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I hate this part... Hockey and also games.

So today I have to see my girlfriends mom. UGH! It's weird how girls will slide that little hint of "Hey lets go out tomorrow...You should also meet my mom." Then I'm left there going "OK!" but in my mind I'm going FUCK!  Add that I'm tired as all get out and I'm sure this will go great... [/end sarcasm]  When I ever get put in this situation either I talk too much or I don't talk at all. I hate being sized up. I guess I'm ready for the Q&A though. The worst that her mom could say is "Get out of my house." Lets just hope that doesn't happen. Anyway I'll move on to a different subject.

The Charlotte Checkers (ECHL-Minor League Hockey) starts on the 31st (Halloween). I'll be there which I am excited about. I'll take some pictures for you all. It looks like I wont have to hand out candy now. WOO!

As far as games are concerned I've picked up Fable 2, Far Cry 2, Saints Row 2 and Pure. I'm enjoying all of them so far.
