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How did you play the Metal Gear Solid games?

I was just listening to the MGS4 edition of the Bombcast, and in it the guys mention that all of them played MGS4 in extended sessions, finishing the game in 2 or 3 sessions. And Jeff said that he stayed up till the early morning just to see it through till the ending. I found this interesting because this is exactly the way I played MGS4, and every game in the series for the first time. MGS2 was especially hard because I had school the next day and the credits didn't roll till 6:30 in the morning, leaving me with a half hour of sleep. But it was totally worth it. I don't normally play games for long periods at a time, it usually takes me a week or two to beat an average length single player game (i.e Uncharted 2 or Bioshock) but for some reason I just have to finish the Metal Gear games as soon as possible. I guess it's due to the strong focus on plot in those games, more so than other games. So yeah, did anyone else play them this way?