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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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Point of No Return (with Bonus!)

One of the problems you face when you're expected to create a more realistic game engine is that the amount of detail you need to supply increases quite a bit.  Most people don't care too much whether or not a tiny pixel character has a snooze mode, or if they gasp in horror when, say, their friend is being carved up by an especially resilient chainsaw.  But as we demand more of our games, details might not be important enough to put in.  To wit:

 Chris:  Ow
 Chris:  Ow

 Sheva: It's bound to catch on one of your bones, Chris.  Just hang in there and wait 'til the chain breaks.
 Sheva: It's bound to catch on one of your bones, Chris.  Just hang in there and wait 'til the chain breaks.

Translator  Guy:  Mr. Redfield would like to express his heartfelt disapproval of  this turn of events.
Translator Guy:  Mr. Redfield would like to express his heartfelt disapproval of this turn of events.
 There, now my little Blog tab will light up again.  I have been conditioned...