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Blog #7 - StarCraft 2: Char Wallpaper

So... I've been blogging a lot lately. Weird.
I finished Starcraft 2 again today and realised I really like the between mission loading screen for Char so I took a screenshot, touched it up and removed the loading bar in Photoshop. I thought other people might want to use it so I've uploaded it. The image is 1920x1080 so pretty big, and the file is almost 1MB. Below is the original loading screen and then the one I edited in to a wallpaper, and below that is a link to the actual file hosted on Photobucket.

Starcraft 2 loading screen
Starcraft 2 loading screen

Starcraft 2 - Char
Starcraft 2 - Char

 Here is the link:
Let me know what you think. I can take minimal credit because I basically did nothing besides adjustments, but I'd like to know if other people also appreciate this wonderful loading screen. I like it a lot more than most of the space ones.
EDIT: Look in the comments below for a higher quality, higher res version of the loading screen without the loading bar ripped directly from the game.