near AAA productions, but rather, the problem was me.  I couldn't cope with the confusing blocks, parries, combos, etc.  These games were obviously designed for the hardcore fighting fans, and therefore I wasn't part of the target audience.  This said, I still was l...

      3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

      Mortal Kombat Vs. DC 0

      Ahh there are some things you never expect to see in videogames, and this is one of those rare moments.  These two franchises collide and it ain't pretty.  First things first the fighting is actually pretty solid, and it is pretty rewarding to pull off the harder to do combos.  Every character is unique and there are a couple that just plain suck.  Lex Luther is easily the worst among the roster and The Flash is almost too overpowered.  The graphics are ok, and the tearing in clothes is a nice d...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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