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In summary:

  • Try mixing xanax and alcohol
  • Lose your virginity, pay for a prostitute if you have to
  • Men are "capable of rape" (?) and therefore are not allowed to say certain things
  • Female comedian talks about taboo topics like sex a lot (big shocker)
  • Porn exists

What an uncomfortable hour.

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Edited By 456nto

@levio said:

Games like this seem 1 million times more fun than Call of Duty "Run forward and shoot them in the head first" gameplay

unfortunately they're also 100x more impenetrable, and don't lend themselves to having the friendliest or most forgiving of communities...

I just bought this game and played a few matches. The community is very forgiving, friendly and polite. The game is not impenetrable and you can perform well on a team if you just follow the orders of the squad leader and call out enemy positions when you see enemies moving around and stick together. The community seems to be composed of adults, not 14 year old boys in the case of Call of Duty.

A microphone is a must, though. Matches take a long time. But if you find a good squad that works well with one another, it's a fucking great experience.

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@unclematt: It's not that big of a deal. "I'm not a fan" is probably the tamest criticism you can give anything on the internet and it's not like anybody outright insulted you for it. People say way meaner/unwarranted things about the crew on a regular basis. You have nothing to worry about.

Check out some of the videos on GB's YouTube channel and scroll down to the comments section to see some of the truly vile shit people have to say.

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This game suddenly got really fucking interesting.

It'll be a real shame if you guys don't finish it before GOTY.

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Edited By 456nto

Tablet is just a harder version of fudge, but with a weird grainy texture. The flavour is pretty unoffending, it's just sugar and butter. Seems like something Dan would like, but I guess he just had an instant knee-jerk reaction the moment he felt the texture of it. Tablet is mostly eaten by old people.

Haggis is very good and I eat it all the time. One of my favourite foods. I'm also a fan of black pudding, which has equally offending ingredients (blood and oatmeal).

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One game franchise that I really don't want people to forget about/overlook is Men of War. If you haven't heard of it, it's a WW2 RTS that was developed by a bunch of Germans and Ukranians (Digitalmindsoft and Best Way) and published by Russians. The original Men of War was released in 2009 and has since spawned a bunch of sequels (most of them bad) but I'll only be talking about Men of War and the sequel Men of War: Assault Squad - which are the only two I've played.

The best way to describe Men of War is that it plays like the old Relic RTS games - Dawn of War and Company of Heroes - but with more of a focus on the simulation side of things. Instead of controlling squads of units, you can control individual soldiers, each with their own inventory. Soldiers can pick up ammo and supplies from other dead soldiers. Damaged tanks, anti-tank guns, motorcycles and cars that have been abandoned by their crews can be repaired and stolen by enemies. Vehicles can be used to tow heavy artillery or AA guns, or you can even requisition random tractors that are lying around on the map in fields if you don't have a truck handy. The maps are highly destructible - you can knock down the walls of buildings and set shit on fire, which can be legitimately effective if you play your cards right.

I am still amazed at just how many different mechanics this game has, and how they can all interact with one another. There are chickens on one map that are constantly caught in the crossfire. If you're in deep shit and you think fast, you can set an enemy tank's engine on fire with a flamethrower or a molotov or use a heavy gun emplacement to knock out it's treads and keep it in one spot if you don't have anything that can pierce it's armour. Your soldiers are more likely to survive shrapnel damage if they're wearing a helmet, and you can tell them to pick up any helmets lying around for extra protection. There are so many more tiny mechanics that you can use to your real benefit if you study the game. This game even has ricochet and you can kill things with it.

By the way - Assault Squad has 5 factions (USA, Commonwealth, Germany, Japan, Russia) and they all have tons of units and their own campaigns.

These games have insane depth. Nobody talks about it. Probably because Assault Squad 2 was such a disappointing mess. Don't buy that game.

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It wouldn't be Extra Life without Ian. Here's hoping that Mary, Danny and Dave show up again, too.

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Both pro and anti GG groups seem to be very meticulous about preserving their outwardly image. I've seen them trying to implement damage control, telling each other "don't spam other websites", "don't dox people" - it seems that whether you're anti or pro GG, the last thing you need is somebody calling in bomb threats on your behalf. It sort of discredits your entire movement and gives the other side an excuse to attack you. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if this was just a third party.

By the way, please stop using the word "terrorist". That is a word that can be used to describe just about anybody (and has been). That word has such a vague definition that it's just totally useless unless you are producing propaganda. Big ups to the US government for finding such a handy use for it.

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@fiyenyaa said:
@schwartzchamp said:

@bakonon: A bad accent done in jest is obviously to be taken differently than something that presents itself as a period piece.

Also, there's an implication there that British people should take an act of cultural misappropriation or insult on the chin as some kind of penance.

"I deserve this for the sins of my colonialist forefathers in south Indochina!"

I hate to be this guy, but I am this guy; Indochina was a French colony, not a British one.

"Indochina" encompasses all of the mainland of southeast Asia, including Burma and Malaysia which were British colonies. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were French colonies.

Although the French called Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam the "Indochinese Federation", it didn't actually encompass all of Indochina.

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Long distance relationships are perfectly valid. Here's how to tell how valid a relationship is: do you feel attracted to each other and do you feel attached to each other? If so, your relationship is entirely legitimate. It doesn't matter if you live on different planets: the feelings are still there, and they still mean something to you personally. Then again, Dan doesn't understand commitment, so I'm not all that surprised that he's totally disparaging people who are different than him. Not in a heel persona intentionally inflammatory way, more of in an antagonistic overcompensating macho "go out and get laid, kid" dad kind of way.

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