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2019 Games and More!

The year 2019 was an interesting time for me in terms of gaming. There has been a continuing trend in my life where I am playing less and less games throughout the year but I am spending more time with each individual game. Some of it has to do with games as a live service becoming more and more common as the years go by, and some of it has to do with me retreating back into my comfort games. However, having bought a 2 year subscription to xbox Game Pass for just $1 I have been catching up on older games and felt that I should mention some of them here, even though they aren't from 2019. So in no particular order, here are my favorite games of 2019 and some extra thoughts on older games I played this year.

Note: I did not get a chance to play the following but I really wanted to....RE2, Hitman 2, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Outer Wilds, Borderlands 3, Modern Warfare, Luigi's Mansion 3, Link's Awakening and Judge Eyes.

List items

  • I really like the metro series. I really appreciated leaving the metro and exploring the rest of Russia. The story takes some interesting turns and the characters and their interactions really give a sense of immersion. However, playing in russian made me notice more of the poor mixing in the voice acting and some of the weaker voice acting performances. The game looks fantastic especially on xbox one x. There is some weird collision which makes your character get caught on some of the geometry and it sometimes feels like Artyom is a tank. Also the open world doesn't reward exploration enough and only makes you waste ammo, which is scarce enough as it is. I got tired of the open world halfway through and started mainlining the story and really enjoyed the final, more linear and structured levels.

  • Never played a previous DMC but I was familiar with the story and games on Playstation. The story in this one just flew over my head but I enjoyed the stylish action. I still think Bayonetta does this linear hack and slash gameplay much better but having 3 different characters to play as adds some nice variety. Overall very linear but plays very well. Also when Dante gets his hat is the funniest thing I have seen this year.

  • Gears 5 brought some much needed changes to the series which I enjoyed immensely. The game looks fantastic and runs buttery smooth. This game improved on everything I didn't like in Gears 4 (weak characters and story) which makes Gears 5 my favorite in the series since Gears 3. I would like to see even more changes in the next game and I am hoping for a good conclusion to the saga.

  • Deep as an ocean but wide as a puddle. They basically took a slice of the large open world games like fallout and Elder Scrolls and by cutting off the excess they leave you with a rich and concentrated version of those games. However, in cutting out the large worlds you lose that sense of exploration and wonder which made you spend 200 hours in those bigger games. It would be hard to strike that perfect balance between deep story and limitless exploration but with enough money I am sure Obsidian can make something really special in the future.

  • I did not expect to get this addicted to this game. Sure I liked the first Division game enough but I bounced off it quickly. I found myself playing the Division 2 almost every day for half the year because I just wanted to make my dude stronger and stronger. I loved the setting and the gameplay felt great but don't expect anything close to a good story. The old Tom Clancy games didn't have masterful stories either but they were still more interesting than this.

  • The best fitness game ever made. It doesn't replace my routine at the gym but it is enough of a workout to supplement any half decent exercise routine. The adventure mode really keeps you engaged unlike other fitness games with no story or adventure.

  • I didn't expect anything from this game to be honest. The first reveals of this game did nothing for me. I have never really enjoyed the Uncharted series, I don't care much for Dark Souls gameplay and I have no affinity for Star Wars. Something about this game just hit me in the right way though. Sure there are technical problems but nothing so awful it breaks the game. This game knows what it wants to do and sticks to it.

  • Just a fart of an ending to the trilogy. Felt like nobody wanted anything to do with this game.

  • Another immersive sim that has a great setting and interesting plot twist but really overstays its welcome. The combat was also pretty annoying.

  • I liked the batmobile. Unfortunately I found the rest of the game to be middling and much too similar to the older, better, games.

  • Awesome, addicting and full of depth. Really enjoyed this one.

  • Very immersive setting but the alien was my least favorite part of the game. Also this game didn't need to be 14 hours long. Fun for 6 hours, annoying after that. Waaaaaay too long.

  • I played this in 4k 60 on the MCC. This is the second best Halo game. There I said it! Bungie gave it their all for their last Halo.

  • I watched my wife play through this and we had a lot of fun. That is until the game refused to end and I saw the sadness in her eyes as she had to fight through never ending dungeons until we finally finished it after some 80 plus hours. Great game but a tad too long.