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Games of 2016

Games I played for at least a decent amount of time in 2016.

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  • Well, this game is a totally bummer, but in a good way. It might not be the most realistic depiction of survival in a warzone (as I've read a few times) but it makes a stark contrast to games where you're the soldier doing the shooting.

  • Finished up all the open world stuff bar the four legendary ships. Might be ok with not doing those fights. Still, I had a great time with Black Flag. The best in the series, for sure.

  • Been coming back to this one from time-to-time. Don't want to burn out - it's basically more AC3+4, but I'm really enjoying it.

  • I'm a big fan of Idle Thumbs, making me a big fan of Campo Santo and I loved Firewatch. It wasn't here for a long time, but it was here for a good time. Brief, but any longer and I think the environment might have lost its wonder. Looking forward to whatever it is they have next.

  • 25 hours spent and still not done. Taking a break so I don't burn out. Love this game. I love puzzle games and exploring details environments so this game is basically Christmas.

  • I love the art style and mechanics of this game, but I worry that the difficulty is too much. I hope I spend more time with this.

  • The story isn't very strong, but as open world games with a map loaded with things to do, it's pretty great. I jump in and out of it from time to time.

  • With Dark Souls 3 coming out, I really should go back and finish this. So great.

  • Finally spent some real time with this and it's really, really great.

  • I don't think this game ever actually ends. I'm OK with this.

  • Finally got some courage together and finished this. What an incredible thing it is. The Alien vibe is perfect. It's also completely terrifying. I'm both sad and happy I'm finished.

  • This is a cool game, but I only seem to be able to play it in bursts. Spent more time with it and made it about 10 days or so until dogs ate me.

  • What a fantastic game. The release of the definitive edition was a perfect excuse to restart this and play it properly. Didn't finish the original for some reason, but I'll be finishing this.

  • So they added Steam achievements to this a while back and part of me feels like that's enough reason to play it again. It really shouldn't be when there are other things I want to play, but at very least I want to play the Minerva's Den DLC.

  • Great fun, but I'm not very good at it.

  • I've considered getting this for ages and finally picked up the definitive edition for a few dollars. It's actually pretty fun, but I can see it getting repetitive.

  • Really cool game. Such a unique idea and it's done really well.

  • Feel off this one a couple of times before, but it really is kind of good and I should finish it. Just finished the first half.

  • I've tinkered with this before, but I've spent some proper time with it now and I'm loving it. The FTP model feels really quite reasonable and the birthday event they have on right now means you can get some great free stuff like more stash space and a new hero.