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LAST OF US RAMBLE RAMBLE. "It's got its ups and downs. You can't deny the view, though."

I'm obsessed. Well, maybe not so much me, but my brain is, with The Last Of Us. I bought it on opening day and proceeded to spend about 4 hours each day until it was finished on Monday. I figured where would be the best place to ramble about it if not a dusty old blog on one of my favorite gaming websites. Yeah... that'll fix me right up.

Before I begin. I'm going to drop a **********SPOILER WARNING************ so I don't have to hold back anything. Maybe I'll go back and edit it with block outs, but if anyone is reading this just know that you have been warned. Play this fucking game before reading this or anything about it, comeon, what are you doing. :3

Where do I even begin. Let's get all the 'good' stuff out of the way (I mean the stuff that wasn't 'fucking awesome'). Most of the stuff that didn't really blow me away had to do with the game-play. Not at the fault of it being not original or anything. Being a brand new IP they had to make something that a lot of people would be able to play-through willingly, so they stuck to what they knew which was more of an third-person action adventure just like Uncharted.

The Last of Us takes a more stealthy approach to the combat compared to Uncharted, and it works out pretty well. It feels good, and it doesn't hold you back from trying to do the things you want to do. By the end of it the combat felt like it was being padded out a little bit. It felt like enemies were being thrown in there for the sake of there being enemies. That's about it for the 'good'-slight-cons side of things. Otherwise the combat was brutal and satisfying. I know... I made it sound like it was going to be something game breaking. I've heard of people complaining about the AI of the monsters but I feel like they were dumb enough for you to be able to take advantage of. It was a little silly that once one of the infected found you all of the other ones in the room charged you, though.

Okay. So the combat is pretty fun and the fighting gets a little padded. That's nothing new, but what makes this one so special?


Goddamn does this game have one hell of a story. It's something that I feel like I have been looking for in a game. It's refreshing. Set in such a dark world, that felt really grounded in reality, which made everything so much more meaningful. I remember slightly thinking that a post-apocalyptic world would be maybe a bit of fun, but after playing this game I cannot say I think that anymore. The acting, extra polish, and the way that they brought everything together just made everything feel so real. A disturbing amount of attention to detail is scattered everywhere, and I found myself completely immersed into the world as I was playing it. I was starting to get cynical about games because of how it was basically turning into movies; A bunch of people in suits with investors breathing down people's necks, while they try to adjust a script to the point that it has mass appeal. This gives me hope for future games that are coming out, especially with new consoles coming out very soon. If they were able to pump this out of the PS3, imagine what they can do with the huge amount of RAM they're being given in these new machines (500mb vs 6000-7000mb). It's exciting.

It was a weird few days while playing this game. When I wasn't playing it I just wanted to know what else was going to happen in it. I feel that the fact that it's a video game helped establish a deeper connection with the characters. I didn't just watch Joel and Ellie build trust with each other. I had to walk through a lot of areas, fighting monsters myself, with Ellie by my side. The days I played this game felt longer. This is kind of one of those movies that make you think a lot after it. The Last Of Us is giving me the same effect.

I dunno. I DUNNO. I can't find things to hate about this game. Maybe some things that annoy me, but they are way more apparent than other games. Just find a way to eventually play this damn thing, and grab some friends if you want, cause it's a good watch too. Music is awesome. Gameplay is smooth. Plot is tense and exciting. It's dark, while being beautiful at the same time. It's got great sound design. The acting is amazing and should be awarded for something. It's just so fucking good. :3

I think I'm done, and I feel better.

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