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Best of 2017


Year of the Robot.

List items

  • You can have an open-world without the genre's signature jank. Without that random physics collision math error that sends a rag doll hurtling into the atmosphere or a NPC spazzing trying to path through the environment.

    Scope and scale doesn't have to be a showcase for climbable mountains, it can simply breathing room for amazing things to linger just over the hill, and they do. There be dragons.

    Choice Track:

  • It's really hard to put your finger on what Wolf2 does so well.

    The gunplay does it's job without getting in the way, the environment design splits it's time between standard industrial hallway #4 and visually striking vast spaces which mechanically fall short.

    Yet it has a remarkable ability to veer into deeply unexpected non-sequiturs and deliver on them impeccably and confidently. Makes Wolf2 an experience you want to voraciously consume.

    Best Track to Curb Stomp Hitler to: (This is a remix of the New Order theme, which gets a make-over in New Colossus)

  • Non-2017 release. My list - my rules, damnit!

    Specifically catching up with the DLC: Hearts of Stone & Blood and Wine. Combined easily added another 50-80 hours playtime. The latter specifically is a wonderful little epilogue.

    As a capstone to the series thus far it really cements CDP's place as ascendant to Bethesda's open world RPG crown, and Witcher 3 is probably one of the best games ever made.

    I expect GREAT things from Cyberpunk 2077.

    Silver Bladed Track:

  • Deeply comfy anime melodrama - I mean they directly lift an End of Eva shot and 9S goes full Shinji by the end - and astute gaming meta-commentary. And oh-my-god that sound track gives me chills.

    Also butts.

    Best Track to Existential Crisis to:

  • Unknown studio working a contract job on a follow up for a game that never left anything important unsaid, on a different engine, with none of the original writers.

    A perfect storm for failure.

    And they completely fucking nailed it.

    Dontnot, hand over the keys to Deck9.

    Hot Dog Man-est Track:

  • The odd man out on this list, where most of surrounding crowd lean into pretty conventional tried and true gameplay but rely on their narratives to deliver the big punches. Dig2 delivers entirely on being mechanically sound in a way that just snaps and clicks into place.

    Clicky-Clack Track:

  • Oh okay right. So post-post-apocalyptic bronze age society struggles to survive against robo-dinosaurs. Explain that.

    [20 hours later]

    Oh, that makes perfect sense.

  • on Vive.