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So I bought Too Human + Other stuff

So by now you have seen all the tears, screams and threats about Too Human. I will be the first one to admit that I talked mess about this game. But now I'm actually sorta sorry in a way. I went out today and bought the game after having some fun with the demo. I can honestly say I'm having a good time with it. I haven't ran into any of the glitches I heard about yet. I just don't know how to describe how I fell about the game besides fun. But since I'm only two hours into the game take those comments as you may.  If anyone is up for some co-op hit me up on Xbox Live. My Gamer Tag is AttackedCamo.

Now for some music! It's been awhile since I have actually pulled out a CD and listened to it start to finish (No thanks to this digital age!). So I went through some of my CDs today. Albums from "Turn The Radio Off" by Reel big Fish to Billy Talents debut CD and such. But one song from Rise Against got stuck in my head. It wasn't just the song that stuck with me. It was the music video for it. So if you haven't see the "Prayer of the Refugee" music video check it out.


As for movies I haven't really watched all that much. All I have watched is Platoon and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. So nothing new there...

The pictures from Florida will be coming by the weekend. My sister promised she'll post them. I'm holding her to her word. So look forward to those.

Well that wraps it up.


Ceiling some what fixed + Bug BE GONE!

Well I'm finally over my bug. I took Linkyshinks remedy and it worked. Just drank a lot of water, tea and stuff to flush out my system. It seems to have worked. I'm now able to eat again. Fun.. Now back to the ceiling. I was not told someone was coming to fix my ceiling yesterday. So I woke up to two spanish dudes in my room. I didn't know whether to be creeped out or reach for my bat. Then I realized they came to fix the ceiling. It's just weird seeing two hispanic people moving your stuff when no one is home and you're in bed. But they fixed the ceiling...sort of... They have to come back and sand it down and paint my ceiling. But I figured out why my ceiling was leaking. Since the air conditioner is right above my room it froze while I was on vacation. Thus leads to it melting and then the water drips on the floors and seeps into my ceiling.

In other news I'm still waiting from my sis to post the pictures of the pub. I'll post them up as soon as she does. Oh I almost forgot! I got two new movie posters for my room. I got the Fight Club and The Boondock Saints posters. I'll hang those up as soon as the work in my room is done.

As for games I've been just taking everything slow. Just played some Madden '09 and some Astropop. I'll probably get to some GTA4 later on today. Also there are so many good games coming out! I don't think I'll be able to afford all of them. (Insert sad face here.) But I'll work on it.

Also one more thing, I have 3 things I want to try out for college. I'll talk about it more in depth when the time comes around.




Back home and there is already trouble...

So I got back home around 11 o'clock last night. I was happy and sad at the same time. I got to do a lot of stuff in Pensacola, Florida that I wanted to do. But when I unpacked I walked  to my room just to notice the ceiling is leaking. I'll have to get that fixed... What a bummer. Also the pictures are coming. I'm just waiting for my sister to upload them. Also I got some kinda bug. Everything I eat seems to not like me. Enough of me moaning! I'm off to yell at my ceiling to stop leaking.


Even the walls could make it rain!

What's up everybody!
I'm still in Pensacola, Florida having a good time. Even if I am yelling at the sky to stop raining doesn't mean I'm saying the same thing inside. Let me explain... My family went to an Irish pub called Mcales. (I think I totally killed the name.) Believe it or not they have a tradition where you take a one dollar bill and sign your name or draw on it and then staple it to the walls or ceiling. Indeed it is awesome. They have close to a million dollars on the wall. My sister was nice enough to take pictures. So expect them to be up sometime by the end of this week. I got myself some stuff from the pub. I got a frozen green beer mug, shot glass and a pint glass. Maybe the best buys of my life. In the pub they also have some other traditions. Like lets say...kissing a dead moose head. (It's stuffed!). Apparently it'll give you a years good luck. My sister kissed the moose and I just sat there kinda with my head crained. I did not kiss the moose. I'm not going to lie...That's just creepy. But I will stand right next to an actual skeleton of a human... I pretty much have pictures of everything in the place so be prepared for awesome. As for today I plan on going to some of the stores near the beach. It'll be fun. Also I'm trying to drag someone to the Dark Knight. But no one will FUCKING GO! I think I might just have to hop on a trolley myself and go see it. Well anyway that's all the news for today.

PS: I wish I could rip all the money off the walls and "make it rain"...


Live from Florida!

Hello all!
I'm currently in the Tristan Towers in Pensacola, Florida. The drive down here was about twelve hours. I was awake for the whole trip. Mostly because of the three Nos Energy Drinks. I tried the "Fruit Punch" Nos and it's actually pretty good. I never noticed that so many truck stops had showers in them. I'm going on the record by saying that it's just plain weird. Sum gas stations even have DVD sections. I was tempted to buy Jackie Chans "Rumble In The Bronx" when I saw it. I've got to get back on track... So I'm here looking out on the beach with the Olympics on TV.  I haven't really gone out yet. I've pretty much just chilled out. Which is really what I have needed. I just thought I would give you all an update on what's up.


So here's the plan. + Would you be impressed?

I finally got the scoop on what's the plan for my vacation. On August 8th some movers will come and move all the furniture out of downstairs. (The kitchen was flooded because of a pipe burst.) Then on the 9th I'll be leaving at 3 AM to head down to Pensacola, Florida (That's where I'll be spending my vacation). During the vacation people will be tearing all the hardwood floors up to put new ones down. (The flood screwed up the floors.) Then I'll spend vacation down there until the 16th. Then I'll drive back up to Charlotte, North Carolina. I'll probably have to spend 2 to 3 days in an hotel until the floors are done. Then I can finally come home. So there is the layout. Like I said in my previous blog my parents are bringing their laptops. So I think I'll get on and post some updates if they have Wi-Fi at the place.

Streetlight Manifesto's song "Would you be impressed?" has been playing in my head all day.



MOTO-SURF! + Vacation soon

This is a quick scene from Surf Ninjas. I kinda want to Moto-Surf now... Get ready for EPICNESS! GO BUY THE FUCKING MOVIE!


I'll be posting more about my vacation coming up soon in my next blog. I still don't know the whole story on it but I'll tell you as soon as I find out. All I know is my family and I will be going down to Pensacola Florida. I've been down there many times and I'm running out stuff to do down there. I went every Christmas until my grandpa got to sick to make the trips down. So if anyone lives in the area can someone tell me something I should go do while I'm down there.


More DVDs + Sis moved + Talked to a buddy

Here is a list of DVDs I got recently.
  • The Condemned (Worth a watch)
  • Rambo 3 (It's another Rambo)
  • Semi Pro (Pretty funny)
  • Equilibrium (Pretty bad ass film)
  • S.W.A.T. (Worth a watch)
  • Starship Troopers 2 (They screwed my childhood up!)
  • XXX (Good for $5.00 bucks.)
  • Surf Ninjas (Worth the $4.00 bucks I payed for it.)
  • Blade (Meh..)
I bought some other movies. It's all kind of a haze because I watched all the movies in two days. Back to back...

But anyway as the topic says my sister finally moved and got an apartment. It's kinda bitter sweet. I helped move her out. Now she lives down in South Carolina with a good friend.

Also as I'm typing this I'm talking to a good friend of mine in the Army over AIM. Thank GOD for technology!

I'll talk to you all a little bit more next blog. My mind is kinda jumping around right now. Oh and my vacation is coming up. I'll be heading down to Florida. My parents are bringing their laptops so I might jump on here to give you all some updates.

Also this song has been stuck in my head.
