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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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Stunt Blog 2: The Reviewening

In order to give myself some practice reviewing games, I was wondering if I should just make a list of games I have that I haven't played, and people can ask me to play one of them. If you're curious about how an old game plays compared to more recent stuff, or just want to see me suffer, you could recommend I play a game on that list in a PM and I'd do my best to play it and communicate my experience. That does mean that games I can't reasonably play yet due to hardware will have to be on the back burner until I get a better machine, but most stuff that I'd have to run through DOSBox is fine. Some of the stuff would even be potentially purchasable by you, like GOG games, so you'd still be learning what a game was about from someone who gave a damn about an accurate depiction and wasn't suffering from buyer's defensiveness.
Just throwing the idea out there. It will take me a while to catalog what I have available; ArbitraryWater already recommended I play Might and Magic 6 a while ago, so unless you want to change your vote AW, I already got you down. 
Here's a link to the currently incomplete list of available games. Comments below (if any) should be questions about format or whatever; PM me if you want to know about my actual collection or want to vote on a game you want to see me review. I'm doing it that way so no one will absolutely know about user interest (if any) except for me! :)
I'll not be posting this to the forums, so I realize I'll be cutting down potential participants, but I can deal with that.