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@marcsman said:

I'll go out on a limb here. No Man's Sky

I have a pc.

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#2  Edited By bcooper21

Its been over a year and we have yet to get one big stand out first party game that was not at launch. The actual highlight and best game on system was Infamous which i already finished 100% and got a platinum. Now that you have order 1886 and all it did is disappoint people what is there looking forward will Playstation 4 just be similar to Xbox 360 where its just third party? Right now the Xbox one has more games im sorry as a huge sony fan owning a PS4, Wii u and pc and not even owning a xbox one its alot more appealing right now and better first party.

I guess hope of Playtation 4 first part is on Uncharted.

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#3  Edited By bcooper21

Some people might interpret a bad value with a short game. Not necessarily a bad game.

True thats my problem with jeff giving it 2/5 it not a bad game to give a game that low a score there must be something wrong or broken about the game. Even if its rental that does not mean you take off 1-2 stars.

Its average good 3/5 game.

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Im afraid to watch this quick look since games so short im likely watching 1/4 of it.

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I have a serious issue with people who actually watch games on youtube rather than play them honestly kinda pisses me off dont know why. I never understood how they could do that it feels so weird to me at least watching a game and saying ok i experienced it fully no need to buy it... no you did didn't you just experienced what someone else did playing the game its completely different if your playing it.

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It was never meant to import your save or choices you are to make the choices and select them your self. A save import it to buggy from what i heard thats why they went with this system remember with da2 with all choices being bugged.

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@shaka999 said:

Neat thread idea, and based on the (current) poll results, I wanna say a few things:

You guys should really play the Oracle games. It might be like @naoiko said and it's nostalgia-based love, but man those games were fantastic and I thought they played perfectly on the Eshop version.

I really want to give a Link to the Past another shot. I remember playing the GBA remake and being really lukewarm on it. I liked it, don't get me wrong, but it didn't leave quite the impression I was expecting it to leave. I got a lot of free time these days so maybe I'll give it another shot.

Really didn't like how Spirit Tracks controlled, and I likely won't ever touch Phantom Hourglass because of it. Oddly enough, I thought the train controls were fine, but I hated how much I had to ride that damn train. Which brings me to...

Wind Waker. I just can't get myself into it no matter how many times I play it. I'm not one of those "oh the art style is lame!" people; I loved the art style and the music. My problem is that everything took too damn long: taking the boat to a new location (hate hate hate hate the boat), dungeons were too long, hunting for the triforce... All that said, I actually really like the last dungeon/bosses. That final fight against Ganondorf too might be my favorite final boss fight in a Zelda game.

Ocarina is dope, but Majora's Mask is the best Zelda. If anyone gives even the tiniest of a shit, I'd be happy to expand on that.

Barely remember Minish Cap; I know I have a copy around here somewhere so maybe I'll give it another shot. I remember thinking it was okay.

Oracle games i did not like at all. I did not like how you need two games for the complete story seemed like cash grab. I loved links awakening played seasons never got into it.

Zelda 1 Zelda 2 and Oracle games were on zelda games i never liked or got into. Tried them both from eshop did not enjoy them. Links awakening is a different story loved that one.

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#9  Edited By bcooper21

Dam that patch on ps4. I thought pc was bad with 5.2 g update today at least it fixes bugs also and adds features on pc not sure about console.

New Features:

  • Bright Lord DLC support added. (Note: Bright Lord DLC requires slightly higher system specs than Main Game Campaign. If you’re noticing a loss in performance, please lower system settings.)

Continued PC Improvements:


  • Fixed rare crash encountered when going into Skills Menu.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if blood failed to render.
  • Fixed issue where game would crash after a video card driver crash.
  • Fixed crash related to physics.


  • Improved rendering on domination FX to improve framerate.


  • Fixed issue where users save progress could be lost after watching benchmark to completion.


  • Added ability to skip Splash Screens after first launch.


  • Steam Achievements not being awarded properly. (Issue 1: Occasionally Achievement wasn’t awarded even though game criteria satisfied. Game now verifies again whether Achievement criteria has already been met and will re-pop. In some cases, it may be required to perform unlock a 2nd time. Issue 2: Some Achievements weren’t being awarded in Challenge Mode even though they should have. This issue should now be resolved.)
  • Fixed issue where player would lose Orc Hunter Rune when restarting Lord of the Hunt DLC.
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@namoo said:

If you want flawless 60fps then ArmA 2 really isn't gonna be for you. Simulation comes at a cost.

I have standalone not arma 2.