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Agraba: Collection

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  • A game which I thoroughly enjoyed though I probably did not play it as most would deem appropriate. But then again I had a lot of fun doing is so who's going to judge me for that?

  • The game that introduced me to JRPG's. Easily one of my top 3 and probably got me yelled at the most when I was living at home with my parents. They didn't get how addictive this game was, until I introduced Dr Mario to them which consumed all of their time, they pretty much didn't have time to complain after that and I could play in peace.

  • Even if I didn't get the expansion (I usually play a game and throw it away, but this was a digital copy and I didn't wanna throw away my whole can) I did enjoy running around in this future / steam punk / retro industrial era of a town. There is a lot to do in the game and a lot of abilities that can be chained and combo(ed) in such a smooth fashion that you'd wanna explore just how many ways you can kill someone. Yes yes, I'm one of those players that went around and killed pretty much everyone... HEY, I had fun doing it!

  • "Why would you get this game, there is no combat in it!" Well, technically there is but that's besides the point. This game is all about resource management and for those of us that actually enjoy building a lot, the ones of us that get rushed in other RTS games because we are busy just building and managing resources, this game is perfect! Graphically it's really nice with a lot of attention to detail. And simply the strategical aspect of it is good, because of the way the resource system works.

  • Yes... I know.. I do own it!

  • This does bring back memories, give me a JRPG with huge mechas and humans using a fighting system in a turn based RPG environment and I am sold. Not only that but the music, vistas as well as the characters at the time were genuinely interesting.

  • A game that should be bought just based off the narration in it. The game immersed me in such a way that I felt like the guy was actually talking to me, which also did creep me out some. But jokes aside, even though the gameplay / mechanics where not new they were still very solid and then you have the art style which if you like hand drawn art then this should be something to take a peek at.

  • The point and click adventure that gained all the fame. Telltale has been doing this for many years and now they get a license that means something to me. This time they nail it and even though the actual puzzle elements of the game are extremely dumbed down compared to other games in the same genre I didn't feel cheated in any way. The dialogue as well as the story is really well made and the art style fits well together offering a more than just memorable presentation.

  • Ohhhh no another zombie game, wait wait it's alright! I was gonna say not that bad really but the game is more than just alright. I remember playing shadow complex on my 360 (Why is that game not on PC?!?) and this game really reminded me of that whole 2.5D platforming element of it even if it might have been a bit more evident in other games of the same genre. The art style works for me, the fact that you really cant see the main protagonist works in this case setting in a bit of an ominous feeling about him. The platforming is fine as well as the story only tells what it needs to in order to push the plot.

  • This game is good, no really it's good. If you like strategy games, it's too good. /me puts on his cape "I'm off!" WHoooosh!

  • The game of my childhood. I remember when I was a young boy, my fathers friend came over with this game and he is still older than what I am right now but was such a nerd (that's a compliment). He showed me several secrets in this game and also reminded me to close my eyes when the screen was rumbling as to not get an epileptic seizure.. Those were the times!

  • One of my all time favorite games and not just favorite JRPGs. This game consumed my life for one straight week, I wouldnt leave my room unless it was for food or for the immediate attention of a bathroom. And those hours were well spent, I could probably have found out a lot more secrets than I did but I'm not really the completionist type.

  • I never really was one for racing games but when this was introduced I thought I'd give it a try and even if it is a racing type games it strayed far from the norm in such a delicious way that it got me hooked instantly. It was fun mowing down your friends and handling the turns with the kart jumping.

  • What's this doing on here, a JRPG with a fighting / combo engine. Well I did like Xenogears so why not give this a go. I really loved this game and not just because the world / art style did remind me somewhat of FFVII (I know but that's how I interpreted it). I just loved finding out new combos as my meter to chain attacks increased with levels. And don't get me started on their version of the golden saucer.