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#2  Edited By 456nto

I have a feeling that most native British people really want to leave the EU, but the overwhelming number of non-British people living in our country will sway the vote. Coupled with the fact that most major news publications want the UK to stay on the EU's sinking ship and our prime minister being in favour of remaining, the Brexit campaign is honestly dead on arrival.

If you're a native European, you should start to realize by now that the fate of your country is not controlled by your own people. Your system of government is controlled by a foreign entity that honestly has no problem displacing your native population and importing millions of foreigners to completely destroy your culture, ethnicity, history, etc - all in the interest of driving down wages and making it easier for big business to exploit a divided society. And if things continue as they are, the EU will likely outlaw criticism of the immigrants who will doom your country in the long-term.

I would love it if it were even possible to get one over on the corrupt bureaucratic robotic overseers of the EU but the odds are stacked against your average native European nowadays. If you don't want to leave the EU because "Russia is scary", you have zero understanding of current events or modern history and you have been totally blinded by heavily biased and outright lying media.

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#3  Edited By 456nto

@stonyman65: Good writers will find work. People have left Gawker Media before for other sites. Current writers at Gawker also do other work for magazines and other publications too. It'll mostly come down to their work.

Correction: writers who are friends with other writers will find work. I'm sure Gawker's writers fall into that category, while I wouldn't necessarily call any of them "good" apart from Patrick.

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@milkman said:


When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside.

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There's a car in GTA 5 (the Futo) that's a very direct reference to the AE86 from Initial D. The name of the car is an anagram for tofu, because in the show the car is used for delivering tofu. The car also comes with wheels that have the main character's name on them. It's the definition of a hero car.

I don't know of any games where one car in particular is treated in the same light as a character.

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I fucking loved this game. I still do. I remember every mission vividly. I loved how realistic it was and how honest to the setting it was, I thought the story was surprisingly mature and gritty for the time, I loved the soundtrack, I loved how barebones the UI was and just the overall style. The gameplay was definitely frustrating in places but I felt like the game had heart. It was a game I could truly identify with as somebody born and raised in the UK, it was a real oddity. It's a shame that it doesn't get the respect it deserves.

That being said, I think that a reboot or a remake would ruin the "magic" (if that's what you want to call it) that this game has going for it. It's a product of its time.

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To all the people talking about how "it's okay if non-brown people make fun of white people but not vice versa", I hope you all live in America and I hope your attitudes don't spread globally because that point of view is unhealthy and dangerous. Talk about racism - you people willingly subscribe to it.

In regards to being offended at people putting on accents - it's a fucking joke. Even if there's an intensely racist individual putting on a very demeaning accent, it's still going to come off as goofy, almost as if they're a villainous cartoon character. It totally discredits their entire argument and opinion. I don't know how you take that shit seriously enough to be offended by it, but it might have something to do with modern mainstream media's obsession with being offended, correcting people and generally taking delight in being a victim.

That's just my opinion, holmes.

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@carryboy said:
@yurimegumi said:
@dudeglove said:

The reaction to Scalia's death seems akin to the reaction of Thatcher's.

Good, fuck both of them

Theres literally nothing wrong with celebrating the death of a literal murderer

Im unfamiliar with Scalia other then when he put forward games should be protected under the constitution, could you please link me to when he murdered someone?

He's talking about Thatcher, not Scalia. Some liberals/socialists/generally left-leaning people still get obscenely upset whenever her name is mentioned anywhere and they usually fantasize about desecrating her grave or generally express happiness about her death. She was the prime minister of the UK throughout the 80s. Usually the people who get very angry about her live in northern England or Scotland, which had very high unemployment rates and poverty as a direct result of major recessions that occurred during her reign. Most of the people that still have an intense hatred for her are usually not very well versed in what actually happened during the 80s in Britain and just view her as some sort of conservative/right-wing boogeyman and the hatred expressed for her is usually passed down through working class families.

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